After scoring the first goal, Bart Zorns was very upset and took the ball again.

Fang Yuan’s team of five did the same, and after stealing again, it passed to Eve.

Eve uses the fog to cover and dribble the breakthrough.

The fog is getting bigger and bigger, covering half of the beach.

Moreover, since reaching the War Level, the control over the fog has become stronger and stronger.

It can refract light with fog to create illusions, and it can also control the fog to flow into various shapes to fight the storm.

In the White Eagles, there are no detectives arranged, so you can’t see through the fog.

According to Bart Zorns’s idea, it’s just playing a Superpower football and you can abolish your opponent with one kick, and you don’t need any explorers.

However, the result was completely contrary to what he thought.

They have an assassin line, can invisible breakthrough, but are restrained by the opponent’s explorer.

And they have no explorers, there is no way to take the mist.

There is no way to say it, but it is not accurate.

Seeing Eve dribbling into the White Eagles backcourt again, Bart Zorns was very angry and waved to order the White Eagles to intercept.

The White Eagles can’t see through the fog, but if they really want to deal with it, there is still a way.

A Spirit family member of the White Eagle immediately burst into Star Power, raising his hand to roll up a huge firefly.

Huo Jiao raised his head, thirty stories high, roared into the mist, and rushed down.

The White Eagles directly use a wide range of attack ability, wanting to swallow them with people and fog.

The best way to deal with the fog is indeed a range attack.

Mist covering is different from invisibility.

Invisible is completely invisible, and I don’t know where the invisible is.

If there is no detectability, there is basically no way to get invisible.

Although fog cover can hide whereabouts, there is a key, that is, people must be in the range of fog.

Therefore, as long as the area attack is used to cover the entire fog area, the concealment effect will naturally not exist.

It’s just that, now it’s not fighting, just playing football.

Under normal circumstances, even when playing Superpower football, the offensive capability is not used by default.

So, the ability like Fire Jiao is not suitable for use in Superpower football.

If any attack method can be used, it is not kicking.

Break your opponent directly and score any goal you want.

So, since it is playing football, there must be some default rules.

Among them, the offensive ability is too strong and is not suitable for playing football.

Seeing that Fire Jiao pounced down, the other four members of the team were about to rush up to help.

Just then.

The mist surging up, forming a fog dragon, rushing up against the fire scorpion, violently colliding with each other, bursting out waves of air.

The Wulong and Fire Jiao bite each other, stirring the entire beach into Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Eve’s voice came from the communication channel at the same time: “Captain, I’m going to pass the ball, bang them!”

Fang Yuan immediately speeds up to get rid of Bart Zorns, breakthrough To the White Eagle restricted area.

At the same time.

Football flies out of the fog.

Fang Yuan raises his foot to shoot, momentum is big, power is deep.


One kick dribbles the ball and blasts through the goal.


The five members of Fang Yuan’s team continued to cooperate a few more times, playing the White Eagles round and round.


Fang Yuan shot four times, blasting all four of the White Eagles into the goal.

In the end, only one Bart Zorns could stand.

The five members of the team stood in a row and smiled sincerely at the five members of the White Eagles.

“It seems that your old enemy plan may be reinvented.”

Bart Zorns was furious, clenched his fists, and wanted to do it, but finally forced it. Hold it back, because this is the East China Sea, if you do it here, it is no different from courting death.

He snorted heavily, with a full face of anger, and leaves angrily.

Fang Yuan looked at the total number of anger points and earned more than 5,000 anger points in a game of football. This kind of friendly discussion with international friends is really meaningful.


The planetary defense conference continues in the East China Sea, and countries continue to discuss the attack on the Star Beast brood in the Deep Wind Rift Valley.

The White Eagle insists on uniting all countries to attack. The apparent purpose is to use the attack to contain the Star Beast group and relieve the pressure on the coastal cities of various countries.

Apart from this, there is another purpose. Naturally, it is the aircraft in the nest of the Deep Wind Rift Valley.

For that aircraft, Donghai is not very interested.

If you can get the best, but you have to pay a high price for it, it is open to discussion.

After all, the Eastern Naval Academy of Sciences has already obtained the Halo-level master control brain. In the Halo-level aircraft, the most valuable items are already in hand, and the remaining aircraft shells are not so urgent.

Therefore, the East China Sea is not in a hurry to take the initiative to attack, and continues to wrestle with other planetary defense members.

White Eagle is in the council and is more anxious.

The reason for the urgency is also obvious, because the Eastern Naval Academy of Sciences has obtained the Halo-level master brain of the Advent Civilization of the Soul of Palerce.

If the master brain of this higher civilization can be used, the role it can play will be incalculable.

After Donghai has fully digested the value of the Halo-level master-control brains, there will be a qualitative leap in technological strength. At that time, the dominance of the White Eagle may not be guaranteed.

Therefore, all the White Eagle executives who know the Advent Civilization aircraft are very anxious.

Now, they still maintain the position of world overlord, they can act unscrupulously on Earth and do whatever they want.

However, once there is no advantage in the field of technology, then decline will become inevitable.

Therefore, even if the White Eagle country pays a huge price, it wants to get the Halo-class aircraft.

even more how, the White Eagle Nation does not intend to pay its own price, but intends to let other nations follow it to attack the Great Rift Valley.

Be generous to others and earn your own benefit.

This abacus is not inaccurate.

In the hotel where the White Eagle delegation stayed.

Bart Zorns directed at the delegation Chief-In-Charge Strong angrily roared: “Immediately send the battle to the East China Sea, I want to beat the clown named Fang Yuan!”


“This is the East China Sea, so be calm.” Strong said calmly.

“Of course I know that this is the East China Sea, otherwise I would pinch him to death this afternoon!” Bart Zorns said angrily.

“You really may not be able to pinch him to death.” Strong’s tone was a little joking.

Bart Zorns felt a trace of ridicule in his words, and immediately roared: “Just his kind of trash, I can’t pinch him?”

Strong takes out A document was thrown on the table, saying: “This is a report submitted by the agent of the Intelligence Bureau’s Detection Department. It clearly says that this Chinese named Fang Yuan is already Meteor Level. Moreover, he is wearing Black Dragon Battle. People from Armor.

“At this age, reaching Meteor Level and wearing China’s Dragon Series Battle Armor, this person’s potential is terrifying, I’m afraid you are really incomparable. “

After listening to Bart Zorns, his face became more angry, his fists clenched, and the joints ka ka rang.

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