Regarding the information about the possible alienation of the White Eagle executives, the Divine Sword Bureau directly provided the information to the White Eagle Intelligence Bureau.

As for the follow-up development of this matter, the Divine Sword Bureau cannot intervene.

In fact, after confirming this information, the follow-up development of White Eagle in China can already be speculated.

White Eagle is very resistant to genetic testing. Therefore, it is difficult to implement universal genetic testing, resulting in slow progress in identifying aliens.

At the same time.

The identification of alienated people and the research of alienated genes in the East China Sea continue.

In the past several decades, humans have leaned most of their scientific research resources on weapons research and Awakener research.

The research on biological genes does not have much resource tilt.

After all, weapon research and Awakener ability research can improve battle strength, biological genetic research, and there will be little effect in the short term.

The appearance of alienated people has pushed genetic research to the forefront in one fell swoop.

However, there are also some objections in the scientific community.

The reason is also very simple.

The civilization upgrade method of Star Beast civilization is genetic evolution, which controls and annexes other civilizations through genes.

Therefore, the Star Beast civilization can be regarded as a kind of naturally evolved gene-side civilization.

Human beings are scientific and technological civilizations, and biological genes are also a kind of scientific and technological research, but to defeat a civilization that has evolved through biological genes in biological genes, it may not be a good choice.

Some scientists even believe that the use of genetic weapons is always impossible to destroy the Star Beast civilization.

The greatest feature of biological evolution is survival of the fittest.

Even if humans have developed the “Extinction Order” genetic weapons, the Star Beast civilization will be purged for a round.

But as long as an individual in the Star Beast civilization can withstand the cleansing of genetic weapons, they will naturally have the ability to resist genetic weapons. Through strong reproductive capacity, there is still the probability of restoring population numbers.

The true essence of science is a process of removing falsehood and seeking truth.

Therefore, this questioning voice is necessary.

Only through experiments and conjecture verification, the final conclusion is the truth.

War Zone headquarters has more confidence in the “Extinction Order” genetic weapons, because this method of destroying the Star Beast civilization often comes from the Advent Civilization of the Soul of Palerce.

The method proposed by a super galaxy civilization is of high enough value in itself.

The difficulty now lies in how to improve the level of genetic technology.

According to the “Extinction Order” genetic weapon plan, it is necessary to possess 1.Level 5 genetic technology to achieve the effect of destroying the Star Beast civilization.

Now the level of human civilization is only 0.Level 8.

According to the calculation of the civilization process, if there is no particularly big opportunity, the level of human civilization will increase in a thousand years.

Relevant studies basically believe that it takes a thousand years for the level of human civilization to rise to a level.

Of course, this is the speed of normal development.

If there is a big technology explosion, coupled with the situation of overtaking in a curve, the time cannot be calculated.

After all, what kind of Superpower features will appear in the human Awakener is unpredictable.

For example, materials with strong interaction force.

If there is no strong interaction material made by Fang Yuan with ability, it will take at least a thousand years for human civilization to master this technology.

However, now that mankind has obtained the standard answer of this technology, the difficulty is greatly reduced by deriving the problem-solving process through the answer.

A technological advancement will lead to a leap in other related technologies.

Take the controllable nuclear fusion that humans have not yet been able to master.

One of the reasons why it is unable to master the controllable nuclear fusion technology is that the material technology cannot keep up with it and cannot produce the required reactor materials.

If the research on materials with strong interaction forces is successful, then the controllable nuclear fusion technology will achieve an instant breakthrough due to the advancement of this material technology.

For this reason, Donghai decided to take the lead in researching materials with strong interaction forces.

Materials technology is the cornerstone of many basic technologies.

Now the country has another scientific research focus, which is genetic weapons.


Scientists are responsible for scientific research.

Fang Yuan is responsible for contributing materials with strong interaction force to Yang Yuping laboratory for research.

At the same time, another important task is to improve battle strength.

At nine o’clock in the morning, Fang Yuan ran into Zhao Anya when he arrived at the Academy of Military Sciences.

The two chatted while walking.

“The Intelligence Section has obtained the relevant information about the restrained super fighter. The code name of the plan is’old enemy’.” Zhao Anya took pleasure in other people’s misfortune when he met Fang Yuan at the Academy of Military Sciences. Speaking of this.

“Why do I listen to your tone, as if I am happy?” Fang Yuan was speechless when he saw the charming smile on her face.

“Boys, don’t suffer a bit of frustration, you don’t grow up.” Zhao Anya wears a green military uniform, looks valiant and formidable looking, but has several points of charming when he laughs.

“Nonsense! I think thumping talent is the fastest way to grow.” Fang Yuan knew she was cracking a joke.

“Speaking seriously, the’old enemy’ plan and the super warriors trained are indeed specifically designed to restrain you. Each ability is specifically based on your ability to choose. I feel that you really Not necessarily the opponent of that person.” Zhao Anya turned back to the topic.

“Where is that person’s information? Why didn’t you give me a copy?” Fang Yuan was also curious.

“Admiral Luo De called you over today. It should be just to talk about this. You must be mentally prepared. This time you really met your opponent.” Zhao Anya said with a smile.

The two went into General Luo De’s office together.

“You two have already met, do you know the white eagle’s’old enemy’ plan?” Admiral Luo De went straight to the subject.

“I just heard, the question is, why do these idiots keep having trouble with me? Playing Star Beast, okay?” Fang Yuan was really speechless.

The biggest enemy facing mankind now is obviously the Star Beast civilization.

“Speaking of which, this’old enemy’ plan actually started before the Star Beast civilization went wild. The White Eagles wanted to fight Star Beast, but they did not stop the plan. Besides, The super fighters who are specifically aimed at you don’t mean that they can’t be used to fight Star Beast. For them, it is completely a matter of killing two birds with one stone, there is no conflict.” Admiral Luo De said.

“Okay. Do you have any information about this product? Let me see.” Fang Yuan reached out and asked.

Admiral Luo De pushed a piece of information over.

Fang Yuan picked up the information and glanced at it. There was not much information on it.

Obviously, the Intelligence Section does not have much information. After all, it is the top secret plan of the White Eagle. It is already very good to be able to detect some of the information.

If it weren鈥檛 for Zhao Jueming鈥檚 disclosure of the restrained super fighter, I鈥檓 afraid it would have to wait until this “old enemy” super fighter actually appeared.

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