The Academy of Military Sciences made various attempts, but was unable to communicate with the main control brain of the Advent Civilization aircraft.

Finally, Eve had to use the “mechanical heart” to try.

Eve stretched out his hands, pressed them on the triangular body, then closed his eyes and began to try to communicate.

The process is relatively slow, and the researchers present are not in a hurry, waiting patiently.

Initially doing research is a relatively long and boring thing.

Fang Yuan was more impatient, and asked: “How?”

“I can feel its existence, but it is very difficult to communicate. It may take a while. OK.” Eve didn’t open his eyes, replied, and continued to try.

Da Liu reminded from the side: “The languages ​​of different civilizations are very different. You need to try to communicate as much as possible to let it parse out our language information.”

” , I know.”

Eve continued to try to express through the “mechanical heart”, but there was no response.

However, she is very patient, especially when dealing with machines.

In her opinion, the master computer is the soul of the machine. It is very interesting to communicate with the soul of a machine, even if the language is not clear.

This attempt lasted more than three hours and continued into the evening.

The rest of the researchers discussed: “Why don’t you stop here today. Go back and finish eating, rest, and continue tomorrow.”

“Wait, wait, I feel It seems to want to respond to me.” Eve refused to stop and continued to try.

Just then.

The signal monitoring instrument in the laboratory suddenly received a radio wave and made a beeping sound.

Da Liu hurriedly turned to look at the instrument, pushed his glasses and said, “It’s a radio signal. The radio signal is found. It is from this triangular body.”

“Mechanical If you are familiar with it to the highest degree, Awakener can directly receive radio signals.

Eve can indeed perceive the electric wave signal, but at present it is still unable to understand the meaning contained in the electric wave signal.

However, it does not matter.

The equipment in the laboratory can interpret radio signals.

Da Liu quickly operated on the computer and translated the radio signal: “It said’Hello’, it was saying hello.”

Eve smiled suddenly on his face. I mean, continue to communicate in the way of “mechanical heart”: “Hello, hello.”

Radio signals continue to be sent from the triangulated brain.

Da Liu continued to translate: “Please submit your identity password.”

“Sorry, I don’t have a password. Can you tell me who you are?” Eve asked.

“Without a password, the system cannot be started. I am the master brain of a Halo-level general-purpose aircraft. I don’t have an identity password and can only provide help services.” Liu continued to translate the radio signal.

“What is the identity password?” Eve continued to ask.

“Energy body electromagnetic wave identity password.” Halo’s main control brain continues to send out electric wave signals.

“Since you are an intellectual brain, can you think about problems?” Eve continued to ask.

“The Halo-level main control brain has an advanced intelligent system that can think independently and assist flight.” The Halo main control brain replied with electric wave signals.

“Can you tell me about Palestine Advent Civilization?” Eve continued to ask.

“This question does not belong to the content of the help service, please ask again.” The Halo-level mastermind refused to answer.

Fang Yuan looked at the dialogue translated on the laptop screen and couldn’t help but complain: “This guy is not smart at all.”

Da Liu analyzed the function of the aircraft. : “Strictly speaking of which, this aircraft should not be a battle-type aircraft, but a civilian aircraft. The main control brain level is not high, and it is not a strange thing.”

Fang Yuan thought slightly. I understand.

The crescent-shaped aircraft inside the Star Beast brood is not a battleship at first glance. Although the shell is hard and knocked out the Star Beast world into a big rift, it is not essentially an interstellar battleship, so it is the master The level of intellectual brain is definitely lower than battleship.

Eve continued to use the “mechanical heart” to say: “How about I make another body for you? The one that can walk and talk.”

“Not a help service Content, please ask again.” The master Zhinao repeated this sentence again.

Eve didn’t care that many, and stopped eating dinner, so he dragged her father over and used a robot shell overnight.

Finally, a crawler robot was made with a 3D printed shell and an electronic screen. The white and round shape is like a welcome robot in a bank.

A translation program is installed in the robot, which can directly translate the electric wave signal of the main control brain of the aircraft into human language, just like a robot is talking.

“It’s done, it’s done. Captain, you remember to see it tomorrow.”

Before going to bed, Eve sent a message in the group.

2nd day.

The research team continues to conduct research on the main control brain of aircraft in the Academy of Military Sciences.

“I will give you a new name, Mumu, English name MUMU.” Eve decided happily.

The main control brain of the aircraft immediately sends out electric wave signals, and through the robot translation program, it sends out an electronically synthesized sound: “I am the main control brain of the Halo-level general-purpose aircraft.”

“You It’s called MUMU now.” Eve emphasized again.

“Please provide the identity password.” The MUMU master brain repeats this instruction again.

“I don’t have a password, but I can make friends with you and teach you to walk.” Eve pushed it with his hands.

“If you don’t have an identity password, you can switch to the help service. Please contact the Halo-class general-purpose aircraft production company’Quinta Transgalactic Cluster Star Aviation Company’ to apply for an identity password again.” A solution without an identity password.

The group of four stood by and watched.

Fang Yuan leaned over and asked Liu: “This thing is just a computer, right? Can you find some bugs and hack it?”

“It’s unlikely, this I don’t know anything about the internal structure of things. Even what type of computer can’t detect it. All communication is translated into radio signals. So far, we have not released its core code. Even I don’t know whether it has a code or not.” Liu said helplessly.

“Don’t even know what type of computer it is?” Fang Yuan frowned.

“Yes, so far, human beings have conceived computers, which are not similar to this thing. It is not a photon computer, nor a quantum computer. I don’t know what the principle is. Anyway, Advent Civilization The technology of this is completely beyond the computer technology currently known to mankind.” Da Liu explained.

Eve continued to communicate with the MUMU master brain, trying various methods: “Can’t you make an exception to start the system?”

“No identity password, halo level The master brain can only provide help services.”

“Then what if I can’t find your production company now? We have fallen on a distant planet, hundreds of thousands of light years away from the parent galaxy , Can’t be connected at all.” Eve thoughtfully put forward a kind of probability.

“Lost in the distant universe, losing the signal connection of the parent galaxy, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Article 12, the main control brain system can be temporarily activated, and the Halo-class aircraft will automatically launch a distress signal. After the signal, the system will be locked again.” The MUMU master brain started a curve.

“This is also OK?” The four members of the team didn’t expect to be able to do this, suddenly looked at each other in blank dismay.


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