In the White Eagle Capital, thousands of kilometers away, the chief of the White Eagle Congress stared at the screen to watch the live broadcast of this contact with Star Beast civilization.

“Why is this big head beetle so arrogant? The Navy should bombard it.” The Chief of the White Eagle Congress pointed at the brain beast on the screen and said with a serious face.

“Mr. President, this terrifying won’t work. The Star Beast civilization is very dangerous. The rift-armed Red Bee can assassinate anyone on Earth.” The Congress Secretary reminded.

“How terrifying are those Fissure Arm Red Bees?” The president didn’t care about it, thinking that his security measures were adequate.

“Almost the same as Frank Peters who disappeared before, War Level Lv.10.” The Congress Secretary replied.

When the president heard this answer, his expression changed, and he said: “I think the security level of Congress needs to be improved.”

At this time.

A Congress worker came in with a document and said: “Mr. President, the Princeton Space Laboratory suffered a heavy loss in the Star Beast attack. They hope Congress will issue a reconstruction fund.”


The chief of the White Eagle Congress exaggeratedly said: “What does the destruction of the Princeton laboratory have to do with me? Let them find the governor of their state.”

After that, he looked back again. The live broadcast on the screen continued to comment on the ugly appearance of the brain beast: “This insect is as ugly as a leather shoe.”


The first communication with Star Beast civilization is close end.

The chief of the White Eagle Congress, seeing that the communication is about to end, immediately issued an order to the navy fleet through Congress: “Grab the insect, bring it back for research, and dig out more useful intelligence. The same is an alien. Civilization, grasping this ugly insect is no less valuable than Rahu.”

“Mr. President, this brain beast is here to communicate, equivalent to human ambassador, normally speaking , It should not be attacked.” The Congress Secretary reminded.

“What are you talking about? You actually use an ugly insect as an ambassador? Go and deliver my order now!” The White Eagle Congress chief scolded.

Mariana Sea Territory.

The White Eagle’s naval fleet received the order, and the battleship drove up, one kilometer apart, surrounding the brain beast.

The rest of the countries present were a little surprised to see the actions of the White Eagle fleet.

The first communication between the two civilizations was not satisfactory.

However, this brain beast is indeed equivalent to the ambassador of the Star Beast civilization, and attacked the ambassador of the Star Beast civilization. From the human point of view, this matter is indeed open to question.

However, the White Eagle Country intends to force it.

On the Sky Fortress.

Han Youwei looked at the actions of the White Eagle Country, frowned and said: “They seem to be attacking the brain beast.”

“I guess I want to catch it back for research.” Eve speculated.

“Catch this brain beast for research, there is value, but not much. Since the Star Beast civilization has released the brain beast, it has already explained that it doesn’t care whether the brain beast can go back.” Fang Yuan said thoughtfully.

Just then.

The brightness of the rays of light emitted from the shimmer flagella on the brain beast’s body began to increase, as if the tentacles were shaking in midair.

Fang Yuan stared at the flagella and found something, so he turned around and asked Zhao Anya: “Is the energy level raised?”

“It is raised, this brain beast seems Gathering energy.” Zhao Anya replied.

“Then quickly remind the scientific research team on the sea to stay away from the brain beast.” Fang Yuan said.

The East China Sea ship on the sea below reacted quickly and immediately moved away from the brain beast.

The White Eagle Fleet received an order from the Congress and began to try to capture the brain beast. First, it shot the hook to tie the brain beast.

The brain beast began to struggle, but its combat effectiveness was not strong, so it could not break free from the shackles of the hook lock.

The East China Sea representative of the Planetary Defense Council tried to communicate with the White Eagle Country, hoping that they would temporarily stop their actions against the Brain Beast.

It’s just that the White Eagle Fleet does not at all pay attention to it, and continues to attack the brain beast.

The representative of Bai Ying also sneered in response: “You are worried that the brain beast will be caught by us, so we can learn more valuable information from it?”

tone barely fell.

The shimmering flagella of the brain beast suddenly flicked, and a burst of high-intensity energy gathered in the brain beast within the body, and then burst open.


The whole brain beast is like a high-explosive bomb, exploding fiercely, and all the white eagle Awakener soldiers surrounding it collapsed and flew out.

“This is…self-destructed.” Eve blinked.

“As recorded in the book, humans have never caught a living brain beast. It turns out that it will explode.” Han Youwei sighed.

The brain beast is self-destructed, which also means that the communication with Star Beast civilization ended in failure.

If the Star Beast civilization is angry because the brain beast explodes and immediately starts a full-scale war, then the situation will be bad.

“It looks like you have to prepare for the battle. What exactly do Baiying idiots want to do?” Fang Yuan felt very speechless at the arrogant and stupid behavior of Baiying Country.

“From now on, I have to fight if I don’t want to fight.” Zhao Anya’s tone was helpless.

The brain beast exploded, and the transparent blood splashed in all directions and fell into the sea.

It didn’t take long for groups of Ocean Star Beasts to gather and begin to compete for the flesh and blood sprinkled after the brain beast exploded.

Thousands of giant shark-level impulse beasts, frantically rushing for food, stirred the entire Sea Territory to a boil.

Fang Yuan stood on the SkyFortress, looking at the frowned, frowned, surging sea below, and said, “I have an unpleasant feeling.”

Han Youwei worriedly said: “If the Star Beast in the sea is under the command of the Star Beast civilization, it would be terrible.”

The military research team immediately expressed concern to the War Zone headquarters.

War Zone headquarters responded quickly and immediately issued a red danger warning, blocked all ports, prohibited ships from going out to sea, and recalled all personnel operating at sea.

Since the age of Star Power, the ocean has become more and more dangerous.

Even fishing boats need to be equipped with military force to go to sea, and even if they are equipped with military force, going out to sea is still a job with extremely high risk factor.

The reason for this situation is also very simple.

Human nations can wipe out the Star Beast that broke into Earth from the land relatively quickly, but there is no way to clean up the Star Beast in the ocean.

This makes the ocean the safest habitat for Star Beast.

After several decades of development, the ocean has almost become an area ruled by the Ocean Star Beast.

Every time the tidal activity is violent, there will even be cases where the ocean Star Beast threatens the coastal city.

Human scientists warned as early as more than ten years ago that the ocean has become a breeding ground for Star Beast. If the scale of the Ocean Star Beast cannot be reduced, it will surely become the biggest hidden danger for mankind in the future.

In fact, every country in the world knows that this warning is right, but no country has a solution.

The ocean is the best protective layer for Star Beast. Humans can’t chase into the deep sea and wipe out the ocean Star Beast.

Even if it consumes a lot of manpower and material resources, at best, it can only guarantee the safety of the offshore area.

However, Star Beast’s look around is not the most dangerous state of the ocean. So far, there has been no organized attack on the Ocean Star Beast.

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