After the scientists were attacked by Star Beast, the East China Sea War Zone headquarters held an emergency combat meeting that afternoon.

War Zone headquarters, War Zone staff, Awakener troops, Divine Sword Bureau and other departments participated.

Military research classes are also eligible to participate in the conference.

“The situation is relatively severe. All cutting-edge technology laboratories and scientific research personnel in the world have been attacked to varying degrees. The situation is not optimistic.” Divine Sword Bureau representatives first reported on the situation of the countries in the world.


A professor of cosmology and sociology stood up and published a preliminary analysis report:

“This should be the first official contact between mankind and Star Beast civilization. From the current situation From a point of view, the first contact is not optimistic.

“As for speaking, why is it the first official contact? The reason is very simple. The Star Beasts that humans have come into contact with before are all intruding into Earth without purpose, and they belong to scattered Star Beasts.

“However, this time Star Beast’s attack on the scientific research laboratory was obviously purposeful. It was a planned group action, and there must be a leader’s command behind it.

“Therefore, before Human beings are only in contact with Star Beast, this time is the real contact with Star Beast civilization. The way the other party greets is very unfriendly. ”

In other words, the previous conflicts between humans and Star Beast were only conflicts with the individual Star Beast, not at all rising to the level of civilization.

Now, it’s civilization. A degree of conflict, which also means a dangerous signal, that is a civilized war that may occur.

Fang Yuan approached Yang Yuping and discussed with him in a low voice: “It looks like the video image we used The way of communication, not at all has an effect. “

“The differences in civilization are so great that it is indeed difficult to coexist. Originally thought that there was a common enemy of Advent Civilization and a foundation for cooperation, but now it seems that it is very difficult. “Yang Yuping’s expression is also very serious.

There was no warning at this time. If Fang Yuan were not in the laboratory, he would have been cut into two pieces by the Red Bee. .

The difference between human civilization and Star Beast civilization is so big that they cannot understand each other.

Human civilization belongs to science and technology civilization. Human beings explore the mysteries of the universe through scientific and technological means and use the universe. The physics rule manufacturing machinery pushes civilization to High Rank.

Star Beast civilization is completely different.

From the appearance of Star Beast, it can be seen that reaching War Level Lv.10 The Raffle Arm Red Bee does not use any external tools and relies solely on individual strength to fight.

From this point, it can be seen that the Star Beast civilization does not use technological power, and is completely improved by biological evolution. Civilization level.

Of course, it’s not that Star Beast doesn’t use tools at all.

In fact, some Star Beast with high IQ can learn to use weapons, but This is not a general phenomenon.

Moreover, Star Beast civilization does not manufacture weapons, so it will not use technological weapons on a large scale.

The meeting is still going on.

A military staff representative made a speech: “According to the staff’s profile of Star Beast’s actions, this attack is likely to develop into a war.

“The Star Beast civilization has sent a clear signal that they will not allow our civilization strength to surpass them. This contradiction is difficult to reconcile. Therefore, we need to be prepared for civil war at any time.”

An admiral from the War Zone headquarters said: “This is not a matter of our country, but a matter of all mankind. An emergency meeting of the Planetary Defense Council should be held immediately to discuss countermeasures with other countries.”

The meeting discussed the general direction of the Star Beast attack.

Subsequently, countries around the world communicated and agreed to convene an emergency strategic meeting of the Planetary Defense Council immediately.

It’s just that there is some controversy about the location of the meeting.

The White Eagle Nation requested a planetary defense conference on the west coast, and the East China Sea hopes to hold a conference locally.

Due to the Star Beast’s attack on the cutting-edge technology laboratory, the White Eagle suffered heavy losses, and finally agreed to hold a planetary defense meeting on the west coast of the White Eagle country.

War Zone headquarters sent a staff to attend the meeting.

This kind of meeting is mainly based on wrangling, so Fang Yuan is not interested in participating.

Went here to the west coast of White Eagle, it is better to stay in the country to protect the scientific treasure of human civilization.

The scientific treasures of human civilization are naturally those scientists who spend their lives exploring the mysteries of the universe.

The Star Beast civilization launched an attack, and it is very likely that there will be a second, a third… until the final detonation of a full-scale war.

From this day on, the Academy of Military Sciences, Yang Yuping Laboratory, and all cutting-edge science and technology laboratories nationwide have been heavily guarded.

A variety of the latest detection instruments are also installed around the laboratory, and a mosquito is not allowed to fly in.

It is really necessary to let a mosquito not let go.

Because Star Beast may have a variety of weird abilities, such as the Rifle Arm Red Bee, which has collapsing particles that can shrink Small Accomplishment cockroaches as small as possible, plus the invisibility ability, from the sewer Get into the laboratory, really you can’t guard against it.

It is also from this day that outstanding scientists in various fields are protected by the Awakener Guard.

Yang Yuping ridiculed several times that he was like a prisoner, and someone followed him in the bathroom.

In the next week, there were two more Star Beast attacks.

Moreover, the targets of the attacks this time are more concentrated, only attacking Number One Person in various fields of the contemporary era.

Yang Yuping naturally became a key target.

However, the attack was unsuccessful when the military was prepared.

The Awakener Guard, which is arranged next to Yang Yuping, focuses on detection and protection.

Since the number of super fighters is relatively small compared to the number of Awakeners, when protecting targets, we focus on reconnaissance and protection. After an attack occurs, immediately notify the super fighters to come and snipe Star Beast .

Fang Yuan exploded two rift-armed red bees back and forth. In the battle, his physical potential was further stimulated, and the distance to breakthrough War Level Lv.9 was getting closer.

With the development of the attack on scientists, some information gradually surfaced.

The Star Beast civilization has mastered the information channels and can know the information of human scientists.

The Star Beast civilization clearly knows which talents among human beings are the key to the development of science and technology, and they have selectively attacked them, and they have also had an effect.

China’s research progress on materials with strong interaction forces has slowed down a lot because of the attack.

The situation on the White Eagle side is even worse, and some research projects have been forced to stop.

The emergency strategy meeting of the Planetary Defense Council has begun to discuss the feasibility of taking the initiative.

It’s just that, so far, it’s still not sure where the head of Star Beast civilization is, and what kind of strike means can be used to deter Star Beast civilization.

For human beings, fighting a full-scale war with the Star Beast civilization is not a good choice, even if the Star Beast civilization is very hateful.

However, it is necessary to face the threat that Advent Civilization may come at any time. At this stage, seizing the opportunity to develop technology is the best choice.

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