“Everyone here knows that an atom is a microscopic particle, but in fact, most of the space occupied by an atom is empty. Even in dense metals, the distance between one nucleus and another is like Earth It’s so far away to the fire star…”

Fang Yuan continued to explain the structure of the material with strong interaction force. Of course, it was not for the scientists on the scene, but for the group playing power at the other end of the video conference. And the old political gangsters.

“The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons. The strong interaction force is the force that combines protons and neutrons into the nucleus. The strong interaction force material is to lock and connect the protons and neutrons of matter. Together.

“In other words, the distance between the nucleus and the nucleus in the material with strong interaction force is gone, forming a truly dense structure with an absolutely smooth surface.

“As for the hardness of the material with strong interaction force, I will not explain it. Anyway, it is trivial to resist nuclear bombs.”

After the explanation, the physics of the bear country I also finished scanning the tunnel Microscope, and imaged again.

As before, the surface of the material with strong interaction force is absolutely smooth, and the protons and neutrons are locked by the strong interaction force to form an indestructible mirror surface.

Unless the nuclear structure can be broken, this layer of material is impossible to be destroyed.

The other end of the video conferencing network.

The chief of the White Eagle Congress knows the stocks, the shorts, the hedging, the washing, and he is a good player in finance anyway.

However, asking him what is a material with strong interaction force, that is absolutely unknown.

Of course, he knows what a nuclear bomb is.

So he turned around and asked the secretary: “What he said is true? Is that thing really resistant to nuclear bombs?”

“Yes, according to the intelligence section, this This material is hard to destroy even a nuclear bomb.” The Congress Secretary replied.

This time the chief of the White Eagle Congress was finally a little surprised, and suddenly realized that holding thousands of nuclear bombs in his hand was not that safe.

“Which scientist made this material? Buy him.” The chief of the White Eagle Congress immediately expressed his strong enthusiasm for this material.

Can you not be keen on it?

Wearing such a Battle Armor, it can resist nuclear bombs, which is much safer than bullet-proof Rolls Royce.

“Mr. President, this is probably very difficult.” The Congress Secretary expressed helplessness.

“What is the difficulty? If there is difficulty, it means that the money is not enough. It is no problem to give this technology 100 million US dollars.” The chief of the White Eagle Congress insisted on buying this technology.

“Sir, this is impossible, and the technology is still in the research stage. The research budget given by the Davis Group is more than a hundred years of military expenditure.” The Congress Secretary explained helplessly.

“What? This thing requires that many money? Are these Chinese people crazy?” The White Eagle Congress chief exaggerated.

After he finished looking towards the Chief-In-Charge of the White Eagle Aerospace Agency, he said, “Brook, what do you think about this?”

The Chief-In-Charge of White Eagle Aerospace Agency NASA was speechless to the chief of Congress and replied: “Science and technology research can be discussed within NASA. Mr. President does not need to bother.”

This sentence translates to a more straightforward meaning: You don’t understand anything, so just shut up.


The venue of the East China Sea Planetary Defense Science Symposium.

Fang Yuan walked off the stage and sat back next to Yang Yuping after showing the materials with strong interaction force.

Several big cows in the Chinese science community all gave thumbs up and expressed their appreciation.

“It’s good.”

Yang Yuping also expressed his approval, of course referring to the humor in the explanation. As for the scientific and technological content of the explanation, in the eyes of these big scientific circles, It’s just the basics.

After the materials are displayed.

The Donghai spokesperson continued to go up and presided over the prospectus for scientific research projects: “Everyone has seen that materials with strong interaction forces are the strongest shield of future civilization and technology, and this technology is already in front of us.

“Huaxia sincerely invites the scientific team of world cream of the crop to come to cooperate in research. All scientific research successes will be jointly held by all participating countries and share the benefits of scientific research. “

The method of the research prospectus has been announced.

Of course, such an important matter is impossible to decide on the spot.

Even though many scientists have been interested, they still You need to go back and discuss it before you can make a decision.


The Donghai spokesperson announced several other scientific research prospectuses, namely antimatter technology, Dyson sphere, and gravitational wave technology.

In addition to antimatter technology and materials with strong interaction forces, there is also an iconic technology in the Peak technology of stellar civilization called Dyson sphere.

The reason why stellar civilization is called a star Civilization, because this level of civilization can make full use of the resources of the star system.

In a star system, where does the greatest energy come from?

Of course it is the star.

Take the solar system as an example. In the entire solar system, the sun is not only the most important source of energy, but also accounts for 99.84% of the total mass of the solar system.

And energy is a civilization level An important indicator of energy.

At this stage, humans still use petroleum as their main energy source.

Although star source mines have appeared, the expensiveness of this star source cannot be used as a daily Use.

If a civilization wants to develop to High Rank, it must reach the corresponding height in terms of energy mining.

In a star system, stars are the most important energy source.

Therefore, in order for a civilization to develop into a stellar civilization, it must mine the energy of stars after all.

In the solar system, the energy released by solar fusion is only about One part of 2.2 billion is sent to Earth.

In other words, if the sun’s energy can be fully mined, it can support 2.2 billion Earth’s solar energy, which is terrifying data.


Therefore, the Dyson sphere is an important symbol of stellar civilization, representing that civilization has developed to a height where stellar energy can be mined.

The Donghai spokesperson also announced the Dyson sphere’s scientific research plan, which once again caused science A sensation in the world.

With the current level of Earth’s technology, Earth’s resources have not yet been fully developed, and now we are considering mining solar energy. It seems that I want to run without learning to walk.

However, among all the scientific research projects proposed in this planetary defense science seminar, which one is not beyond the current level of human civilization?

Now human civilization wants to resolve the upcoming In the doomsday crisis, you must start learning to run without learning to walk.

Because there is no time to learn slowly.

The only good news is that now humans do have the possibility of skipping levels.

Fang Yuan was slightly surprised when he heard the Dyson Ball Project, turned his head and looked towards Yang Yuping, and asked: “Really want to engage in Dyson Ball?”

Yang Yuping was just laughed and did not answer .

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