After the Donghai spokesperson announced the technological tree of the future civilization, someone asked:

“Why is there no speed engine?” A scientist questioned.

“Because it does not belong to the star civilization technology, it is at least civilization level 2.1 or later. Although we have proposed the idea of ​​civilization skipping, it does not mean that we can jump directly from 0.8 to 2.1. As for the song The speed engine, or galaxy navigation technology, is more accurate and will be carried out after the antimatter power technology is perfected.” Donghai spokesperson replied.

The materials of this scientific and technological meeting of the Planetary Defense Council are being transmitted to countries in the world.

When an invitation was issued in the East China Sea to convene a high-level civilization science and technology conference, some countries dismissed it and even sent a few agents to pretend to be scientists to participate.

However, when the discussion materials of the science and technology conference were released, the scientists who stood at the top of human wisdom finally couldn’t sit still and took the initiative to apply to their home countries to participate in the conference.

Therefore, during the 2nd day and the third day of this advanced civilization science and technology conference, scientists will continue to attend.

However, there are still some countries that prohibit their own scientists from participating, fearing that these scientists will be naturalized.

As the initiator of this advanced civilization science and technology conference, Huaxia showed the greatest mind and allowed scientists who could not be present to participate in the video conference.

When the Advanced Civilization Science and Technology Conference was on its seventh day, the scientific and technological information of various advanced civilizations almost detonated the scientific community.

After the half a month of the conference, the East China Sea has announced all the technologies that can be achieved by the stellar civilization, and has officially started the research and stock offering.

“The first batch of cutting-edge technologies that humans need to overcome has all been announced. Next, is the scientific research prospectus…”

The Donghai spokesperson once again appeared on the stage and announced the prospectus of Huaxia Technology. Method: “The first science and technology IPO conducted in China is a strong interaction material. This research will be carried out in the form of a IPO, and every country can invest in scientific research strength and capital.

” The final research success will be jointly held by all participating countries, and the final income of scientific research will be distributed according to equity. “

Scientific research requires a large amount of capital investment. When the capital is invested, there must be a return.

Therefore, after the future scientific and technological research is developed and put into practice, it will generate benefits. The income is distributed according to the proportion of shares, which is a very suitable cooperation plan.

After the Donghai spokesperson announced the strong interaction material prospectus plan, he carried out a second scientific research prospectus: “China will The second scientific research IPO is the anti-matter technology IPO, and the method is the same. Scientific research success and income are distributed according to the proportion of shares. The investment of scientific research force is stipulated in separate rules. “

There are two ways to invest in shares, one is funding, and the other is scientific research power.

Scientific research power naturally refers to scientists.

Of course, This is just a simple statement. There are more detailed rules for the related shares.

After the announcement of the two scientific research prospectuses, they immediately aroused intense discussions among scientists from all over the world.

Many scientists participated in the discussion of this scientific and technological conference in the form of video conferences because they could not be there in person.

When I heard that Donghai issued two scientific research prospectus, Bai Ying could not sit still.

Some politicians voiced their opposition through video conferences: “We are against it. Why does the East China Sea want to hold the two most important scientific research in its hands? We believe that antimatter technology and materials with strong interaction forces cannot be held in the hands of one country at the same time. “

This point, in the eyes of the White Eagle Nation, is very critical.

Antimatter technology, to put it plainly, is the nuclear bomb technology of stellar civilization.

No Wrong, anti-matter technology, if used in the military, formidable power is more terrifying and stronger than nuclear bombs.

The strong interaction material is a technology that approaches Absolute Defense.


In other words.

In the stellar civilization, antimatter technology is the spear, and the strong interaction material is the shield.

Now, the East China Sea issues these two Xiang Technology’s prospectus seems to be to hold all the spears and shields of future civilization in your hands.

This is something that the White Eagle Nation cannot tolerate.

In modern times, the master of nuclear bombs The country has the right to speak in the world.

The same is true in the future. The country that masters antimatter technology will be equivalent to the current nuclear country.

If you add strong mutual Power materials, countries that have mastered these two technologies can be said to have hegemony in the future.

Therefore, the White Eagle Country Impossible agrees to these two IPOs.

” China opposes these two IPOs. According to the existing scientific and technological strength, such important scientific research should be carried out by the White Eagle Country. We have a scientific research team of cream of the crop and the strongest financial resources. “Politicians who participated in the video conference as scientists voiced their opposition.

“How does your country think it should be distributed? The spokesperson of the East China Sea did not worry and asked.

“Baiying Country should conduct research on antimatter technology and materials with strong interaction. We have the strongest scientific research team and the destiny of mankind. It cannot be destroyed in the hands of small and weak countries. “The representative of White Eagle emphasized loudly.

“In this case, competition is also good. “

The East China Sea spokesperson did not rush, and then said: “I think, six months ago, a naval battle on the sea silenced the news of a fleet, and everyone is paying attention.

“During that naval battle, the Black Dragon Battle Armor worn by the super fighters dispatched by our country was made of materials with strong interaction.

“It can be said that in We have already got the standard answer on the material with strong interaction force, and now it is only through the answer to reverse the calculation process.

“Therefore, I believe that China has an absolute advantage in the research of materials with strong interaction forces.

“Of course, we also accept healthy competition. If your country wants to We will not object to the research of materials with strong interaction forces. We can compete for stocks and work together. No matter who succeeds in the end, it is the progress of human civilization. “

As soon as the words came out.

The scientists present suddenly had a heated discussion.

In fact, about the Black Dragon Battle Armor is a strong interaction force to create this It’s not news in the scientific world.

After reading the various speculation data of Black Dragon Battle Armor, many scientists have guessed accordingly.

It’s just that, The East China Sea does not at all really announce the specific data of the Black Dragon Battle Armor, so it is temporarily uncertain.

Now the East China Sea spokesperson has personally confirmed that the Black Dragon Battle Armor is made of materials with strong interaction.


So, who else can compete with the East China Sea in the research of materials with strong interactions?

If other countries further invest in this scientific research, scientific research strength and capital investment, Fundamentally impossible is rewarded.

Moreover, no scientists will join the research project of strong interaction materials outside the East China Sea.

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