Donghai War Zone headquarters, in a spacious interrogation room.

A row of War Zone high-level officers, staff officers, and generals sat side by side, staring at the person in front of them in the chair.

“According to the Awakener law, you are not allowed to use Spirit-like abilities to others without your consent, but there are supplementary provisions for special prisoners…”

Luo De The admiral leaned back in his chair and said: “So, you know very well that as long as the headquarters want to know the secret, you can’t keep it unless you die.”

Zheng Weibai was very calm and said:” Now that this step is reached, I understand what will happen. If the headquarters wants to know the intelligence, I will say that there is only one request, exchange of prisoners of war treatment.”

After being arrested, there is a huge difference between prisoners of war and spies. .

According to the Geneva Convention, the personal safety and dignity of prisoners of war should be protected. Countries that have signed the convention should treat prisoners of war humanely, persecute them in violation of the convention, and relevant leaders will commit war crimes.

However, the arrest of the spy is not a prisoner of war and does not enjoy the terms of the convention.

For this reason, some spies mostly choose to die when they know that they are desperate.

Of course, things like convention clauses can also be discussed.

Just like now, Zheng Weibai asked for an exchange of prisoner of war treatment.

“The treatment of prisoners of war can be discussed, provided that you can give valuable information.” Admiral Luo De did not immediately agree, but did not refuse.

Of course, the headquarters can use the Spirit system to interrogate, but in this way, Zheng Weibai may choose to die. After all, he will end badly if he is not treated as a prisoner of war.

Therefore, in order to obtain valuable information, giving prisoners of war treatment is an option that can be considered.

So far, the world order has not completely collapsed.

Unrestricted warfare will damage international reputation.

The so-called, the way to get more help, the wrong way to help.

Therefore, the convention is still binding.

“Who do you work for?” Admiral Luo De began to ask questions.

Zheng Weibai remained silent, as if waiting for something.

Admiral Luo De took out an agreement and threw it away: “Take it! Answer all the questions, and this promise will take effect.”

This is for prisoners of war. The treatment agreement, of course, does not mean anything even if it is given.

All the people present are the senior officials of the East China Sea War Zone headquarters. Anything that happens here will not be spread.

Therefore, even if Zheng Weibai got the promise of prisoner-of-war treatment, the East China Sea War Zone Headquarters could turn his face at any time.

This kind of thing depends on whether the War Zone headquarters is credible.

Zheng Weibai has been lurking for more than 20 years. He is very clear about the degree of trust in this country, so when he gets this paper promise, he can relax in half.

“As you guessed, I work for White Eagle, but I have not performed many tasks. If I can erase the past, I even want to erase this identity and live as a normal person. Go down.” Zheng Weibai said helplessly.

He has been lurking for more than 20 years. In fact, his belief in this thing has long since disappeared, but as long as a person has done something, he can never get rid of it. He can’t get rid of his identity as a spy, but by this identity. Hold it, continue to lurch.

A staff officer of the General Staff took the conversation and asked: “Twenty years ago, in the operation to salvage Demon King Heart, you cut off the communication between the destroyer and the front team, right?”

“Yes, I received an order from my superiors to do this, but why did I do this? I don’t know how Lance of God achieves the exchange of benefits.” Zheng Weibai revealed the hidden A secret for twenty years.

“Apart from twenty years ago, what other tasks have you performed?”

“Five intelligence missions have been performed…”

Zheng Weibai Tell me what I have done in the past two decades.

Uncover the mysteries of some unsolved cases, and match many contents in the confidential files of the Divine Sword Bureau.

Zheng Weibai did not dare to lie, he knew very well that no one could save him now, and his only hope was in exchange for the treatment of prisoners of war.

Huaxia’s tradition of keeping promises has sufficient credibility.

“In this Namba rift cave incident, did you pass on the information?” Admiral Luo De continued to ask questions.

“Only the MEKA-type Mecha damage is an accurate piece of information. Based on this information, it can be determined that the military scientific research team has fought in the Namba rift cave.” Zheng Weibai replied.

“You don’t need to do analysis, just tell the information you know.”

Admiral Luo De reminded him, and then asked: “Ye Zheyu father’s drug test Incident.”

“This action was led by me, and a Davis Technology employee based in the East China Sea was responsible for contacting Ye Zheyu.” Zheng Weibai crossed his fingers. Although he received the promise of prisoner treatment, he was emotional. Still low.

“What information did you spy on?” Admiral Luo De then asked.

“Through the help of Spirit Department Awakener, Niu Dazhi, a member of the military scientific research team, learned that the Xingyuan Mine appeared in the Namba rift cave, but there was no chance to pass it on.” Zheng Weibai replied. .

The General Staff and the Special Service of the Divine Sword Bureau are taking notes, and the strokes of the pen on the paper hua hua appear very clear in the quiet interrogation room.

“What else?” Admiral Luo De continued to ask.

Zheng Weibai clasped his ten fingers together, thinking carefully: “There is also the Advent Civilization of the Soul of Palerce, which conveys relevant information.”

About the Advent Civilization of the Soul of Palerce Information, Donghai once announced part of it.

However, some of the published content has been screened.

The White Eagle has repeatedly wanted to transfer “Rahu” to the Planetary Defense Council for research, which also shows that the White Eagle does have other channels to obtain more information on Advent Civilization.

“Speak out the Advent Civilization information you passed on.” Admiral Luo De used the tone of command.

After Zheng Weibai was silent for a moment, he told the information he had passed without omission and in detail.

In fact, the content of the Advent Civilization of the Soul of Palerce is also confidential by A-Rank.

So Zheng Weibai doesn’t know much.

It is for this reason that the White Eagle Nation has been insisting on transferring Rahu to the Planetary Defense Council.

The spy Zheng Weibai was caught.

This time, the East China Sea had more sufficient reasons to reject the White Eagle’s request, and even deprived the White Eagle representative of the Planetary Defense Council of the right to stay in the East China Sea.

Because among the White Eagle representatives of the Planetary Defense Council, the Golden Horse of the Spirit family attacked Niu Dazhi and violated the law.

Donghai War Zone publicly condemned this despicable behavior.

In this period of time, from the White Eagle representative of the World Shooting Championships Organizing Committee to the Planetary Defense Council, the White Eagle has repeatedly exploded with scandals and its international reputation has plummeted.

It’s just that, as a world leader, the White Eagle has never cared about reputation.

The difference is that in the past, the dominant position was stable, even if it was ugly, no one would dare to say. Now the dominant position has been challenged and he can’t sit still.

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