The crystal beetle is like a beetle, and its abdomen emits plasma blue light.

The adult crystal beetle is two meters long, has six feet on the ground, and is one meter high.

“The distance of the plasma jet is 70 meters, pay attention.” Eve continued to read the contents of the material.

“What is plasma?” Beef Meat Ball asked.

“It’s plasma. Anyway, when the plasma is sprayed, the body will be melted into a hole by the high temperature.”

“Is it so scary? This group of plasma bugs must have Thousands? Can you really fight?” Beef Meat Ball swallowed.

Eve added: “The Crystalline Plasma Worm belongs to the Star Beast who is better at collecting Star Source Mine, so the chance of finding Star Source Mine is higher.”

“Then Get ready to do it. Sweep the gun for a round, and then start the battle at 300 meters.”

Fang Yuan made tactical arrangements to bring Beef Meat Ball’s Sinian-class heavy machine gun over, and then aim at the crystal. A group of plasma insects, ready to pour firepower.

“Are you ready?”

“Wait a minute…”

Eve uses a tablet to connect the floating machine gun, flies up slowly, approached in the distance Hovering at a distance of 300 meters, and then replied: “Ready.”

Liu Zhangchun is a little worried, because the Crystalline Plasma Worm is a more dangerous kind in Star Beast World.

The reason why it is dangerous is not because this Star Beast is too ferocious.

It’s because of the Crystalline Plasma Worm. When you die, the body bursts and splashes the plasma that is too lethal. As long as it is splashed to a point, you will either die or be injured.

Therefore, he really wants to persuade Fang Yuan to change to a less difficult Star Beast group.

However, his opinions are not within Fang Yuan’s consideration.

“Then let’s fight.”

Fang Yuan said, pulling the trigger first.

The bullet “da da da” was shot out. The large-caliber bullet hit the Level 5 crystal plasma insect, directly exploded, splashing a large amount of plasma, and evaporating all around crystals. .

Ye Zheyu also fired at the same time, accurately gathering the Crystalline Plasma Worm above Level 6.

Eve also pressed the fire button on the tablet at the same time.

The saccade shooting of the floating machine gun “da da da”, and it is a precise locking shot.

Listening to the sound is a intensive burst of fire, but in fact every gun is precisely locked, and the bullet will hardly miss.

In a burst of fire, dozens of crystal beetles were exploded.

Sixty rounds of the floating machine gun were shot.

Eve controls the floating machine gun to fly back, change a magazine, and then continue to release, start the second round of strafing.

Moreover, the floating machine gun has the function of automatically locking the target.

Therefore, after Eve clicks to fire, he can fill the empty magazine leisurely, which is very comfortable.

The newly bought Aurora class firearms, the formidable power is really good.

Level 5 Star Beast can burst with one shot, and Level 6 can burst with a few more shots.

I used a Sinian-class Z300 heavy machine gun to shoot it over, and from a distance I saw that one after another blue plasma insect was blown up, bursting out one after another blue plasma, as brilliant as fireworks.

The plasma splashed, melting all around the ground into potholes.

Although the bullets blasted a batch of Plasma worms, thousands of Plasma worms swarmed over and approached at an extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, I reached the range of 300 meters.

Fang Yuan continued to shoot, emptying all the 300 rounds of ammunition chain box, and then pushed Beef Meat Ball, saying: “Chong!”

Beef Meat Ball has long been carried The rift-level tower shield was ready, and immediately rushed to face the Crystalline Plasma Worm.

Activated “Advanced Strength Enhancement” and “Thick-skin Defense”, raised the shield to face the Crystalline Plasma Worm in the front and ran into it.

With a “bang”, the Level 6 Crystalline Plasma Worm that rushed up flew out.

Fang Yuan’s hands are covered with a steel Iron Fist sleeve, which converts the ability to cover the entire body with a Star Power protective layer, charging ahead at a super high speed.

Use Dragon Shape Thunder Fist directly, punched out.

The dragon-shaped fist strength gathered by starlight rushed into the crystal beetle plasma insect swarm, “boom”, and exploded the flakes of crystal beetle plasma insect.

punched out, blasting one piece

A Head Insect exploded under the unparalleled fist strength strikes, and the plasma splashed, like a grand firework.

Han Youwei also followed, condensing Star Power into a javelin, and threw it hard.

The Star Power javelin pierced through a dozen or so Crystal Armor Plasma Worms, and finally exploded, scattering into a Star Power arrow, piercing the surrounding Crystal Armor Plasma Worms into holes.

Slices of Crystalline Plasma Worm were blasted.

The Crystalline Plasma Worm behind angrily made a sharp neigh, and began to spit out plasma with its head up.

The plasma shoots in a parabola, and the speed is not fast.

Fang Yuan broke out with a speed of 137 agility, running around the crystal armor plasma insect swarm, all the plasma sprayed by the insect swarm was behind him.

The ground behind him is melted into potholes.

Fang Yuan waited for Star Power to resume, and the second punch, Dragon Shape Thunder Fist, blasted out.

The dragon-shaped fist strength is like a mad dragon, rushing into the swarm, wherever it passes, the plasma insects burst open, the plasma splashes, and the picture is extremely beautiful.

The battle lasted only ten minutes, and nearly half of the thousands of Plasma insects were destroyed.

Liu Zhangchun watched from behind the bunker, he was stunned before the assault rifle in his hand fired.

When Fang Yuan hit the fifth punch Dragon Shape Thunder Fist.

The last Plasma Insect Queen also cracked in its abdomen and fell down.

The battle officially ended, and it took a total of 18 minutes and 35 seconds.

Eve came out from behind the bunker and walked to the corpse of the swarm. It was a pity that he said, “I knew that I would meet the Plasma Worm and brought plasma weapons. It is a pity.”

Liu Zhangchun saw the corpse of the Crystalline Plasma Worm in front of him, a little confused.

He originally thought that these youngsters who looked like students were here to experience life.

Just 20 minutes ago, he still planned to take these youngsters for a stroll in the rift cavern, and then take them back to receive the 300,000 salary they deserve.

However, he now found that his previous ideas were completely wrong.

This team is a bit outrageous.

Although he is not high-level, he has played many teams and has seen various Awakener.

However, like Captain of this squad, it can blast dozens of Plasma Worms with a single punch. I have never seen it before.

The dragon-shaped fist strength, the scene of killing a piece of it is really shocking.

Not only that, but he still feels a little pain in his heart.

Because he found that he had lost 300,000 a day’s salary.

Don’t talk about anything else, just say that the value of these thousands of Plasma worms does not need to be much, as long as the profit is divided into 5%, it will exceed 300,000.

Fang Yuan confirmed that all the Plasma worms are dead, beckons with the hand called Liu Zhangchun over and asked: “How to deal with these Plasma worms?”

“Oh The shells of these plasma insects are of high value and can prevent plasma jets. The military buys them as much as possible, and it is best to bring them all back.” Liu Zhangchun replied.

“Take them all back? There are more than a thousand, so don’t do anything else.” Fang Yuan didn’t want to do this kind of porter work.

The point is, there are only five people in the team, and when will they have to move a thousand corpses of Plasma Crystal Armor?

Liu Zhangchun also quickly understood this point, suggested: “There is another way, that is, let other mercenary groups come over to take charge of the handling, and part of the proceeds will be given to them.”

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