The reason for using a “metal controller” to make an iron cage instead of making an iron ball.

The reason is very simple. As Awakener, he was hit by a small stone, even if he was injured, it was just a superficial wound.

The real fatal thing is the huge rock.

The amount of metal on Fang Yuan’s body is limited. If iron balls are made, the iron skin will be very thin.

Instead of doing this, it is better to make an iron cage and make the iron bar thicker.

However, there is still too little metal on the body, even if the iron cage is made, the iron bar is still not thick enough.

Fang Yuan thought that Luo De would use the “metal controller” screen.

That steel battleship flew at low altitude, wherever it passed, the iron elements in the mountains and the earth all flew up and merged into the steel battleship.

This is the absorption of iron in the soil and rocks of the earth.

Fang Yuan’s Star Power rating and “metal controller” are not that strong, but he gritted his teeth and decided to try.

So, pressing the palm of the hand on the soil, the energy of the “metal controller” burst to the extreme, trying to absorb the iron element in the rock and soil.

Boom! bang!

The earth is shaking, and the mountains are collapsing.

Fang Yuan yelled sharply, the energy of the “metal controller” poured into the rock.

The rock fragmented in the vibration, and finally dusty iron ore floated out, decomposed into iron, merged into the iron cage, and made the iron bar thick quickly.

When the iron bar of the iron cage reaches two fingers thick.


There was a violent shock.

The mountain at the foot began to collapse.

The iron cage rolls over and is about to roll down.

Once the iron cage rolls down, the mountain continues to collapse, the boulder smashes down, and the five people are buried. It is hard to say whether the time comes or not.

The iron cage rolls down.

Fang Yuan gritted his teeth, deformed an iron thorn, burst into force, and plunged into the mountain wall.

Prevent the falling trend of the iron cage.

Han Youwei saw this, and immediately formed a Star Power Javelin, tenderly shouted, and plunged into the mountain wall.

Then, holding the Star Power javelin in one hand and grasping the iron cage in the other, he struggled to stabilize the iron cage.

Fang Yuan connects the first iron thorn to the iron cage, then immediately gathers the second iron thorn, inserts it into the rock again, and continues to connect with the iron cage.

More than a dozen iron thorns plunged deep into the rock formation, fixing the iron cage on the rock wall.

“Hold the iron cage, hold the iron cage, you can live without being crushed!” Fang Yuan reminded.

Beef Meat Ball, Ye Zheyu, and Eve all supported the iron cage with their hands.

Fang Yuan reached out and pulled the alloy steel shield from the Beef Meat Ball back.

The strength of this alloy steel shield is much higher than that of ordinary iron bars.

Fang Yuan immediately turned the alloy steel shield into a column with thick legs and supported it in the middle of the iron cage.

Then, continue to absorb the iron element in the rock and soil, and continue to thicken the iron bar.

Star Power quickly bottomed out in this intense consumption.

Fang Yuan saw Star Power bottoming out, immediately took out the energy bar, swallowed it in two mouthfuls, and continued to thicken the iron bar.

hong long!

The mountain peak collapsed, and the landslide where the iron cage was fixed rolled into the foot of the mountain, burying the iron cage in the ground.


One hour later.

The shaking of the earth finally stopped.

Fang Yuan eyes opened, but it was pitch black in front of me and I couldn’t see anything.

Feel the body, there are a few places where there is a little pain, but there is no major problem.

“How are you? Can you hear it?” Fang Yuan yelled and fumbled all around with his hands.

Because the iron cage is not big, I can touch someone casually and push it hard.

“It hurts…”

Han Youwei made a sound, and then released a ball of Star Power.

With the help of Star Power’s glimmer, I can barely see all around.

all around It was pitch black, apparently buried in the ground.

The iron cage has been twisted and deformed. Fortunately, the pillars formed by the intermediate alloy steel shield support the iron cage and are not crushed.

Fang Yuan looked at Han Youwei and found that it was her calf that was touched just now. He quickly asked: “Are you hurt?”

“The leg hurts a bit.”

Han Youwei said that the messenger moved his leg and said: “The bones should not be hurt, the problem is not big.”

“Look at other people.”

Fang Yuan started talking, looked at the others, and pushed them to wake up.

Finally, all five woke up.

Fang Yuan said: “Check the injury and take the medicine quickly. We are buried in the ground, and we must find a way to get out immediately, or we will suffocate here. Ye Zheyu, let out your eyes and look for a way out. “

Although the five members of the team are buried underground, there are still some gaps between the rocks.

Ye Zheyu used Star Power to create four ghost eyes, let them out, drill into the cracks in the rock, and look for ways in four directions.

The rest check the injuries.

Because of the protection of the iron cage and wearing combat uniforms, the injuries of the five are not serious, they are all superficial wounds.

Apply the medicine and stick the band-aid, there is no big problem.

The current crisis is the consumption of oxygen. Five people are in a confined space, and the oxygen in the air will not be used up long.

Fang Yuan has already begun to feel a little dull in his breathing.

Eve said weakly: “Oxygen is almost gone, don’t move around, reduce your activity, Niu Dazhi, it’s you.”

“We won’t be true Suffocated here, right?” Beef Meat Ball sat leaning on the iron cage, not daring to move, trying to reduce breathing.

Fang Yuan glanced at his remaining Star Power.

Total Star Power: 45300

The remaining Star Power is too small.

Fang Yuan took out another energy bar, swallowed it in twos and threes, and then asked: “Are there any energy drinks? Give me the ones that can restore Star Power.”

“No more, only the energy bar.” Eve replied.

“What do you want to restore Star Power’s stuff for?” Han Youwei asked.

Fang Yuan earnestly analyzed: “I use the’metal controller’ to absorb iron elements from the rock and soil and blend them into the iron cage. What form does the iron element in the rock and soil exist in? “

“All are iron oxide, divalent iron or trivalent iron.” Han Youwei replied.

“Yes, the iron element absorbed by the’metal controller’ is elemental iron. What about the oxygen in the iron oxide?” Fang Yuan explained.

“Understood, this ability is to decompose iron and oxygen. The iron element becomes elemental iron, and the oxygen naturally becomes oxygen.” Han Youwei nodded and said.

“Yes, that’s what it means. However, the Star Power consumed by decomposing elemental iron is a bit exaggerated, and I have bottomed out the Star Power now.” Fang Yuan said.

“I will give you all the energy bars.” Han Youwei is about to take out all the energy bars.

Fang Yuan waved his hand and said: “It’s useless, no matter how much you eat, the digestion speed can’t keep up. If you have energy drinks, you can recover faster.”

Eve kicks He kicked the Beef Meat Ball and said: “Do you have any energy drinks? Get it out soon.”

Beef Meat Ball lay on the ground and said: “I have nothing, I’m all fat It’s meat.”

Fang Yuan suddenly eyes shined and said: “Yes. There is no energy drink, and you are there.”

The fat on the Beef Meat Ball shivered. With an expression of reluctance, he said: “What are you going to do? I tell you, I will not succumb to your lewdness.”

“Go away! I’m not interested in you, I Only interested in your Star Power.”

Fang Yuan copied the “Star Power Devourer” as he spoke, then grabbed the Beef Meat Ball’s wrist and started to absorb Star Power.

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