Chapter 276 Breaking News (Part 1)

Milhobia Island.

News building.

Morgansi was sitting in the office building, tapping on the desk with one hand, miraculously serious.

He is the first person to guess that bigmom is not doing well, and he is also the person closest to the news facts.

As the president of the World Economic News Agency, his main business is to inquire about various news and then publish newspapers. He has the professional principle of being a journalist. He should make the information about bigmom’s death public.

But as an ally of the bigmom pirate group, one of the leaders of the dark world of One Piece, he couldn’t publish the news.

He has never been so entangled in how to choose.

But the death of bigmom is just speculation, he has no conclusive evidence, just judging from the formality, journalists have a keen sense of smell.

Morgans dialed Stussy’s phone.

“I want to determine the accuracy of an intelligence.”

Stussy smiled: “Morgans, you still go straight back and forth as always.”

“I’m just being dedicated.”

After speaking, Morgans turned the topic on the right track, “I suspect that the aunt is dead, but I have no evidence. Your intelligence network has accurate information.”

“Bigmom has never appeared on the frontal battlefield. My informant saw her on the Queen Mother’s singing horn, and the Queen Mother’s singing horn has confirmed that she has rebelled. The sum of these information leads to the conclusion that bigmom has become a prisoner of Houston.”

“Bigmom cannot be anyone’s captive unless she is dead.”

Morgans said solemnly, he knew bigmom very well.

“Yes, the Homitz made by bigmom will not betray Bigmom unless it is made by someone else. And in this world only bigmom has this power, and there are only two people in the world who can take her power away, Blackbeard Teach , Leah·D· Houston, Teach is dead, and the conclusion is that Houston killed bigmom.”

Stussy picked up a glass of red wine and sat on the villa terrace overlooking the city.

“My information is not free.”

“What do you need me to do?”

Morgans was in a heavy mood at the moment. Although he had guessed the facts a long time ago, he was still heavy when he got the exact news from Stussy.

He is not a person who longs for the world to be immutable, but he has also invested in a lot of industries in the bigmom Pirates. He is not sure whether Bigmom’s eldest son Charlotte Perrospero can be the banner of the Four Emperors in the country.

In fact, he is not optimistic about the children of bigmom. There is no young man who is as good as Houston.

Ambitious and full of power. Long ago, Morgans had predicted that Houston and Luffy, the new backbone of the era of extreme evil, might become the new Five Emperors.

Unexpectedly, just a few months after the end of the War of the Top, Houston had annexed Blackbeard’s power, integrated the remaining power of Whitebeard, and formed the Evil Pirate Alliance. This alliance is still growing, and at the same time it has been recognized by the dark world.

Leah D Houston, the future of this young man is limitless.

“You will report the news truthfully, and then let the Four Emperors get involved in this Universal War.”

Stussy said in a tone of fear that the world would not be chaotic.

Morgans was stunned, then chatted with Stussy for a while, obtained other evidence, and then hung up the phone.

He worked hard and began to write down the fact that Leah D. Houston defeated bigmom. This report may be the most explosive report in his journalism career.

With the fall of the veteran Four Emperors bigmom, the new Four Emperors Leah·D· Houston will take over the banner of the era, or will become the next One Piece.

He has a hunch that once this report is released, the world will shake.

This is definitely an earthquake in the press.

At the same moment, as one of the leaders of the dark world, Master New World’s “deep ocean current” Umit, the king of the ocean transportation industry, is also a giant that hinders the further development of Buggy’s express business.

Umit threw a dart out and set it on the wall on Houston’s wanted warrant.

In addition to Houston, there are many wanted warrants on the wall, all of which are strong with a bounty of 1 billion.

But except Houston, everyone else has been declared dead, and no one slipped through the net.

“Boss, it’s ready.”

Umit’s men report from Wall Exchange.

“Well, let’s go, IWC.”

“Deep Ocean Current” Umit’s eyes were cold, Leah D. Houston, you provoked people who shouldn’t be provoked.

If anyone among the leaders of the dark world doesn’t know, it is definitely the “hidden division” Gibbson and the “big-hand funeral director” Dorag Pierclo.

They are more low-key than the others, and they can only learn about the current situation of IWC through the newspapers.

“The nations of bigmom have been invaded.”

Dorag Piecro said slowly, he picked up the white piece and slowly landed on the chessboard, seeming to regret the move, and then withdrew his hand.

“Oh? Who is so courageous and dare to adjust the authority of the aunt?”,

Gibbson smiled, but dropped the sunspot and picked up the surrounded whites.

Dorage Piercro’s face was unsightly for a moment: “Leah·D·Houston.”

“This person’s name is so familiar, have we met?”

Gibbson asked.

“Recently, he has been all in the newspapers. He is naturally familiar. He is the second person to break the old Four Emperors situation in these years.”

Dorage Piecro said.

“Who was the first to break?”

Gibbson raised his head and looked at the pale-faced Dorag Piercrow.

“The first one is Marshall · D · Teach, which is dead.”

Dorag Piercro said, and once again made a move, forcing Gibbson to the corner of the game.

“If you want the old Four Emperors to become history, you will have to pay a price in the end.”

Gibbson laughed and continued to play chess.

Jam island.

Charlotte Kata Kuri charged to the island with reinforcements.

The port on the island is vacant, and Charlotte Kata Kuri is suspicious.

“Why is there no one to guard?”

Charlotte Kata Kuri’s subordinate asked suspiciously.

The flour army drove straight in and entered the hinterland of Jam Island.

Suddenly, the entire island shook violently, and countless jam forts rose from all directions.

“Oops, it’s a trap.”

The army knew it was too late, and jam cannons bombed from all directions.

These shells exploded when they touched a person, and exploded into a sticky jam, trapping the person as if they were sealed in amber liquid, unable to move, and losing combat effectiveness.

Charlotte Kata Kuri did not go deep with the army, and when he noticed something was wrong, he led a team to guard the harbor.

Using large forces as bait, he was very risky in this way, but the ending proved him right.

If he only sent the vanguard, Wrightson would not launch a general attack at all.

Charlotte Kata Kuri left behind the elite troops of the Charlotte family, who are more effective than the flour army.

“Take down this island. If you can’t do it, you don’t deserve to be called Charlotte.”

He said solemnly, and the pirates of the Charlotte family shouted in unison.

“Kill kill kill!”

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