Chapter 216 Banquet and Funeral

Golden Baccarat Casino.

A total of three floors, semi-circular design, the body surface is covered with gold tiles, shining brightly under the light of the morning glow.

These golden tiles are not real gold, and because of the close color and luster, they belong to an alloy mined on the island, which can change color with the sun, and have high hardness and durability, so they are very suitable for building roofs.

The long-lost pirate party began in the banquet hall on the first floor.

All kinds of delicacies are placed on the buffet table.

There is also the hula dance familiar to the girls of the Tata tribe.

It’s just that in this climate, the hula girls are dressed very thickly, and they can’t see the figure at all.

Since floor heating and air-conditioning are all products of the era, even if Wrightson is talented, he can’t break through the limitations of the times, so the people on the island still use a more primitive way of heating.

“Unexpectedly Houston, you really did it.”

Baccarat glanced at Ace, then returned her gaze to Sherlock.

Sherlock smiled slightly, “Of course.”

They all had a tacit understanding and didn’t ask the other members of the Evil Number who hadn’t returned.

Because the resurrection of Ace shows that they have indeed found the Emenes Islands, and this legendary archipelago is extremely dangerous, and everything can be understood.

“Celebrate first, I have something else.”

Sherlock asked Laubrun to deal with it and took Ace away from the lively banquet.

Sherlock and Ace came to the tombstone of Whitebeard.

The place was cleaned up very clean, and most importantly, the Majin Oz stayed here all the time.

Just squatting on the ground is like Oz on a hill. He noticed someone approaching and turned his face slowly.

Since the members of the White Group left, few people came to Whitebeard’s cemetery to visit the graves. The pirates who came out of Impel down and the natives of the Tata tribe had no friendship with Whitebeard, so they would not deliberately come to see him. Over time, Oz got used to it. A person stays here silently.

Suddenly aware of someone approaching, he still seemed a little surprised.

Immediately, the faces of Sherlock and Ace reflected in his pupils.


Oz wiped his eyes, thinking he was wrong.

Sherlock waved.

“Hi, Oz, you’re still watching here.”


Oz suddenly stood up and squeezed his face to confirm that this was not a dream.

Ace also froze for a long time when he saw the devil Oz.

Sherlock patted Ace on the shoulder before he rushed over and patted Oz’s leg.

Oz’s height is indeed too high, for ordinary humans, they can only look up, and can’t hug each other at all.

In addition, Ace felt that two adult men holding each other didn’t seem to be the same thing, so he could only express his gratitude in this way.

“Oz, it’s great to see you alive.”

“Ace, so are you.”

Oz touched the back of his head and said seriously.

Then both of them laughed.

Sherlock didn’t interrupt the two of them getting together, and slowly walked to the front of Whitebeard’s grave, took off the black top hat, nodded slightly, and then walked to the other end of the grave.

He dug out a small pit and put all the pirates’ relics into it.

“I wanted to exchange the relics back to your family one by one, but I didn’t have time to find them. You don’t seem to have a fixed family, so it’s better to just bury them here. It’s also lively.”

Covering the gray soil, Sherlock split a boulder and stood on the mound.

Use your fingers to directly engrave on it, engraving the names of the pirates one by one.

Rows of sunken fonts with a thickness of 3cm appear on the stele.

“Buried beside the strongest man ever, it shouldn’t be wronged to you.”

Sherlock talked to himself until he finished engraving his name.

He took out his pocket watch, took out the group photo in the pocket watch, and pasted it on the tombstone.

Sherlock fell silent.

On the other side, Ace and Oz end their old days and mourn at Whitebeard’s tombstone.

Oz poured wine for Ace, and Ace drank quietly with Whitebeard, his face was calm and did not cry.

He should have known the ending of the old man a long time ago.

In the cemetery, the three men were extremely silent, only the steady breathing continued.

Sherlock and Ace did not leave the cemetery until the sun went down and the colorful sunset covered the main island.

Back to the banquet.

This is destined to be a three-day and three-night banquet, not only to celebrate the return of Sherlock, but also to celebrate the rebirth of Ace.

Buggy looked at the sudden appearance of Ace, shocked.


“I am human.”

Ace looked helpless.

Buggy’s men immediately explained to him, “Boss, just said on the phone that Houston brought Ace back.”

“Aren’t you talking about corpses?”

“No, it’s resurrection, resurrection.”

Buggy wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and looked at Sherlock incredulously, “You actually came back from that island.”

“Yes, I also heard that you seem to be having trouble with the empress recently?”

Sherlock teased.


Buggy Tsundere raised his face. She didn’t expect Sherlock to go out, and when he came back, he grew 2cm taller.

“This guy, Hancock, said that he didn’t want to get involved with Shichibukai anymore, so he didn’t let my Buggy courier build a warehouse in Amazon·Lily Kingdom. A woman with no business acumen.”

“Yes, it seems that our business cannot be expanded to the daughter country.”

Mr.3 sighed, and then smiled, “Ace, it’s great for you to come alive. We always thought that everyone’s efforts were in vain.”

“thank you all.”

Ace bent down earnestly and bowed.

Even the villains of Impel down played a certain role in the war on the top, and to some extent they were on the side of the white group.


Buggy stuck his hips and laughed and waved his hand. “You’re welcome, you’re welcome, it’s all right, right, you know, Houston is my disciple.”

Ace felt a group of crows flying by.

Sherlock didn’t care about Buggy’s bragging problems. He touched his chin, “It is indeed a problem that the business cannot be developed into the daughter country. As the second largest shareholder, let me solve it.”

“How to deal with it?”

Buggy’s eyes shine brightly. This incident has made Buggy sad. It has been carried out very smoothly before. More than 30 warehouses, large and small, have been established in New World. If the daughter country is opened up, a complete circle can be formed.

Otherwise, the logistics will detour, and it will take more time and money.

“Don’t worry, I naturally have my way.”

The corners of Sherlock’s mouth rose slightly.

Hancock admires Luffy, as long as he starts from this aspect, it is actually very easy to open the door of the daughter country.

He doesn’t even need to negotiate on his own, he only needs to write a letter and be brought to Hancock to achieve his goal.

“Come on, the party has already started.”

Bacara, wearing a black evening dress, looked glamorous and pulled Sherlock onto the dance floor.

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