Chapter 196 Half Orc Tribe

Sherlock took off his politeness and smiled slightly:

“Yes, Mr. Kermore.”

He used human language, but Moore could understand it.

It’s like he has a language conversion translator on his body, while others don’t.

So Moore couldn’t understand what other people were saying.

“I am their captain.”

Sherlock answered Kermore’s words.

But Moore understood what the captain meant, after all, they also had a career in shipping.


But Moore asked rhetorically.

Sherlock stroked his chin. “Pirate.”

“A thief at sea?”

“As the name suggests.”

If he changed to normal, Kermore would pat Sherlock on the shoulder with a big smile, saying that he would be rewarded for his honesty.

But he had just lost more than two hundred students, and he was in a bad mood, plus his temper was already hot.

Hearing that Sherlock and his party were pirates, they immediately became murderous.

This murderous heart was manifested in the violent veins on his face, as well as the muscles that suddenly bulged.

“Instructor, they saved us.”

The Mori girl was very clear about Instructor’s temper and stopped Kermore in time.

But Mor was stunned for a moment, and decided to go back to the camp first, and then listen to Mori Girl’s explanation.

In the eyes of the Mori girl, the unicorn suddenly went mad. It was the appearance of this group of people, especially Sherlock, that contained the unicorn and even defeated the unicorn in the end.

So she took Sherlock and others as heroes of course.

But his dereliction of duty cannot be shirk.

She decided to take up this responsibility.

Along the way, He inspired by her emotional abnormality, but because she didn’t understand the whole picture, she couldn’t comfort her at all.

Cross the block to the heavily guarded camp.

Outside the camp are sturdy tribal warriors, male and female, and they all carry standard weapons, either bows and arrows, or halberds.

But it is obviously still in the era of cold weapons, without artillery and firearms.

Since they didn’t even have clothes, Sherlock guessed that their civilization was still in its infancy.

The camp is a high-rise building built with wood, clay, and bamboo. It has three floors and covers an area of ​​about 300 square meters. It can be regarded as the largest building in this primitive tribe.

Although the shape is not so beautiful, there is no problem with living.

Kemu sighed and took out the camera, and found that the camera was completely dead, he didn’t have any rechargeable equipment, and the five spare batteries were also drained.

So I simply opened the diary and began to write and draw.

“The Unicorn Island is different from the Twilight Island. The civilization here is still in the primitive stage, but there are already embryonic commercial streets, and agriculture and animal husbandry are developed.”

The reason why Kom wrote this is because there are two large pastures next to the camp.

The pastures are grazing with all kinds of strangely shaped cattle and sheep. The fur of these cattle and sheep is closer to the clouds, white and flawless, and has a very high-value appearance.

If it is normal, the Mori girl may introduce Shylock and others, but this is not the time for sightseeing, she is still waiting for punishment from the upper level.

The so-called upper strata are the rulers, elders and high priests of the tribe.

Instructor took Mori and others into a simple but spacious office, and began to inquire about the ins and outs of Mori.

Mori recounted her experience one by one and emphasized the power of Sherlock at the same time.

Instructor’s eyes gradually heated up.

The reason why the usual coming-of-age ceremony can go smoothly is that the unicorn is in a normal state.

A unicorn in a normal state is fast, but it does not explode too much destructive power. He likes to chase prey, but it is like a lion on the plain chasing a flock of sheep, and will only choose to eat alone. Will kill them all.

Unicorns only need to eat five half-orcs each year to supplement the physical energy they need for a year.

But the situation of rampage was different. In the history of the tribe, the beast gods had run rampant only three times, and every time, basically no one survived.

The unicorn is called by them as the lord of the beast.

The tribal high priest believes that the coming-of-age ceremony is the test of the blood of the beast gods. It is the selection of the gods against the people, and the survival of the fittest. Therefore, the companions who die each time in the coming-of-age ceremony not only have no funeral, nor are they allowed to return to their souls. ceremony.

Those who survive the coming-of-age ceremony are the selected half-orcs warriors, not only have to shoulder the heavy responsibility of protecting the homeland, but more importantly, they need to reproduce immediately to supplement the half-orcs offspring.

This time, only 5 of the 300 members of the Mori Girls’ team were left, and it was obvious that they could not complete the heavy task of reproduction.

“It is a miracle to save you from the hands of the beast god.”

Instructor said excitedly, seeing Sherlock a hundred unpleasant things before.

Short, thin, and look like a woman.

In the eyes of Instructor Kemore, Sherlock is still short, but her spirit suddenly rises. His height of 2 meters exudes an aura of 50 meters.

That’s right, Sherlock grew a few centimeters taller on the way to practice.

He is also very handsome, although he does not have his own national character face and is masculine.

“It’s that they angered Lord Beast God, otherwise we wouldn’t die so many companions.”

Regardless of Mori Girl’s objection, Dozo spoke his true thoughts.

Yar and Xin Kang also agreed, and they looked at Lira curiously.

With Lira’s character, she should be the first to say this at this time, and then refute the captain.

Her temper has always been straightforward, but now she is very quiet.

She lowered her head, her cheeks were flushed, and she bit her lip.

It seems that Tihana’s just a touch of caress made her a little restless… Sherlock murmured silently, and it turned out that the witch was unusual.

But Moore frowned. He had learned Sherlock’s name from Mori.

So I asked directly: “Mr. Sherlock, can you tell me the truth?”

“I didn’t know that you were holding the’Morning Ceremony.’ This is my negligence, but the unicorn is going to attack my female partner, so I took it.”

Sherlock was referring to the unicorn who premeditatedly attracted He Ling and used her as food.

But Moore looked at He Ling and could feel the familiar smell on her body.

“The underage kind.”

He made the following judgment.

He Ling blushed: “No…no, I’m an adult.”

“Yes, she is my wife.”

Sherlock held He Ling’s hand. He also hated hearing people say He Ling was underage, because it would make him feel that he was committing a crime.

He doesn’t have a pedophile number.

He is a very normal man.

But Moore noticed the state of the two, nodded slightly, and looked at the Mori girl again.

“Anyway, Mori, as the captain, you will be punished if you lose more than 10% of the team. You should know.”

The Mori nodded: “Instructor, I know.”

“The senior management will deal with you accordingly. Of course, I will report the situation again, and you will be waiting for the result here.”

But Moore left the office, leaving Mori and others behind.

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