Chapter 430 Hard work for more than ten years

(Seeking subscription, automatic subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, reward, and full score evaluation ticket.)

“What are you looking at?”, after a long rest, Hancock was lazy like a cat.

Hancock has always been “upright and bright” and doesn’t mind showing the absolute perfection that her god loves to bestow, lying casually on the dirty ground in the open air.

Walking in the palace was Hancock’s maid. Hancock gave her such a positioning, a girl wearing three jiao hats, cloaks, and sabers, dressed in the style of an old-school pirate captain.

She is young, she is not tall, and her eyes and nose are not pretty, but her special light blue hair and beautiful figure set off her charm, just like she comes from the rough glacier country.

“The Witch of Ice”, Waidibei.

Hancock is one of the few subjects in the country ruled by Hancock, a small number of female/pirates full of dreams and strength.

Overcoming the difficulties and obstacles, Huaidibei entered the Grand Line from North Blue and arrived at New World. When he arrived at the New World, he planned to replace the Four Emperors left by “BIGMOM” in an attempt to become a new generation of female/sexual seas. thief.

The result is the Four Emperors status left over by “BIGMOM”, which seems to belong to Donquixote’s development and growth of fishing tools. Waidibei was easily slapped on the ground by Hancock, who was boring, and hit the ground. Then she fell in Hancock’s body. Under the pomegranate skirt, although she is also a woman.

“Very~~~It’s beautiful, Hancock-sama””

Waidibey blushed and praised Hancock sincerely.

“Help,” Hancock reached out, gesticulating.

But Huaidibei didn’t feel any embarrassment, on the contrary, he was very happy, as if it were a great honor, and even his eyes were risky.

“It’s ugly, huh~~~” Hancock glanced at Waidibe with contempt.

As he walked, stroking the mo flat and delicate alone, Hancock appeared weird smiles from time to time, she was the kind of fantasy.

Only when the fantasy becomes excessive and unprovoked, it will lead to a bad taste.

Within a few days.

“Why stare at the concubine? You want to kill the concubine’s baby?!”

“Damn thing!!!”

Just because others couldn’t help but look at his face, Don Quixote’s routine reunion, Hancock was furious and even moved his hands.

“Wen gun!”

“Swish! Swish! Swish!”


Indiscriminate attacks, many people recruit petrochemicals.

“Sizzle!”, Camenho, who was almost affected, was definitely not a good-tempered, unhappy roar: “Which way are you stupid? Hancock!”

“Do you want to plot against the concubine’s baby too?”, Hancock’s hair was flying, his beautiful face was full of cold murderous intent.

Cameño’s long tongue rolls, tit-for-tat: “Don’t make trouble without reason! Hiss~~~”

Unprovoked delusions escalated into persecution delusions, and Hancock was obviously stunned.

“She looks bad!”

“The head hurts~~~”

“Someone is dizzy!”

“Calm down! Hancock, don’t mess around with Conqueror’s Haki.”

“You don’t have a baby at all, OK?”

“Young Master will also come later, do you want to make him angry?”

The originally nice atmosphere is coming to freezing point immediately, and people are panicking.

In the past, Hancock was noble and arrogant. Look at her current image, the gap is really big enough.

“The baby of the concubine body has not been born yet. The young master has just planted it a few days ago. She is in the belly of the concubine body, and the concubine body can feel that she is gestating.” Hancock was suddenly gentle and carefully cared for the belly.


Hancock is even more terrifying, like a monster that protects you, and unreasonably treats everything as potential enemies that may harm his children: “The concubine must go out your eyes, poke your ears, and chop you off. You can’t see, hear, or move your hands and feet, so that you won’t threaten your baby’s safety! Well, just do it.”

Most people have scared scalp numbness.

“You are too nervous, Hancock!”, Doflamingo came late and said flatly: “This is also a manifestation of your ignorance. Looking back to find a woman who has given birth to supplement knowledge, now! Sit down, the little guys are terrified. ”

Hancock stared at Doflamingo hesitantly, the madness gradually dissipated, and he sat down slowly.

*,”Little Lord!”

“Master Young Master!”

“Hoo~~~ I’m saved.”

The heavy burden was relieved, and everyone was quite fortunate for the rest of their lives.


“Well, she didn’t mean it.”, Doflamingo clapped his hands and smiled: “Howl, howl, whistle~~~ The most important thing for the family is to be neat and tidy. This is a rare banquet. ”

“Weihaha~~~ That’s right, that’s right!” Burgess was the first to echo.


“Hahaha ”

“Everyone sings and dances!”

The activists clamored and reluctantly made the atmosphere warmer.

“Dover? I always don’t interfere with your life, but you have to take care of Hancock, don’t (always) have another time, it’s terrible.” Smoky glanced at Hancock, who was still abnormal. Sigh helplessly: “You know her strength and it’s devastating.”

Doflamingo sipped his wine: “Yeah.”

“Baby? Huh! I’ve been with you when I was a teenager, and I haven’t lay an egg after more than ten years of hard work.” Smoky’s lazy sarcasm was generally unpleasant.

Doflamingo: “.

“Anyway~” Smoky made up the knife: “It’s not that I can’t.


“It’s your problem.” Smoky thought for a while, and simply added a word of support.

Heart-struck three combos.

Doflamingo couldn’t keep calm, and smiled awkwardly and politely: “There will be.”

PS: The first one is the first chapter of the guarantee.

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