One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 525: Festival

The chief of cp0 continued to attack in the sneer, trying to defeat Hancock.

"Get out!!"

At this time, my mother-in-law did not know where it came from, waving a snake stick, supporting Sonda Sonia, and reluctantly saved back the situation.

However, the face of the former emperor of the Nine Snake Island did not show any happy expression, but it was a bitter, unsightly expression in his heart.

If this continues, it will be lost sooner or later.

At this time, I am afraid that there is only one person who can save the Nine Snake Island. That is the thunder!


Will the thunder come?

My mother-in-law can’t be sure, because if Tianlei stands up at this time, it will undoubtedly be a complete break with the world government, and it will also be a conspiracy of the world government. The world government can take this opportunity to suppress the horrible reputation of the thunder. Regain the control of the Navy.

The battle is still going on.

The situation is still extremely unfavorable to the Nine Snake Island. As time goes by, the Nine Snake Island side has once again appeared to be defeated. Even the cp0 sergeant, in order to ensure the defeat of Hancock, does not allow Hancock to escape, specially dispatched A team member of cp0 came to assist, and the two teamed up to suppress Hancock.

Hancock was able to confront the cp0's sergeant in a positive confrontation, but with a member of cp0 who was not weak and had a different ability, she was in a very unfavorable situation.

"Oh..." Seeing that Hancock is about to lose, the squad leader of cp0 can't help but bring a bit of ease and jokes. "Who can think of being the world's number one beauty, actually It will be a slave to the Tianlong people."

He showed a taunting color, and his eyes were full of contempt.

The same member of the cp0 next to it is the same. For Hancock, who was once a slave to the Tianlong people, he looked down from the heart and despised.

It is at this time.

Hankook, who had been facing the frost all the time, and suddenly confronted them, suddenly looked awkward, stepped back, and stepped back a few steps. His eyes bypassed the two and looked behind them.

The two were strangely surprised that Hancock was actually in the battle, but in the next moment, both of them changed their faces and turned their heads to look behind.

In the distance, the CP0 headed by the original CP9, Rob Luke, Kaku, Gabra, Bruno, the lion, the soundless owl, and Carly.

Each figure is wrapped in the horror of the horror, across the air, they fly in midair, the grass below, the power of the sky!

It turned out that Rob Luke received the telephone bug of Tianlei, and let him completely destroy these obedient old-school CP0. He must not let Hancock suffer a slight injury, so they took a long time and they immediately broke out.

At this moment, the people on the Nine Snake Island, almost all of them came together, looking at the power of the day, Rob Lulu, Kaku, Gabriel, Bruno, the lion, and the sound. Owls, Carly, they all showed a lot of shock in their eyes.

The closest cp0 members on the edge of the island looked at each other and saw the hearts of each other's eyes. They almost retreated a few steps and quietly separated from the old ones in CP0.

They don't want the old antiques in CP0. They have been very familiar with this year's strength and means.

Although they don't understand, they dare to do this, but if they go to the old antiques in CP0 at this time, the result is only dead.

But the old antiques in CP0, but they don’t understand, self-sustaining identity and qualifications, screaming at Rob Luke, Kaku, Gabra, Bruno, the lion, the soundless owl, and Carly : "Little devil! You can't do it before you do a few, now what is this?!"

"Fighting the command of the Navy Marshal Tian Lei, killing people!"

Rob Luchi, Kaku, Gabriel, Bruno, the lion, the owl, and the Carly, they all have a cold face.

After that, everyone suddenly fell, and then Qi Qi to the opening of the cp0 old antiques, issued a sniper attack, the cp0 old antiques, and even the reaction did not react, it was Rob Luke, Kaku their lame rain , hit directly, and then suddenly collapsed!

The battle of the Nine Snake Island gradually subsided.

Hancock’s two younger sisters, as well as a group of nine snake island female warriors, looked at Rob Luke from a distance and showed unprecedented gratitude.

It is the same for Hancock, even if he knows that it is all because of the order of the thunder. But it was indeed Rob Luke who took the shot and survived.

The sullen eyes of her mother-in-law are shining, but more is a bit nervous. She knows that Tianlei dares to let, Rob Luke, Kaku, Gabriel, Bruno, the lion, and the soundless owl. Carly, these people are exposed, it is definitely ready to completely break with the world government!

Next, Tianlei will definitely be a big game, and this battle will also determine who is the world to dominate! At the same time, it also determines the survival of their daughter's After all, they have been **** with Tianlei, that is, she wants to go to Tianlei this ship is not good, after all, this is what the world has recognized.

However, the result has made her look forward to it. It is the personal force of Tian Lei, which is above the world. Or is it the world’s 800-year-old regime that has ruled the world’s unfathomable world government and Tianlong people? !

Under the watchful eyes of countless people, Rob Luchi, Kaku, Gabra, Bruno, the lions, the owls, and Carly, they turned their heads to Hancock and came to her.

A courtesy to her: "Mrs. Marshal, we will leave immediately, to reinforce the marshal of Tianlei."

"I am going with you." Hancock is not stupid, naturally knows that Tianlei is about to face a terrible battle.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Marshal, the chief of the thunder, but said, you must stay on the daughter's island."

Hancock did not speak, she was naturally timid, and Tian Lei did not want her to have an accident and was injured.

He couldn't help but look at the position of the navy's headquarters. The waves in the beautiful world are like a little bit of starlight. She thinks that the most happy moment of this life is this, even if Tianlei is not here at the moment, but the sincere concern has made her Inextricable.

"Let's go! This is how he faces the whole world, I am his wife, how can I not go." After Hancock said, he immediately went to the direction of the daughter island port.

That meaning can't be understood anymore. You can't stop it. Even if you don't take her, she naturally has a way to go.

Rob Luke and Kaku looked at each other and they were not blocked. Finally, I followed Hancock and walked through the ports.

At the rear, everyone in the Nine Snake Island looked at this scene with sorrow, until Hancock walked away, and they reacted, showing all the surprise.

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