One Eyed Monster

Chapter 671: Light up again (below)

Great Literature recommends that all book friends read: The Quest for Gulu Mountain, a Monster with One Eye, Chapter 671 Lights Up Again (Part 2)

(Big Literature) Rhythm is a very important thing.

In the heart of the dark power, the rhythm is comparable to the law.

However, Igor's left and right jumps broke everything in the routine.

This made the dark power very uncomfortable, and he had no idea whether the young man was going to escape or resist.

Escape is not terrible, he can let the boy escape. After all, running away will not solve any problems. It is true that running away can avoid the immediate crisis, but in the end it will only add a greater crisis to yourself. When all the dust settles, others have the opportunity to fix you.

So just run away now.

If this boy is resisting, it would be easier to deal with it like others.

As long as he doesn't run out of his control, it doesn't matter even if he goes beyond a little rule, he can completely control the situation.

However, the appearance of this young man was very strange, he would run away and resist, and he never stayed in one place for a while. This is more painful, just like a guerrilla fight, changing a place for a while, making their regular troops who attack with all their strength disgusting.

The dark forces will dispatch the puppet soldiers here for a while. It is indeed a bit troublesome. He instantly changed the direction of the pursuit until it didn’t matter. However, these puppet soldiers showed obvious discomfort. It seems that these puppet soldiers are not suitable. The coordination is not so good, and I always bump into myself unconsciously.

Seeing such a chaotic scene, the dark power was a little angry, but he couldn't directly dispatch all the power to deal with this young man, and the more weird and special the spirit body he wanted, the more he wanted it.

He has been back and forth in this world for several times, and he has controlled the souls and bodies of many kinds of people, but it is a virtue for most of these people to go to the end. They cry out in fear or are scared to be stupid without any reaction. It was the first time he encountered resistance from so many people, and the resistance was so varied that he had to do his best.

It would be great if everyone was the same as the warlock just now, and I didn't need to waste so much time arranging so many illusions here, maybe I was drinking afternoon tea at this moment and watching each story.

However, just such a young man who was flying everywhere had a lot of influence on him, and his entire process was thus stranded.

When you catch this young man, you must take a good look at his head to see what exactly is in his head.

It was obvious that the dark forces had been distracted a little by Igor.

Igor knew that he was in the interior, so he understood that no matter how he interspersed in the various phalanxes, he would not be able to affect those who are resisting seniors, because in the interior, there is one flower and one world, and every phalanx They are all self-contained, even if others can see it, it is difficult to influence them. Because the master has isolated these people.

In other words, the interior scene created by Kulun was originally a soap bubble. Everyone is in this soap bubble, but the dark power has a stronger control ability than Kulun, so he formed many small bubbles in this big soap bubble. Soap bubbles, every small soap bubble wraps everyone up, and his puppet phalanx walks into these small soap bubbles so unscrupulously to entangle the resisters. Therefore, the soap bubble in which Igor is located can reach any place but cannot blend with other soap bubbles. These soap bubbles bounce off when they touch each other, and no one affects anyone.

In a big soap bubble, a dozen small soap bubbles are constantly swimming


Igor could only make the soap bubble he was in more violent, but it was a bit more difficult to influence other soap bubbles.

After all, these small soap bubbles were created by dark power, and it seems that there is no breakthrough yet...

But Igor may have overestimated this dark power, and his escape has long bored the dark power.

A well-planned thing suddenly becomes very bad when it is swayed by boredom.

And this is still a mental attack. The emotions were supposed to be concentrated, but now the boring and disgusting emotions suddenly came up.

It takes energy to control tens of thousands of puppet soldiers, and it takes energy to control the illusion. Even a powerful person like the dark force can't be distracted.

Yixin has used it much, and now it is still disturbed by a bored emotion. It is difficult to think about it not to loosen...

Soap bubbles are inherently unstable, but this collapse naturally started from the creator of the interior.

Puff, the soap bubble burst. At that time, Cullen had used his identity as a slaughterer to repel wave after wave of puppet soldiers. Because of his great excitement, the name Slaughterer is not for nothing.

The strength of one person resisted the entire phalanx of a thousand people, and he looked up to the sky and laughed, and at the moment when he laughed wildly, the soap bubble burst.

Of course, there was nothing special at that time. Such rules and rhythms were invisible to the naked eye.

Cullen just felt that he was being oppressed a little and then he looked around and found that the originally powerful phalanx had stopped.

Although there were only a few grunting moments of stagnation, for a master like Cullen, the relative time was relatively long.

Through this long observation, Cullen finally found that he could communicate with Yuga and others again!

This opportunity is difficult, and Kulun will naturally not miss it. Of course, his return to normal consciousness during the process of regaining his self was also because the pressure he received instantly decreased.

The reason why this sense of oppression is reduced is because the dark power was scored by Igor...

It's hard to be disgusted and want to concentrate on one thing.

The dark power may have negative emotions for a while, but the entire link will be affected...

All this came out of Cady's mind, without Cady, none of this would have happened.

Although no one knows why Cardi has a steady flow of spiritual power, and no one knows why Cardi is not controlled by this dark power.

But thankfully, Cardi was on their side.

At this moment, Cardi is still maintaining his fire tree and silver flower. Those dim rays of light make him a headache. No matter how hard he spends, he can't reawaken these sparks...

At the moment when he was about to collapse, a branch that had been dim suddenly reappeared again, and Cady quickly regained his energy. He took a closer look at the original light that was re-lit by Cullen.

Then Cardi was surprised to find that the place where the fire tree silver flower was originally dimmed slowly regained its light, and the sparks that were about to extinguish were brightened again...


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