One Eyed Monster

Chapter 246: Igor's speculation

"I knew it!" After hearing what Guzan said, Cardi became even more excited, and the previous loss gradually faded.

Igor hadn't come out of the surprise just now, he was thinking, these monsters are all different in shape, is there a lot of alien species hidden in this Guru Mountain? Could it be that all the alien species in the Kane world are hidden in Gulu Mountain.

Igor looked at Guzan again, and thought of the identity of this great mentor, a legendary figure in the empire, and now the head of the monster of Gulu Mountain...

Could it be...

The situation in front of him made Igor have to make associations, and the more he thought about it, the more difficult it became. The more he thought about it, the more mysterious he became.

Thinking about the words that the Great Master Guzan said at the beginning, and the continent territory completely different from the official empire, Igor seemed to feel that he had discovered something extraordinary.

Our understanding of the world has just begun.

Human beings’ pursuit of power is far greater than their desire for world knowledge.

The first words of the great mentor echoed in Igor's mind again. Isn't this words relevant to the present? There must be, and it's still quite a connection. Igor thought self-righteously, not paying attention to the silent confrontation between Guzan and Cardi.

Igor felt that Grand Master Guzan, the legend of the empire must be performing a great task, maybe this task was arranged by Emperor Kane himself, maybe no one knew about this task.

Thinking of this, Igor couldn't help but smile. He was so smart, he was able to speculate on this little-known secret, and he had to admire his head.

Igor continued his own associations. He thought that although the great mentor Guzan is a legend in the empire, his deeds have rarely been circulated in recent years. Most of the stories about him were more than ten years ago, and some crows passed on The gossip about the great mentor is also varied.

The gossip circulating at that time was nothing more than two. One was that the great teacher Guzan had gone to the realm of Yongning, but because the alchemy workshop was not available, the news of the great teacher's death was not released, for fear of affecting the stability of the alchemy workshop; The news is also inseparable. It is said that the great teacher Guzan has disappeared. He left the alchemy workshop. Because of the disagreement with the empire, His Majesty thought of his merits instead of imprisoning him but exile him.

Regardless of the news, it points to the great mentor Guzan withdrawing from the current stage and disappearing from people's sight.

Igor sneered at these two pieces of news. He felt that the empire would never abandon a hero, let alone a hero like Guzan.

Now Igor feels that: the news of the crow is really unbelievable, the news is simply deceptive, and even such news is still believed.

Igor let out a sigh of relief. He was in a very happy mood now, because he felt that what he had discovered not only overturned the rumors, but also confirmed that the Great Teacher Guzan was an indispensable key figure in the empire.

Only those whom the king trusts most can accept such secret missions, Igor thought to himself, he has already developed a huge network in his mind, combining the stories of his former great tutor Guzan, those of the Kane Empire and the six major professions. Bit by bit, a vivid story has formed in his mind.

The Kane Empire will definitely not give up on development, just like the great mentor's story said, the Kane Empire will go and get back those things that belong to them. The six major occupations are closely related to the empire, and the six major occupations must be further developed to help the Kane Empire advance further. So they will keep moving forward, but because the Barbarian Empire and the Vince Empire are staring at them, they have to hide their pace of development. After all, the exposed discoveries are likely to make their opponents stronger.

Although Igor didn’t know those distant things, he also knew part of the history of the empire. Those were taught by the instructor in the Far Travel Academy. He knew that the six major professions are no longer exclusive to the Kane Empire. Both Mantai and Vince have a large number of professionals, and even the gnomes of the Mantai Empire have their own professionals.

The reason for this situation is naturally caused by the sharing of information. After a law is published, it will definitely be mastered by most people. Therefore, the talents who discover the law are the most precious resource. This is probably why scholars are respected. The reason.

Vince and Mantai, who have mastered the six major professions, are also becoming stronger and stronger, and it is clear that they have re-formed a threat to the Kane Empire.

And more importantly, the owners of these two empires possessed things that the Kane Empire never had. Although these things don't seem to have much effect, who can tell.

Just like who knows that the Mantai people can tame the mountain monsters, and the Weiluo people can threaten the tree spirits.

That's right, the two neighboring empires in the Kane world are alien species that have more things than the Kane empire. This seems to be an internal threat, but it can be a different species that can be used as a pillar of armaments.

There has never been any alien species in the Kane world, and this is also the most different place between the Kane world and the Ghost Velo.

Therefore, combined with the status of the great tutor Guzan in the empire and the current situation, Igor has reason to believe that Guzan is now performing a secret mission.

And this task must be related to alien species, it may be to find alien species hidden in the Kane world.

Looking at the current situation, Great Tutor Guzan has transformed into Guru Guru and the head of many monsters on the Guru Mountain. It is obvious that Great Tutor Guzan has performed this hidden task very well.

Who would have thought that this Guru Mountain would hide a different species, and this barren land that others thought could hide such a big secret!

Igor guessed as much as he could, inferred, he felt that his inference was reasonable, and now he waited for Guzan to admit it himself.

But Igor looked back and thought about it, and felt that he was thinking too much. How could the great mentor say it casually for such an important task. I'm a bit whimsical.

Igor, who withdrew his thoughts, noticed the weird confrontation between Cady and the Great Master Guzan at this moment.

Cardi's eyes stared wide, and Guzan Grand Master also stared at Cardi without blinking.

"What are you doing?"

Cardi and Guzan did not move at all.

"Why don't you talk like this?"

Cardi and Guzan still did not respond.

Igor looked at the strangeness in front of him and didn't know what to do. UU Reading

In the end, the great mentor Guzan broke this awkward situation.

"Your eyes are still so magical, every time we look at each other will make us people feel ashamed."

Guzan's words made Igor and Cardi look at each other, as if the great teacher had begun to talk about heavenly scriptures again.

"What's wrong with Cardi's eyes?" Igor was going to ask the question.

"Hehe, when you should know, you will naturally experience that the ones that should come will always come, but they will always come late, and the ones that should go will always go, but you can't wait every time."

Igor didn't understand this kind of esoteric words, and even Cadi didn't understand. They looked at each other and were at a loss.

"You are not the same as us, Cardi, you seem to be a gift from God, but I'm very sorry that we guys have dragged you into the dispute."

The great mentor sighed and started talking again.

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