One Eyed Monster

Chapter 2363: A place not dare to set foot

What should come will come, and what should end is about to end.

The fear caused by the red flame is still there, and it is difficult for such a flame to understand what is supporting it.

Not everyone can understand this fear, and not everyone can get close to this flame. Behind this flame is anger and ambition, a complex and difficult force.

No one does not know where this power comes from.

Because they have been under such pressure for so many days and so long.

When this flame rose up all at once, everyone understood what was going on. They had experienced this state of energy gushing everywhere.

They knew what kind of power this was for a long time. In order to fight against this power, many former enemies have come together, and many broken powers have been picked up.

The powerful force has been oppressing them, and has been the pressure on their hearts.

This kind of situation has appeared countless times, and they withdrew and forbeared again and again, and now it's time to face them directly.

In the past, they could also choose to forbearance and avoid, but now they can't.

This powerful force has been making waves in this world for a long time.

At that time, they still had options to avoid and tolerate.

It is finally time to face each other, and this long-standing anger is also exhibited at this time.

Everyone is angry, and everyone wants to break this guy to pieces.

But this thing is not so simple, because for them, the powerful force is always strong, and they still have no way to let this powerful force point fingers.

To put it bluntly, they don't even have the ability to get close to this powerful force.

That is to say, although there are thousands of angers, these angers are helpless, and the result of this helpless anger is like this.

In front of this powerful force, no amount of anger has turned into a kind of grievance, and this grievance will not play any role.

For them now, all this is very difficult.

The difference in strength is particularly obvious at this moment, and they have no good way to deal with such a gap. They can only watch all this happen silently.

After enduring such a long time and avoiding such a long time, I still have to face it in the end.

Although they all expected this result, they still felt that this moment was a little too early.

But many things in this world are like this. Many things will not go so smoothly, these things will not make you feel that everything is ready to happen. These uncertain factors have always plagued them, and it is precisely because of these uncertainties that they are so nervous.

These tensions made them fearful and afraid to move forward. For a long time, they concealed themselves and did not face them.

Of course, this retreat is not that they don't want to face it. This tension keeps them in a cautious state.

Then this is just a manifestation of a sense of responsibility, and these cautions are just a manifestation of being responsible to everyone. They dare not make decisions at will, because they are afraid that their decision will affect everyone's future.

They can only cringe like this, so that the existing crowd retains their strength, and then they all wait for the strength to gather to a certain time before facing this powerful force.

This is that anger has already represented their aspirations. It's not that they don't want to face such a powerful force, it's that they feel they don't have the strength to face it. At this time, if they face such strength strongly, they will only hit the stone with the pebbles.

Their cautiousness will not allow them to try this kind of practice that is not worth the loss.

These things are all normal. They will not blame each other or complain, because this fact is a fact that cannot be changed.

The whole sky reflected by the fiery red flame made them stare blankly.

These people have been fighting for a long time, and they know that one day they will face such a result.

Now this moment has finally arrived, it seems a bit hasty, but it is also inevitable.

You must know that not long ago, they faced a lot of unknowns without any temper.

During that time they were almost desperate, because they were faced with a vast unknown, they simply could not deal with these things.

Who would have thought that it hasn't been long since these positions have left, and the things they face are worse than those positions.

This is the energy that burst out completely, this energy is too strong, they simply can't control it.

The flames burned blazingly, and the more they burned, the larger the range. It seemed that it would not be long before the place they were in would be spread by such flames.

They can see the anger in this flame, and they can also see the disdain in this flame.

It was not what was expected, they were not surprised at all, but in the face of such a powerful force, they still felt a little helpless, such helplessness made them unable to get close to that place at all.

The place where the flames shined suddenly became a corner that couldn't be reached.

There is no way to set foot in this place, they feel very sad. But this is also the reality that they have to accept. At this stage, what they can do is just surround the flame and continue to express their helplessness.

Is there no way? Is it that I admit that I am weak? Is it that I just accept this helpless reality?

They are unwilling to accept it, but they seem to have no way to deal with it.

This kind of helplessness is hard to accept. Looking at this red flame, I feel a little dissatisfied, but there is no way to go.

The ambivalence suddenly appeared on After all, it was the kind of unconvinced in their hearts.

They persisted for so long, can it be said that they still can't bear this power? Do they still have to be crushed by such power?

Now everything has been shown in front of them, there is no way to dodge, or tolerate.

They had some doubts about whether to bite the bullet and rush up or continue to deal with it.

It seems that at this moment, all of them are in the same mood.

Hesitate, hesitate.

Fear triggers caution, and caution triggers their current state.

They don't know where their hope is, even if Igor and Cardi are in front of them, they don't think these two teenagers can reverse this situation.

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