One Eyed Monster

Chapter 2359: Shock

Cardi's words are like a big hammer, and Igor trembles all over his body.

This sentence shocked his soul and shocked his whole body. Although it is only a few short sentences, the power of these sentences is really difficult to measure. This is a blow to the bones. The impact.

This is a kind of resonance, it is an incomprehensible thing, but at this moment his heart is completely filled with such resonance.

"Send them back." Igor faintly agreed. At this moment, he could suddenly feel the silent state of Cady just now.

At this time, saying anything is superfluous.

These unknowns are controlled and used. They can't communicate with them, and there is no way to tell the distress in their hearts. In this place, they can only be driven by the energy of Kuyturan, doing things that they don't want to do, and they have to endure some particularly incomprehensible things.

Where do you come from?

They are forced to come to such a place and do things they don't want to do, but they can't set foot in the place where they belong, and there is no way to go back. There is no way to understand that kind of grief and helplessness, and there is no way to pass on the kind of difficulties they are in.

And they will be treated as enemies in this place and will be destroyed.

Thinking of this, Igor and Cardi couldn't help but feel that Kuytulan's approach was too bad. This guy did not consider the consequences at all, completely ignored the feelings of others, and completely carried out his own ambitions.

This makes these unknowns present a state of aggression, and they cannot be changed.

Now, I finally have this opportunity to see clearly, the helplessness of these unknown things can resonate with their current feelings.

Cardi saw this in the passage of time and space. He felt that it was necessary to let these guys go back to their original places, let them find the place they wanted, and let them get the kind of peace they deserve.

The passage of time and space is really a magical place. It allows these unknown objects to find their own belonging in an instant. That is a magical place, where there is a magical force to guide you in the direction you should go.

The unknown did not hesitate, they were very determined, and this was what moved Cardi.

The place of belonging seems to be a mess, but they still have to go back. That is where they belong and where they are dreaming.

This point Igor and Cardi can fully understand, because their world is also like this, their world is also under attack, and the damage is much more serious than the ownership of these unknowns.

They also want to protect their homeland, and they also want to make the place where they belong to become very familiar...

The impact these unknowns brought to them was really too great, and they never thought that these unknowns would actually do something so persistently.

After arriving at that space-time channel, these unknowns didn't have a trace of souvenirs. They used this action to tell Cardi and Igor that what they thought in their hearts must arrive.

It must arrive, how simple it is, how straightforward it is, but it is not so easy to achieve.

In the process, you will give up, you will hesitate, and you will be trapped by various reasons.

All of this will prevent you from moving forward and will make you feel powerless.

At that time, will you still be able to go on like this without hesitation? Will you still go straight to the end like these unknown things without any hesitation?

There are so many uncertain things, there is no way to predict, and the whole process cannot be described in short words.

Resonance is inherently complicated, and the sound that strikes the soul will always make you feel helpless.

But this kind of helplessness will also unintentionally give you strength, make you feel like a superman in this moment, and let yourself fly completely.

There is no one thing that can make people achieve such an effect in an instant, which is unavoidable.

The inner shock made them completely unbalanced, and the things they had originally thought changed. They are now very anxious to gather these unknowns.

Sending them back is their goal, and it is also a kind of support for these unknown things in their hearts.

This is what they can do.

Help these unknowns return to where they belong, and help these unknowns get rid of their current shackles.

The shock of the soul gave them strength, and this kind of inner shock made their souls completely sublimated, with a kind of power that is difficult to surpass.

This kind of power cannot be pursued, it is completely an explosion of oneself, a kind of precipitation of oneself.

This is not chasing, not generalizable, and there is no way to conduct a systematic analysis.

This kind of power comes suddenly, but also inexplicably, even if the body is completely exhausted at that time, and there is no physical ability to support oneself, but it can still make the final attack.

This is a kind of power gifted by heaven, this kind of power does not belong to oneself, does not belong to anyone, but belongs to the call born in the heart.

Igor seemed to be able to feel the echo of this shout at this time, and even he could hear the response. The inner shout was originally something he had been struggling with, and it had been a problem that bothered him and prevented him from moving forward.

Now that he heard such a voice through these unknown objects, he was really very excited.

Strength, continuous flow.

As long as they can help these unknowns return to their place of belonging, they will feel that more power will come to them. There is no repulsion in their hearts, and no anxiety in their hearts.

At this time, they are innocent in their hearts, just like the blue sky without white clouds, clean and makes people want to go crazy.

Strength is different.

This power is extremely powerful.

Igor and Cardi increased their speed unknowingly. They didn't realize it at all. They were completely driven by the cry from their hearts.

They did not realize that their scope had expanded, nor did they realize that they had unknowingly released all the unknowns that had trapped other people.

It was silent, the whole process was very awkward, but it was very surprising, they were like a gust of wind passing by each monster, and suddenly the unknown things that were surrounded by them were released.

Under their guidance, the unknown thing that is not bound enters the passage of time and space, opening the way back. These unknowns do not know that they will bring such a big impact to these two teenagers...

However, they are not the only ones affected.

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