One Eyed Monster

Chapter 2254: Tricky things

This change in the heart demon also made Cardi's whole mood better.

Originally he was trapped in this construction tunnel, very impatient, very very depressed.

Knowing the appearance of this inner demon, his own mood has improved somewhat.

On the one hand, the feeling of loneliness always affects him, and on the other hand, constant attempts are always fruitless and it is really disgusting.

This incident of the inner demon allowed Cardi to get rid of the above two points in a short period of time.

After he had the inner demon to speak, he was no longer alone, and the attempts on the inner demon also achieved certain results, and it was no longer such a futile effort.

These changes eased his whole mood, and even for a moment he felt that he had forgotten the environment he was in.

Forget about the environment, let alone talk about what he is going to do...

Fortunately, this demon sometimes reminds him that the environment he is in is a special environment.

Now the demon has talked about this difficult thing. Cardi also recovered from his previous excitement.

After all, he hadn't walked out of this space-time passage yet, and the revolving door had not been opened for him in front of him.

There are many difficulties, but I still need to move forward step by step.

This heart demon is very righteous, and at this time he also said that he is willing to serve Cardi... But the cruel reality is always here, and the strength of the heart demon is there. There is no way he can make the card thorough Get rid of this difficulty.

But when he said that was the case, it eased the worry in Cardi's heart.

This is a very rare thing, so it makes Cary very happy.

That kind of happy feeling made Cardi feel that the difficulty in front of him may not be too difficult.

However, this issue has not changed at all here, even if he has learned more, he has not opened any angle of this issue.

Or in other words, although Cardi felt that he had gained a lot, his understanding of this space-time channel has not changed in any way.

He was happy, he was pleased, it was because he and the inner demon had made a good progress. But such progress is not helpful to the entire space-time channel.

In other words, in other words, the appearance of the heart demon was only a small comfort to him, he still did not find any fundamental solution to the essential problem.

This small change caused his mood to fluctuate a little bit, but fortunately, he found this place in time.

So at this time he has put away his previous excitement.

The thorny issue is always a thorny issue, and no changes have taken place.

The most critical problem now is that he can't get out of this space-time channel.

It's easy when you come in, but difficult to get out. This is really strange.

However, even the most difficult problem must be faced!

If it weren't for the inner demon who offered to help, it might take a while for Cardi to think of this technical problem, but now that the inner demon has raised it, he must also face this problem correctly.

There is actually no good way to face this problem. Cardi couldn't find the turning point of this door, so he couldn't get out.

When re-realizing that he was still trapped in this space-time passage, Cardi suddenly lost much energy.

"I and you are now one, your existence affects my existence, so if you have any difficulties, I will help you, although my help may be insignificant." The heart demon is still talking tiredly, for his own sake To do is to sincerely want to help this host.

"I have realized your determination and kindness, and I am very grateful to you, but this is not something that can be done just by talking." Cardi still communicated with the demon sincerely.

"Now your difficulty is to leave this space-time channel?"

"Yeah, this is my difficulty. Is there any way you can get me to leave?" Cady's eyes began to flash, he thought this hope would give him a good suggestion.

However, this inner demon's answer disappointed him, and the inner demon directly told him that he had no way.

This is really empty joy. I was mentally prepared to deal with it, but now it seems that the time and space turbulence of the fish with the same big eyes and small eyes is slowly consumed.

"It's a pity that I haven't been able to give you a good advice on this issue." The heart demon also feels a pity. He originally thought that he could perform well in front of the host, but now there is no such opportunity.

"This is originally a difficult problem, and it is a very normal thing for you to not be able to provide advice, so don't feel a pity." Cardi was still really a straightforward person, and said such a sentence directly.

"I really want to help. Is there anything I can do for you? Just let me live on you like this, and I feel very guilty!"

The demon is still very sincere, he really wants to help.

It's a pity that Cardi can't do anything about this. This is a guy who depends on Cardi for survival, what can he do?

"Although we don't have any clues about this thorny issue, we can also have a discussion. Everyone is gathering firewood and the flames are high, and we can slowly solve this thorny problem in this way."

"That's right, that's right..." At this time, the inner demon really had nothing to do besides chasing Cardi.

"Tricky problems will also be Don't worry." Cardi also consoled him from time to time. He felt that this was really helpful.

Before solving a problem, you must not be afraid. If you think this problem is difficult, you should observe it carefully and don't make judgments lightly.

Once careless, it will cause a lot of negative things to appear. At that time, it is difficult for a rational voice to work, and the whole person may be completely out of control... At that time, it is impossible for you to solve this problem.

The problem in front of him is indeed very difficult, and it has troubled him for a long, long time. Now that he has a partner like the inner demon, he still can't easily make a judgment.

He was very pleased that the heart demon had fully understood the predicament he was in in a short time. This shows that the heart demon has naturally accepted the self in his heart.

Only when you are not too confused can you see exactly what the environment you are in is like.

Obviously the inner demon has done this, but Cady still feels that he has to give some strength...


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