One Eyed Monster

Chapter 2175: The chaos begins

At the moment when the space-time channel was opened, everyone was in an unknown state.

It can be said that no one knows anything about this thing, everyone is above the same starting line.

Whether it was Igor or Kuyturan, they all entered a space-time channel under unknown circumstances. They unintentionally learned about this passage and unintentionally opened the door to time and space in this world.

Originally, they only entered this channel with consciousness, but their consciousness shuttled in another time and space.

Now, the situation is much more complicated.

Ennold, a person who can jump on the timeline, resolutely threw himself into the road of exploration, and he had already begun his own adventure.

Kuy Turan plunged into the passage of time and space. He has always had a lot of things to obtain. This time, I don't know how his ambition will grow.

The whole world is still in chaos, wars continue, the black puppets are still fierce, and the human coalition has suffered.

Even when Kuyturan's consciousness was fragmented, he still gave a strong command to occupy.

The black puppet was originally just a confrontation, but now it has completely let go of its hands and feet, and has no other instructions. It does not need to split its own strength to support another place, and is 100% invested in this battle.

Under normal circumstances, the human coalition forces should have been defeated steadily under such an offensive, and lost their fighting ability early.

But because of the sharing of Igor and Cardi, the psychic books gave a new battle plan, and the strength of the coalition army has also increased a lot out of thin air.

The swallowed power did have restraint against the black puppets. The emergence of this fighting method gave the human coalition, which was already in a disadvantaged position, all of a sudden confidence.

As a result, the battle situation returned to the situation of confrontation, and this time the confrontation also expanded in scope, and the entire front was drawn very long.

The lengthening of the front line has eased the whole situation. It seems that the whole world has restored a kind of relative peace.

This kind of calm is that the two sides have no mutual actions, tacitly that the other side can be stationed there safely.

Even the puppets who are just accepting instructions seem to be disconnected at this time. They didn't have any action, as if they had completely become an empty shell.

The imperial coalition forces did not make any response again, they did not use this to directly rush down the puppet army. Instead, let the puppet army be stationed there in an empty shell.

If it were to change, they would definitely take this opportunity to attack desperately in the past, but now they have a certain understanding of this, they no longer act blindly. The puppets are only controlled by the spiritual core. When the spiritual core does not exist, the empty shells are just empty shells. Even if you smash them, they will be under the influence of spiritual power. , After the recovery of the spiritual core, re-spliced ​​into a new puppet.

Therefore, they would not attack easily without discovering Linhe. This was the information Igor and the others brought, and now it seems to be an important clue.

They will not act blindly, nor attack blindly, they are all waiting for the other's response, and then they are reacting. For them they are passive, after all, they know very little. What they want to protect is only their world, but the other side always wants to cover this world.

This stalemate and calm continued, and I don't know how long it took.

From time to time, small conflicts appeared, which seemed to tell them that the war was not over.

But these little conflicts can never cause waves, and those puppets always flash past.

The imperial coalition forces sometimes couldn't bear to be lonely. After all, there was no enemy to fight for long time preparations, which made them a little irritable.

They kept questioning those people in Gulu Mountain, and now Gulu Mountain has become the command advisor of the entire empire's coalition forces. All actions must be approved by those in Gulu Mountain.

But they came and asked several times, but Gulushan didn't have a decent reply.

Gulu Mountain seemed to fall into a kind of silence, and everyone didn't know what was going on.

The temporary calm caused the originally united people to gradually loosen, and there were various contradictions between the three empires.

After the puppet did not move, the three empires seemed to be caught in that kind of contradictory argument.

Although the territorial dispute is still going on, they are still just a small fight. After all, the leaders of the three empires can always hold their armies.

Leaders know that these circumstances are special, but those soldiers don't necessarily know.

This is the lower-level people, the more they feel that they are chaotic.

At that time, they felt that night was no longer night and day was not day. Sometimes they felt that this time was very long but passed very shortly, and sometimes they felt that this time was very short but spent very, very long time.

Many cognitions have changed in their eyes, as if the extreme winter and extreme summer completed the transition in only one or two days.

Those ice cubes that had melted are now frozen again, and the flowers that had grown are now withered.

Everyone found it strange. When they looked up at the sky, the sky was gloomy for a while, and then looked at the clear sky.

They didn't know what happened, they thought it was the destruction that this war brought to the world.

But they are most puzzled by the fact that their opponents have never moved.

They feel these changes. Sometimes they feel that they have grown a few years old a day, and sometimes they feel that they have become very young.

Sometimes I can’t fall asleep while sleeping, and sometimes I feel sleepy when I wake up.

Everything is called chaos by During this time, they found that many strange things were happening. These strange things were beyond their imagination, they had never encountered them. been.

They wanted to know the answer, but their silent shouts were not heard at all.

In this chaos, passers-by are passing by very strangely.

It seemed that all this happened, they didn't know what was going on, but they felt that something else appeared to them.

This thing that appeared is very familiar, like a friend around them, and also like some shadows on themselves. But they still can't tell what this thing is.

Some people collapsed directly because of these new things.

This makes many people suspect that this is an attack by the other side.

Amidst chaos, there will be chaos. If it were not for the decisiveness of the leader, the disciplined army would probably become a mess...


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