One Eyed Monster

Chapter 1976: Do your own thing

Although Igor had a lot of doubts at this juncture, he still unswervingly followed Cardi's steps and continued to destroy this city of replication.

Although the progress is not very obvious, it is better to keep going than watching.

Although they have not completely destroyed the copied Simbal so far, they have found the origin of the matter.

They understood the reason for the emergence of this city of replication, and also knew part of the conspiracy behind this city of replication.

In any case, the current situation is very special, they must go all out to destroy this plan.

Although they don't know whether their actions can play a decisive role, it is still very good to be able to delay this plan.

So they continue to run, continue to destroy, continue to try to break their limits.

At this critical moment, they must do their own thing well, and their own thing is not to hesitate and continue to use this rhythm to destroy the entire city of replication.

Igor and Cardi did not forget to communicate, after all, it is not a way to keep such a monotonous destruction.

Such a monotonous destruction is not a good way. Although doing so has a certain effect, they also have to think about when this is the head.

If this city of replication continues to appear in the process of destruction, will they continue to repeat it like this?

Although there is no such a sign, it does not mean that it will not appear in the future. They must consider all aspects.

Cardi used to act here alone, and he would make some arbitrary judgments. Now that Igor joins in, it should get better.

Indeed, after Igor joined in, Cardi became very excited, not only in his actions, but also in his own thinking.

At first, Cardi was just destroying there, and he couldn't control so much. He didn't even have a chance to wake Igor who had just entered.

That is to say, at that time, Cardi didn't have the time to think about what he should do, but just did it blindly.

Although this method has achieved good results, it is always floating on the surface, not deep into the roots.

After Igor joined, there was communication between them and more sharing between them. Igor was originally a person with a lot of thoughts, otherwise he would not be hesitant when encountering things. After he appeared here, he thought about a lot of questions, and he has already made Cardi feel different.

The same is to fight a snake. Cardi just fights, blindly, without any directionality, and spends his energy. Although there is an effect, the effect is not reflected.

Igor also went to fight the snake. Although he entered the state relatively slowly, not as fast as Cadi, he always wanted to hit the seven-inch part of the snake so that the snake suddenly lost its ability to move.

Cardi is playing lively, Igor is for efficiency.

At this time, Igor and Cardi were wondering if the purpose of doing this was a bit unclear.

Although they are also very sure that doing so will definitely affect the other party's plan, it does not seem obvious, but they are dragged by this city of replication.

They are doing the same thing over and over again, constantly destroying them. Although the purpose is clear, there is no end in sight.

And then think about whether they think they were trapped by the enemy in this way...

This thought made Igor a little panicked. He felt that if this was the case, then it would be tantamount to falling into the enemy's trap, and everything they did was in vain.

If Igor was alone at this time, then he must be hesitant to make up his mind now.

But this time he has Cardi by his side, with a reliable partner.

When Cady discovered that Igor had this idea, he immediately issued a warning.

The communication in consciousness is all in an instant, and they won't have so much nonsense.

Cardi's reason is also very simple, that is, it cannot be a trap for the enemy, but they have not found the key point, unable to restrain the development of this city of replication.

Igor was still a bit hesitant.

But Cardi showed him another truth, which is actually very simple, that is, when Igor did not join in, the city of replication was still moving at this speed.

At this moment Igor woke up, he suddenly found that he had almost gotten around him.

Fortunately, Cardi was by his side, otherwise he would delay his actions after he was actually circumvented in, making this city of replication move faster.

Igor adjusted his thoughts, he felt he was thinking too much now.

Sometimes things will be solved after Cady and his thinking are combined. This may be a combination of two people.

The city of replication is still going on now, and they can feel the flow of this energy.

Although the Simbal had been destroyed by two-thirds of them, in the process of destruction, a new city of replication was created.

They can only destroy one by one like this...

This monotony seems to continue!

This cannot be done, it must be adjusted.

Igor felt that their current focus should be adjusted to search instead of just destroying.

Cardi didn't understand.

Igor told him that the reason for the continuous growth of this city of replication is always the spiritual core. Only by turning the focus to find the spiritual core can the problem be solved once and for all, otherwise it can only be continuously circulated as it is now.

Cardi understands this, but he still feels that finding the spiritual core is not an easy No matter how difficult it is to try, I can’t sit still like this, Igor is determined, and he feels he The analysis is still very reasonable.

Cardi knew that there was no room for discussion on this matter, because now Igor was already in a very excited state. This means that Igor has discovered one of these mysteries.

Only when I found the seven-inch position when fighting a snake, Igor would be so excited, obviously now Igor has been found.

In this case, Cardi felt that he could only support Igor unconditionally.

It was Igor who supported him just now, but now it is up to him to support Igor.

Feng Shui turns around, which is also a very good thing.

It's just that this city of replication is so big and messy, there is no clue to look for, I don't know what Igor is going to do.

But Cardi didn't worry at all, because he knew Igor would definitely have a way, because Igor was an explorer.

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