When the stone gate finished the mural demonstration, the entire group fell into a long silence.

It is indeed an interesting story, but the point is obviously not that story. With more than a thousand murals, Golden King used nine percent of nine percent to describe how he tried to turn the tides, and established his merits in the world. It shows his preference for luxury and ostentation, but among those murals that are really related to the road to the championship trial, there are only a few at the end. And most of them are used to demonstrate Wang’s wisdom and bravery. As for how the Golden King breaks through the sea of ​​clouds, it is not mentioned at all, and the available information is almost zero.

“It seems that I can only do it on my own.” After thinking about it, Wang Lu came to the conclusion, “It’s really an interesting mural, not so much Golden King taking the opportunity to show off, I think it’s actually It’s more like he is deliberately concealing his adventures. It seems that there is something unbearable in the sea of ​​clouds. But then again, this boarded the Most Excellent Lake Mountain and took the Sun God Stone… Is it true that Most Excellent Lake Mountain Or, it’s just Golden King’s imitation, similar to the rockery and potted plants in the back garden? And why is it designed to be so closed? It’s really intriguing.”

Aya worried: “Compared with Golden King’s intentions , I am more worried about the challenger mentioned by stone gate. Not surprisingly, it should be the administrator of Holy Light Religion’s? He will personally end up competing with us at this level, but this kind of competition is very unfavorable for us because the information on both sides is complete. Asymmetry. He has completed this trial a long time ago. Now it is a familiar road, but we want to Start From Scratch. We don’t know what difficulties will be encountered during the period.”

Wang Lu said:” It’s normal that the opponent is the defending champion, and it is inevitable that there will be preferential treatment, but isn’t this kind of thing very common? Either you or me, both have the experience of skipping grades to challenge. The opponents we meet have a longer cultivation time than us. The realm is taller than us and even equipped with more complete equipment. No matter how it looks, it’s an unfair battle, but we have won it all the way to the present. So what is fairness and unfairness?”

“That’s right, it’s just…” Aya laughed, “Unexpectedly, it was you who encouraged me.”

Wang Lu said with a smile: “I am your gigolo!”



At the same time, in front of another stone gate, several people wearing saint robes have just finished watching the mural.

“Really, I have already watched it once, and we are forced to watch it again. Golden King’s habit of showing off has not changed even after he died.”

Standing Paul sighed at the head of the team, his mouth curled slightly, showing a somewhat relaxed expression, and behind him, in addition to Faceless One and the most Supreme Inquisitor Ferdinand, there are five other Archbishop-level Primes. They are The Pope’s immediate family members, under the instruction of the Pope, joined in as an assistant in this operation, in order to ensure that the operation is foolproof. The addition of these people has greatly increased Paul’s confidence. After all, the opponents are just a few youngsters whose true strength barely matches the high order mid-level professionals. As for the heroes of Knight King, if she still has the strength of the Peak period, maybe she will Very tricky, but now she is no longer a threat. In terms of strength, Holy Light Religion has an absolute advantage. Those blasphemers can successfully pass the first three levels, not because of their own strength, but because they can design tricks when faced with rigid levels. But in the fourth test, the opponent becomes a living person, everything becomes a competition of pure strength, there is no possibility of that many tricks.

Moreover, the advantage in strength is only one. In fact, in the fourth test, strength is not the key to victory. What really makes Paul feel that he is winning is the advantage in experience.

“After entering, everyone pays attention to follow up on my steps. Before arriving at Most Excellent Lake Mountain, there is a sea of ​​primal chaos clouds. It is a space where the laws are disordered and often encounters unique laws suppressed. For example, some places prohibit the existence of flame elements, and anyone can never light up a fire. In some places, trialist is forbidden to speak, and offenders will undoubtedly die. And these laws cannot be broken with brute force and can only be followed carefully. Back then Golden King’s is strong, and we must proceed step by step and follow the rules. During the period, we got lost several times, battered and exhausted. So that experience was not recorded on the mural. And the last time we passed smoothly, how many points of luck Ingredients.”

Paul never mentions the role of Faceless One, and instead encourages morale.

“But this time, we are already familiar with the road, even if more than 80 years have passed, the memory of each step of the pass test is still fresh, from stepping into the sea of ​​clouds to reaching the each step of Most Excellent Lake Mountain , I’m confident that I won’t make a mistake. So you can follow me with confidence and obey my orders. Although it is not the genuine Sun God Stone, it is a replica created by Golden King to commemorate his great achievements. The value is not in Holy Artifact. So, maybe we should be grateful to the blasphemers. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to restart this level.”

As Paul said, ha ha smiled, and took the lead to walk in Among the stone gate.

But at this moment, I heard the Faceless One at the end of the team, saying sarcastically, “It sounds like you have the chance to win? It’s ridiculous. The characteristic of an idiot is that it is habitually brainless. Optimistic. I really look forward to your hysterical chanting’this impossible’ now.”

Paul turned his head and said angrily: “Faceless, if you are scared, you can shut up and stay at the door. Outside!”

“Afraid?” Faceless One said with a smile frivolously: “I am indeed afraid, I am afraid that you will cry again when the time comes, so I kneel and beg me for help, by the way My nose rubbed against my shoes.”

Paul was ashamed and angry: “Enough! Don’t think that you have performed in the championship trial, so you don’t need to put anyone in your eyes. The last time I tried the pass test was indeed thanks to your help, but I have already remembered all the steps of the pass test. Now it doesn’t matter whether you have you or not! You have no right to tell me in this level!”

“Oh oh, what a stiff and messy speech, it’s touching.” Faceless One smiled sarcastically, and then stretched his hand forward, “Then let’s just wait and see.”

“No Wrong, just wait and see, you will definitely pay the price for your arrogance and rudeness!”

Amidst resentment, Paul led the entire group into the stone gate. Everyone felt that the scenery in front changed, and a vast sea of ​​clouds appeared in front of them, and at the other end of the sea of ​​clouds was a towering mountain that pierced the sky.

Most Excellent Lake Mountain which symbolizes Golden King’s authority everywhere.

Everyone is standing on a floating island, all around are surrounded by a sea of ​​clouds. Once you get out of the island, you will officially embark on the mountaineering road and face the murderous intention in the primal chaos. According to Paul’s memory, the best way to start should be to take the 1st Step in a rocky crack, and the rocky crack…Huh! ?

With a hint of surprise, Paul began to observe the scenery all around carefully, but after a while, he was frightened and scared, and stepped back subconsciously: “Here, here…”

“Where is this place?!”

Compared with the small but familiar island in my impression, the land under my feet, although the same small and depressing, has almost no other characteristics. , Even the color of the land is completely different. And looking closely, the angle of Most Excellent Lake Mountain in the distance is completely different from what I remembered. In other words…

“It’s different from the starting point last time.”

“This, this…” Paul’s eyes widened, sweat was raining, and his dry lips were sticking, but he couldn’t spit out one character.

“What’s this? Is this impossible? An idiot is an idiot!” Faceless One’s voice seemed so harsh at this time, “I have always been surprised, where did you get your confidence? I think everything will be exactly the same as the last time. ?Even stupid domestic animals like pigs and dogs should know that the two trials impossible have the same process. Even without considering the unpredictable primal chaos Yunhai, there was only one trialist for us last time, but two trials this time! The focus of the whole trial has shifted. And you actually think that everything will be exactly the same as the last time!”

Listening to Faceless One’s ridicule, Paul only felt the blood rush to his face, but the one character said no. come out.

“Faceless, continuing to laugh at Paul will not help our actions.” The Supreme Inquisitor Ferdinand quietly interrupted Faceless One, “Next, you will lead the team and do what you want to do. “

Paul was surprised: “Ferdinand, you…”

“Enough idiot! Don’t you think you look ugly enough? I’m not here to see how shame you are Eyes! Hurry up and finish this level and purify the profaners!”

Faceless One said with a smile: “ha ha, it’s no wonder those eastern people often say a word, flowers need green leaves, and Compared to that idiot Paul, you idiot looks a bit pleasing to the eye.”

After that, Faceless One took the lead, and his figure was directly submerged in the cloud. And without taking two steps, cry out in surprise suddenly came out among the clouds: “You guys come here, hurry!”

When they heard Faceless One’s call, everyone else was shocked-what happened? Under what circumstances can the guy who arrogantly respectless of the law and of natural morality exclaim so much? Did they meet Wang Lu? Everyone didn’t think too much, and they flew into the sea of ​​clouds. However, their body was just wrapped in the clouds and mist, and they felt that their whole body was sinking. The strong Holy Light filled within the body dimmed instantly, as if it had been suppressed by an unknown. Don’t save one!

“This, this is…” Not only Paul and Ferdinand, but the five Archbishops trained by the Pope as dead men also showed fear, because the power they rely most on is unknown. Bai lost most of it.

“Faceless, what’s going on!?” Ferdinand’s voice seemed a bit weak. This Legendary-level saint, at this time, his power was weakened to the High Order Intermediate level, and he couldn’t recover even after exhausting his means. He has experienced winds and waves in his life, but this is the first time such a strange situation!

Faceless One ha ha smiled and said, “Paul should have explained to you before, primal chaos, in the sea of ​​clouds, the law is suppressed everywhere, and now we are under the suppression that once we enter it, our strength is retained at most To High Order Intermediate Professional level.”

“Fucking Dog ghost place!” Ferdinand scolded, and then pierced Faceless One with a sharp gaze, “You knew it would be like this?!”

Faceless One said: “I will know when I step into the sea of ​​clouds, otherwise, why do you want to hurry up? If it wasn’t for unexpectedly tricking you over, after you know the situation here, you will definitely hesitate outside. We don’t have that many time to waste.”

“What did you say?!”

“I mean, if we don’t speed up our actions, we will have no chance…this The unpredictable primal chaos Yunhai seems to be tailor-made for him.” Although Faceless One was expounding an urgent fact, his tone was calm, and halfway through, he suddenly turned his head: “ Oh, by the way, the nail I buried in that girl should almost be discovered, right?”

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