The legend of Sword in the Stone, any qualified Bretonia person will not be unfamiliar.

Its last one was also the only one owner, that is, the famous Knight King of Bretonia, and the peerless Martial Artist who once overawes the world. Knight King pulled out of Sword in the Stone in his youth and began his Legendary life. He led the army to consecutive victories, defeated all Bretonia’s opponents, unified the regime, and established the kingdom of Knight that countless people admire.

It’s a pity that due to repeated infighting, this prosperous country soon fell apart. Knight King himself was also seriously injured and killed in the battle of the rebellion. According to legend, the sword of kingship he held followed his The remains returned to the ideal hometown together, and will never appear in Human World again. That was the punishment of the gods to the Bretonia people, for betraying the noble and innocent king, and from then on they could only live in division and war.

Of course, there are many legends about the Knight King. Many people firmly believe that he is not at all dead, but temporarily sleeping. Some travelers from the East said that they had seen Sword in the Stone in the East a long time ago, but most of these rumors are difficult to verify. And now the only thing people firmly believe in is. Only Knight King can use Sword in the Stone. That is the sword of kingship, and it is also a saber unique to the Knight King. It is no longer impossible to give to others. Unless the Knight King appears, the Sword in the Stone will sleep forever.

And now, the sword of kingship that has disappeared for a hundred years has actually reproduced the mortal world!

In and out of Dragon City, thousands of people stared dumbfoundedly at the sky, watching the blood-stained heavy sword that was hard to conceal its sharp edge.

“Knight King’s Sword in the Stone?”

“Really Sword in the Stone!?”

As the proof of Bretonia’s kingship, Sword in the Stone has an extraordinary meaning to every Bretonia citizen. When Sword in the Stone is present, every Bretonia person who sees it will throb with acknowledge allegiance from the bottom of the heart. The kind of throbbing unique and unmatched, as long as you have a passion for the land of Bretonia, you will not admit it wrong.

Then more importantly is the next question: “Why is Sword in the Stone in her hands?!”

“Who is she?!”

Sword in the Stone is the sword of the Knight King. Only the Knight King can pick up Sword in the Stone. This is a self-evident truth in the land of Bretonia. However, now, Sword in the Stone is held in the hands of a girl…

Could it be that she is the Knight King? Or, more than a hundred years later, even Sword in the Stone gave up the original owner?

Countless doubts are stuck in their hearts, making people forget what to do. In the Dragon City barracks area, thousands of people stopped fighting, staring at the changes in the sky.

“Unexpectedly, it turned out to be you.” Even if someone pierced his chest with a heavy sword, Faceless One’s voice still remained calm, but under severe injuries, only two people could hear the voice weakly. “You really are not dead.”

In response, Aya didn’t say a word, but did his best to pierce the Sword in the Stone deeper into the Faceless One’s within the body.

This opportunity can be said to be Wang Lu’s risk of life in exchange for it. What a cautious and cunning person is Faceless One, who wants to be fooled easier said than done? Aya once played against Faceless One. At that time, she had no shortage of wise men at the round table Knight, but the team was still escaped by Faceless One.

To be honest, Faceless One was deceived, and this is the first time Aya has seen you! If it weren’t for Wang Lu to use Liuli Xian, Quanzou 椛 and himself as bait, and sacrifice ten million spirit stones to make a sword that threatens the high-level professionals of High Order, Faceless One would never rush the target to catch Marina. Mother and daughter, without rush, he was impossible to see that Marina had been dropped.

Without that moment of negligence, Aya impossible to stab the sword.

As a hero, her strength is far from returning to the Peak period. On the basis of minimizing the side effects, she can at most burst out the power of the same High Order professional, and only for a moment. With the supreme power of the artifact Sword in the Stone, Aya successfully broke through the Faceless One’s defense, but after the heavy sword penetrated the body, Aya found that Faceless One’s fleshy body had far surpassed the general category, and I don’t know what secret technique was used to carry it out. strengthen. Not only is it as strong as steel, but within the body contains extremely powerful energy. Every point in the Sword in the Stone can feel a great repulsive force. At the same time, the sword body is also under intense high pressure. If Sword in the Stone is not indestructible, it will inevitably be damaged under this shock.

However, Faceless One’s resistance only lasted for a while. With the more powerful destructive power of Sword in the Stone, the resistance finally collapsed. Faceless One sighed, blood gushes out from every pore of the whole body, but the pale face is still white.

“Congratulations, you have defeated the evil Faceless One and won this round.” While talking, Faceless One took out a pen and drew a bloody smile on his face “But just like a hundred years ago, the war was not at all over. I look forward to the third fight with you. I hope you can live until that time~” After finishing talking, Faceless One was blood dyed. The robe was twisted abruptly, as if there was a void vortex inside, and Faceless One’s whole fleshy body and sprayed blood were sucked dry by the vortex in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

Aya was also a little out of oil at this time. When the vortex sucked, she felt her arm sink. Sword in the Stone showed signs of letting go. She hurriedly pulled back, but vortex did so. disappear. When her strength was exhausted, her strength was used up, which immediately caused her within the body to feel annoyed, and when her eyes were dark, she wanted to fall.

But when she was on the verge of collapse, a pair of powerful arms supported her.

“Good job Aya, it is right to bet everything on you.”

Aya closed her eyes, feeling the warmth behind her, she didn’t want to open it or even talk. Just smiled faintly, un’ed.

“Ai, kill the big boss with a single sword, Aya, you really deserve to be the Knight King, domineering and don’t explain.”

Listening to this obviously exaggerated and lacking sincere compliment, Aya was a little bit angry and a little funny, but on her face, her smile became stronger.

“Hey, you used too much force just now, your hairstyle is a bit messy, and the hair on your head is curled up, or I will pull it out for you.”

Aya suddenly eyes opened, The cold gaze makes people shudder: “If you dare to touch, you have to die.”

“Damn, what is the rule, is this hairy hair on your head the same as the stamen for reproduction, I Can’t touch it yet!!!”

The two were laughing, when suddenly a heavy voice came in.

“Who are you…?”

Bedivere is soaked in blood, the lamp is also dry, but he insists on standing upright, and he is stunned by blood dyed red eyes Staring at Aya, and Sword in the Stone in her hand.

“Why is this sword in your hand, its original owner? What happened to Knight King Your Majesty? He is still alive, right? You must know something!”

Bedivere became more agitated as she talked about it. Under the emotional agitation, her control over Fleshy body became weaker. Several wounds broke open and blood was flowing.

“Damn, Bedivere, your head is spurting blood like a whale!”

Bedivere didn’t seem to hear Wang Lu’s exclaim, his eyes were always fixed on Aya.

“What’s wrong with Knight King Your Majesty, please must tell me!”

Aya can hardly face Bedivere’s bloodshot eyes. For this loyal Knight, what is in her heart It’s unspeakable to be touched, but it is more guilt.

If it weren’t for her mistake, how could Bretonia fall apart? How can those excellent round table Knights kill each other? Why is the burden of guarding Dragon Clan Bloodlines all on Bedivee? And, what can you say about the whereabouts of Knight King?

“I, I beg you. Whether you are a descendant of Galahad or another who, please tell me what happened to my king?! He, where is he?!” Bedivere was excited. Below, the voice trembled, “I have always missed him.”

Faced with this situation, Aya felt sour in her heart, and finally couldn’t hold it back, and said slightly, “I…”

“She is the daughter of Knight King.”

Wang Lu said coldly on the side, and then reached out and pressed Aya’s shoulders, magical power penetrated, exhausting power She cannot speak.

“The obvious thing is, besides the daughter of Knight King, who else can inherit the sword of Knight King? Apart from the daughter of Knight King, who else can casually behead Faceless One? “

Bedivere was shocked and looks at Aya, the daughter of Knight King? Knight King Your Majesty, left behind?

However, the more Bedivere looked, the more she felt that the girl in front of her had too many similarities with the Knight King who had reigned over Bretonia in the past. The same blond hair, the same deep eyes, although the pupil colors are different, the heroism between the eyebrows is of common origins.

Then, the most important thing is her power. Although it is still immature compared to the Legendary power of Knight King, the essence is almost the same. Especially after recollecting the sword that just assassinated Faceless One’s, It is full of the style of Knight King-even if it is a sneak attack in disguise, it looks dignified and upright, and they are all handsome and intriguing!

Being silent for a long time, Bedivere was startled: “Then, what about Knight King Your Majesty?”

Wang Lu coldly said: “So what do you know? You are tired. Is he not enough?”

Bedivere hearing this is another shock, and my mind suddenly returns to the age of fighting and fighting under the Knight King, back to the age of the endless brilliance and glory, which turned sharply and fell sadly. . After a while, Bedivere burst into tears: “Yes, the subordinates are incompetent and ashamed! But I really want to know, Your Majesty, how is he?”

Wang Lu said: “The person is still there, Zhi is still there, but World’s All Living Things has its own reincarnation. He has done what he should do, and he will leave it to future generations, which is his daughter.”

Bedivere asked: “Does Your Majesty want to…?”

“Also ask? Of course it is expelling the church and restoring the kingdom.”

Expelling the church and restoring the kingdom? There is too much content in this short sentence. After more than a hundred years of infiltration, the church has long been entrenched in the land of Bretonia, and Holy Light’s faith has almost replaced knight’s spirit. Want to expel the church easier said than done?

However, this is the proud Knight King who is always seeking victory. If he succumbed to the power of the church, Bedivere would be disappointed instead.

“The last question, who are you?” Bedivere watched Wang Lu earnestly. From start to finish, everything about Aya’s is up to him. Aya himself did not speak, but his expression did not There is not much resistance, obviously he trusts Wang Lu very much. But…Wang Lu have what skills and abilities, let the daughter of Knight King Your Majesty give important tasks?

Wang Lu thought for a while, said with a smile: “City Lord is really a nobleman who forgets things. Didn’t I say it earlier, I am her gigolo!”

Face your sister!

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