The central plaza of Dragon City Commerce District is also the dining center of Commerce District. The wide plaza is all around, and there are a wide variety of catering shops. The specialty foods from Heavenly South Haibei in the shop exude an attractive aroma, and they are intertwined in the square, forming an absolutely irresistible temptation to passing pedestrians. .

But in it, a wonderful fragrance stands out, which is impressive. If there is someone who is good at food, you may be able to recognize that it is the taste of crystal sugar.

From the most high-end candy store in Dragon City Commerce District, the luxury candy is developed by the famous candy master in Bretonia catering industry, using high-end alchemical materials. It costs ten Magic Silver Coins for a small can, which is a price that is hard for ordinary people to expect in their lifetime.

At this moment, the two girls are sitting side by side, sharing the taste of candy happily.

Liuli Xian has a simple and straightforward temperament, and he is generous in doing things. He eats what he likes and doesn’t touch what he doesn’t like. This crystal candy is of high value, but in her opinion it is only a particularly delicious candy. The girl holds the sugar bowl in her hand and sends one after another crystal-like candy into her mouth, with a happy expression on her face. Let many people passing by as if drunk and stupefied, but also secretly sighed. This beautiful girl is completely reckless waste of natural resources.

Little Ailian will have more land cautiously. Although she is the daughter of Holy Light Religion holy maiden and Dragon City Master, she is born with unlimited wealth, but she has a natural devotion to food. The little girl held the candy in her hand, sitting on the bench, expression solemnly prayed.

“Thank the benevolent Holy Light for giving me candy, Ailian will definitely cherish Holy Light’s blessing…”

After the long and tedious prayers, Ailian was excited Eyes opened, and the candy was brought cautiously into the mouth, and the little face suddenly smiled.

Liuli Xian watched interestingly from the side: “What did you say?”

Aileen was holding candy while savoring the sweet taste from her mouth to her body , While replied: “That’s a prayer before the meal, to thank Holy Light’s gift.”

Liuli Xian said in surprise: “Why do you want to thank Holy Light? I gave you the candy.”

Aileen quickly explained: “Of course I am very grateful to the big sister! But I also want to thank the omnipotent Holy Light, because without Holy Light’s guidance, I would not meet the big sister, let alone get this A candy. Holy Light creates everything in the world. Without Holy Light, there would be no this World, let alone our happiness. Everything about us comes from Holy Light, so we must always keep our gratitude in mind.”

Liuli Xian couldn’t agree with it: “But, it doesn’t make sense. I am clearly from Nine Provinces. We Nine Provinces have our own creation legend. My karma has nothing to do with Holy Light. Then I will treat candy with If you share, you can’t say that it is Holy Light’s guide.”

“This…” Ailian showed a confused expression.

“Also, if everything in the world comes from Holy Light, besides happiness, is the pain in the world also brought down by Holy Light?”

Aileen explained: “The world Suffering comes from the original sin of man. Man is born dirty and needs suffering to purify the incarnation heart, and finally merge into the Sea of ​​Holy Light and enjoy the endless and boundless happiness.”

“Man is born to be dirty? Is this congenital staleness bestowed by the Holy Light?”

“No, it is because the ancestors of mankind committed unforgivable sins and tarnished their purity.” Ailian tried to recall being in the church Doctrines learned.

Liuli Xian asked: “Then the human ancestors–not to mention Western Continent or Nine Provinces Continent–why didn’t Holy Light stop all this when they made mistakes?”

Aileen froze for a moment: “Probably because Holy Light didn’t notice it at the time?”

Liuli Xian asked again: “However, since Holy Light created everything, you should know what happened at the time. Humans may make mistakes, and they should be careful to exhort again and again, or take care of them carefully. Insufficient care makes humans make mistakes, Holy Light should also be responsible.”

Aileen’s confusion becomes stronger. : “Eh, eh!? Big sister. Your statement is so strange, I have never heard of it before.”

Liuli Xian nodded: “It’s very strange, but who made this a senior apprentice brother I memorized it.”

“senior apprentice brother?”

“Nothing.” Liuli Xian shook his head, then reached out and handed over a crystal candy, “I came to Bretonia Later, I saw that many people believe in Holy Light. I have always wanted to know what Holy Light is. At the same time, I have many questions about Holy Light. Unfortunately, it seems that you don’t know.”

Aileen Some sorry: “Eh hehe, I don’t know many things, Ailian hasn’t learned my teachings yet… But if you’re interested in Holy Light, big sister, I can ask your mother to guide you to Holy Light. She is the church. Holy maiden, I will definitely answer your confusion.”

Liuli Xian surprisedly said: “Holy maiden? Is it really okay?”

“Of course!” Ailian pressed hard. Head, “As long as I earnestly plead, mother will certainly agree. She likes to explain doctrines to people and guide people to approach Holy Light.”

“That’s really good.” Liuli Xian looked surprised. “Actually, I have a few friends who are also interested in Holy Light. I wonder if I can come and listen together?”

“Well, no problem!”


???”en? You said, there is a man from Oriental Nine Provinc es Continent’s elder sister, shared crystal candy with you? “

That night, in the Dragon City Major Sect hall, Holy Maiden Marina asked her daughter about her day’s itinerary, she was slightly frowned.

“How can I eat other people’s things casually… Didn’t thank that elder sister? “

Aileen raised her hand seriously: “Yes! Ai Lian thanked her sincerely and blessed her big sister with Holy Light. “

“Well, well done. “Marina touched her daughter’s head comfortably. Although she was young, she was quite sensible.

“However, when we were eating sweets together, the elder sister asked me many strange questions. Ai Lian only answered a few, many of which could not be answered. “

“What is it? “

Aileen repeated Liuli Xian’s question. Marina listened to slightly smiled: “In fact, the answers to these questions are in our doctrine. You can’t answer it because of the doctrine. The understanding is not deep. “

“Oh. “Aileen was a little frustrated, but she quickly cheered up again.” Mother, elder sister said that she and her friends are very interested in the Holy Light Religion righteousness. I promised her to ask you to preach for them, okay? “

“Should I preach?” “Marina was shocked.

“Well, elder sister said that she would bring her friends to church on her next day off, just fifteen days later, okay? “

As a Holy Light Religion holy maiden, Marina is of course happy to attract more neutrals to believe in Holy Light, but she keenly captured a detail, 15 days a day off? Within Dragon City? Some people have a rest day of seven to ten days, fifteen days, that is the standard of Dragon City Guards.

“Well, the elder sister is Dragon City Guards, it’s a newcomer. “

“New Dragon City Guards? No wonder…” Marina sighed in her heart. For the Legion that directly belongs to Bedivere, Holy Light Religion has always been helpless. Bedivere has promised many conditions of the church, but they are not allowed to extend their tentacles too much into Legion. Dragon City Guards can spontaneously believe in Holy Light, but never allow the church to preach publicly in the barracks. At the same time, believe in Holy Light’s guards, whether in promotion or daily official duties, the treatment is unfathomable mystery, and people will naturally understand this Dragon over time. Most of the City Master’s preferences consciously avoid Holy Light. Only the newly added guards will be confused and take the initiative to approach Holy Light.

However, this destined person actually comes from Nine Provinces. It is an anomaly. Those foreign visitors who are not contaminated with Holy Light’s are usually classified as incurable heretics by church people.

But Marina plans to try.

Perhaps, this is an opportunity to bridge the bridge between Holy Light Religion and Bedivere.


After half a month, Dragon City Major Sect welcomes two people A girl from Nine Provinces Continent’s in the East, one is lively, a gorgeous long dress walks like a rainbow, and the other is tranquil and reveals the temperament that makes people’s heart safe.

It is Liuli who was invited to come. Xian and her little friend Bai Shixuan.

Holy Maiden Marina is waiting at the door, beside her, Ailian waved her arms with excitement: “big sister, here! “

Seeing that there were only two people, Marina was slightly disappointed, but thinking of the extraordinary significance of this trip, she set up a spirit and showed a holy smile.

, Holy maiden took Liuli Xian and Bai Shixuan to the courtyard of her villa, and started preaching under the shade of the trees.

“The foulness of man comes from his own ignorance, and he can only have Holy Light in his heart and experience suffering. Only to wash away the filth and get great wisdom. “

“Holy Light bestows suffering like a strict father, and warmth like a mother. ”


Liuli Xian’s question left to Ailian before was solved one after another in front of Holy Maiden Marina. As holy Maiden, she has a very deep understanding of the doctrine. Liuli Xian’s problem is not a problem at all. The difficulties encountered during missionary work are far more harsh than these. In fact, in Marina’s view, Liuli Xian can ask such questions because she is willing to understand Holy Light and think about Holy Light’s. Proof!

Unconsciously, most of the day has passed, the setting sun is sinking, and the mission of this day has come to an end.

Liuli Xian and Bai Shixuan both showed contented expressions and said goodbye after expressing their gratitude. Leave.

Marina is very pleased to sighed, more youngster, this is the first time for the Dragon City Guards to preach for such a long time.

Previous Dragon City Guards When you meet her, avoid it for fear that the City Lord will know what to do with the Holy Light Religion.

Moreover, the latent talents of these two oriental girls are really amazing. The lively ones are like crystals. Clear and near-transparent, like a saint born and innocent in the legend. Another quiet girl has a majestic breath of nature. For Holy Light, this is the best latent talent. Adding sculpting will be able to shine, and the future achievements will definitely exceed her own.

For a while, Marina had to feel, is this really a blessing from Holy Light?

All these years After waiting so hard, finally ushered in an opportunity.

For the next more than a month, every day of rest, Liuli Xian and Bai Shixuan will come to the church to listen to Holy Maiden Marina’s mission.


Marina can clearly feel that the two oriental girls have been getting closer to Holy Light under her own follow-up guidance. Among them, Bai Shixuan even unexpectedly released Holy Light’s spell spontaneously, Liuli who valued more than her Xian’s progress is even faster! The affinity of these two people to Holy Light’s is simply appalling!

This evening, after finishing her mission, Marina was very pleased to hear Liuli Xian’s hesitant question: “Marina, can we… join the Holy Light Religion? “

At this moment, Marina only feels that her hard work during this period of time has been fully rewarded.

“Of course, Holy Light Religion welcomes all those who believe in Holy Light’s, but for For you, this is a major event, which requires serious consideration before making a decision. “

“Well, we will seriously consider it. “Liuli Xian nodded, bid farewell to Bai Shixuan.

After sending the two girls away, Marina gently sighed.

looks at Dragon City sinking into the twilight in the distance The fortress, the gloomy castle, and the Dragon City dyed into golden by the setting sun are separated by yin and yang. Marina in the heart swears to Holy Light: “I will definitely remove this barrier with my own hands, and I will surely make him embrace the light again. for sure! “

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