Once the Crown Prince Joins In

355: My only regret is that I died too early

This night was really a bit confusing. Su Xinyi covered her face in the morning and didn't want to get up, but the people around her smiled relaxedly and happily, and deliberately covered her with a quilt, and then she went to the morning ceremony slowly as usual. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒙.𝒄𝒐𝒎

Su Xinyi sighed. She felt that she might have misunderstood His Highness's power.

When the palace became clear again, Su Xinyi looked up at the tent. This was a newly replaced tent. Thin and dense flowers bloomed along the vines. The prince always liked calm colors. Most of the tents used before were dark. Su Xinyi felt dull, so she chose this light-colored bed. The color was like the blue waves of the spring river, which was really refreshing.

However, at night, when the light spreads in from such a thin tent, there is a different scene.

Su Xinyi felt that she couldn't think anymore. She sat up suddenly and took a deep breath. Suddenly she didn't think of anything. She got up and rummaged through the bed tent, but she couldn't find the booklet.

Su Xinyi:......

His Highness couldn't have been taken out of the house, right?

If this is accidentally exposed, it will really be impossible to see anyone.

Su Xinyi's mind was full of anxiety about the missing pamphlet, and no one could talk about such private things, so she had to go to Yuanhui Palace first. Due to the recent marriage of King Wu, Yuanhui Palace was She was so busy that she met Ruan Mingfei several times.

I always felt that Concubine Ruan Ming was much closer to her now, and Concubine Qi Xian was gentler than before when she saw her. She had some suspicions in her heart, but the two concubines didn't say anything else, so she naturally pretended not to know.

But the attitude was felt. It’s interesting to think about the meaning of this subtle temptation.

The Yuanhui Palace was busy. As soon as Su Xinyi entered, she saw that Concubine Ruan Ming was there. They greeted each other and heard Concubine Ruan Ming say with a smile: The Lord from the Ministry of Rites went to Ji's house today to make an appointment, and then we are waiting to welcome the bride. Yes, I’m thinking of going to Prince Wu’s Mansion in the afternoon.”

Hearing this, Su Xinyi smiled and responded: The Queen Mother has always been close to several empresses, and she must be very willing to have Concubine Ming go and have a look at the house being renovated by the Ministry of Industry. If there is anything wrong with it, it is still there. Can adjust.”

After hearing this, Ruan Mingfei immediately said: My queen is the most thorough in her work. There is nothing wrong with her. I just want to take a look. This is the only chance.

Su Xinyi understood that the concubine was not allowed to leave the palace easily, unless she was accompanying her or had a favor.

Now that King Wu's son is getting married, Concubine Ruan Ming can go and see where her son lives. It will be difficult to find the opportunity to go there again in the future.

Moreover, Concubine Ruan Ming and Concubine Qi Xian have been careful in the palace for many years and will definitely not bring up anything that would embarrass the queen, so this opportunity is indeed rare.

Su Xinyi thought about it and looked at Concubine Ruan Ming and smiled, Whenever the empress wants to go, I will make arrangements for you in advance. ɯoɔ˙xnɥs69ba book 69 new

The queen will definitely not stop her. Su Xinyi can handle such a smooth favor.

Su Xinyi's guess was right. The queen happened to hear this sentence when she came out, and said: Since you agreed, then you do it. If Concubine Ming has anything to do, just go to her directly. She is young and strong, and she is very energetic. Just call it and it will be done.”

Su Xinyi raised her eyebrows slightly. The queen was no longer polite to Ruan Mingfei than before. She was obviously closer to her. It seemed that her guess was indeed true.

Thinking of this, Su Xinyi's expression changed slightly, and she smiled at Ruan Mingfei and said, My dear, you heard me, I don't dare to make you unhappy here.

Concubine Ruan Ming knew that the Empress was giving her face. In the harem, except the Empress, who would dare to call the Crown Princess, and even those with an unjust reputation would not dare to put on such airs, so she smiled and said: Then it will cause trouble for the Crown Princess. I think I might as well go tomorrow, since the wedding is only a few days away.

Su Xinyi immediately agreed and made an appointment, so the matter was settled.

The Queen looked at them talking, and after sitting down, she spoke, It just so happens that you are all here. There are still some things about King Wu's wedding, and Concubine Ming, you must be prepared...

Su Xinyi was listening to the conversation between the Empress and Concubine Ruan Ming. It was outside the house that on the day of King Wu's wedding, neither the queen nor the concubines in the harem could go to watch the ceremony, but the prince, the eldest brother, and Su Xinyi, the eldest sister-in-law, could go and sit in charge.

In addition, before entering the palace for a ceremony the next day, the queen asked Concubine Ruan Ming to come to Yuanhui Palace first to wait for King Wu and his wife to formally pay their respects.

Concubine Ruan Ming was quite surprised. She thought she was going to see her son and daughter-in-law at Chunze Palace, but she didn't expect that the Queen would let her receive the gift at Yuanhui Palace. Her eyes were red.

The Queen glanced at her and said calmly: This is what Your Majesty meant. It is the dignity you should have to raise King Wu.

Concubine Ruan Ming knew that the matter was definitely not as simple as the Empress said. With so many things going on in the past, how could His Majesty think about such a trivial matter? It must have been the Empress who made a precondition for His Majesty and begged for her.

Concubine Ruan Ming immediately stood up and saluted the queen, I would like to thank the empress. Without your kindness, how could I have such dignity?

The Queen asked Aunt Zhao to help Concubine Ruan Ming up and said: Why is my son going to marry a wife? You are being pretentious. Sit down.

Concubine Ruan Ming wiped her tears with a handkerchief and sat back down in her seat embarrassedly.

Su Xinyi looked at this scene and found it interesting. The queen in her previous life had a very bad impression on her, mostly because she followed Princess Pingjing into the palace, and the queen stood in Yan Qiongsi's position and made things difficult for her.

But putting this aside and looking at it again, the Queen's impression of her was naturally different. Moreover, she also heard that the queen called Princess Guangping into the palace a few days ago. She didn't know what she said. Princess Guangping's eyes were red when she came out of the palace.

Su Xinyi didn't ask anyone to inquire carefully, but they could guess that it was related to Yan Qiongsi's marriage.

The last time we had a feast, Jones had already been implicated in the hunting ground. Fortunately, she just pulled the strings and there was no big problem, otherwise it would be difficult to escape.

She heard His Highness the Crown Prince mention it, and then King Rong begged for mercy. The Crown Prince looked at the face of this cheap brother, so he opened the net.

However, the queen is a smart person and knows that things cannot happen again. The fate of the Shu family is a lesson learned from the past.

Besides, the success of the Prince of Guangping back then was due to the relationship between the Queen and the Princess of Guangping. Now if the Queen is disappointed with this sister and no longer cares about her, it is hard to say what will happen to the Palace of the Prince of Guangping.

Tsk, although the queen is sometimes biased in her actions, she can see the overall situation clearly. No wonder she has been able to stand firm against Concubine Li for many years.

Otherwise, with the queen's family background, it would be difficult to compete with Concubine Li who has the support of Grand Master Li. The Shu family is really useless.

After the matter was settled, Su Xinyi took Concubine Ruan Ming to Prince Wu's Mansion the next day. Prince Wu was waiting at the mansion and was very respectful when he saw Su Xinyi, his sister-in-law.

Su Xinyi was not very familiar with King Wu and King Jing, so he was very polite when they met.

The palace of Prince Wu cannot be compared with the East Palace, nor can it be compared with King Rong's. King Xiang is slightly better than him, and only King Jing is on par with him.

Su Xinyi couldn't say anything about this kind of thing. Five fingers have different lengths. Which son your Majesty favors, or that son's biological mother, will naturally be less favored.

Even so, the entire palace is very exquisite, and there are many garden verandas, rockery and stone pavilions. However, the area is not that wide, but it is still much larger than the Duke's Palace.

At least, Su Xinyi thought that Prince Wu's Mansion was more luxurious and grand than Duke Qi's Mansion, which was considered to be a very good group among the nobles in the capital.

Ruan Mingfei looked at it very seriously, and even went to the new house to have a look. Su Xinyi followed her, and then she excused herself to take a break and drink tea, and asked King Wu to continue accompanying Ruan Mingfei while he went to the front yard to wait.

You have to give the mother and son a chance to whisper.

Concubine Ruan Ming looked at the back of the Crown Princess and said to her son: Look, does the Crown Princess not match the rumors? Although she is a bit fiery, she is a very transparent person.

King Wu nodded. He had nothing to do with the Crown Princess. There were usually many people around when they met, so he didn't know much. However, the Crown Princess's behavior today really made him feel very comfortable. It was completely different from the rumored one. Just take action, you can't stand up to people who act arrogantly.

I see that the mansion is well repaired. It seems that the Ministry of Industry has put their best efforts into it. I have been worried in my heart because I am afraid that they will fool them. Ruan Mingfei said with a look of relief.

Although she is a woman in the palace, she also knows that some officials are really bold in doing things.

Just like what happened to the Six Shang Bureau this time, who would have thought of it.

After hearing what his mother-in-law said, King Wu smiled and said, Brother, come back and take a look sometimes.

Concubine Ruan Ming suddenly realized it and said: His Royal Highness is really interested.

When the prince comes, who dares to fool him?

Your Highness is not kind to you. You must know how to do things in the future. Ruan Mingfei looked at her son and said with a smile, I hope you can be safe. The others are not ours, so don't think about it.

My son knows, don't worry. King Wu nodded.

Concubine Ruan Ming got up and went to the front yard, Let's go, don't keep the princess waiting.

King Wu led the way, and Concubine Ruan Ming met Su Xinyi. When they arrived in the front yard, they saw Su Xinyi asking the manager about various projects. If you listened carefully, you could also hear what kind of tiles were used to repair the roof, what kind of wood was used for the doors and windows, and what kind of wood was used for the doors and windows. He asked about the flowers he planted and the fish he raised in the pond. He was a careful and attentive person.

A person is not unusually bold, but he is also bold and careful. This is an incredible quality.

Concubine Ruan Ming once again felt that she had made the right choice.

On the way back to the palace, Concubine Ruan Ming was very happy. She thanked Su Xinyi again, and Su Xinyi naturally gave in.

He sent Concubine Ruan Ming back to Chunze Palace, and then went to Yuanhui Palace to report back to the queen. Knowing that everything was in order at Prince Wu's Mansion, the queen felt at ease and was just waiting to welcome the bride.

Su Xinyi was about to return to the East Palace, but the queen stopped her again, looked at her and said, There will be a draft next year, and there will definitely be new people in the harem. You go back and discuss with the prince to see how the East Palace arranges it.

Su Xinyi was quite surprised. Draft?

Looking at Su Xinyi's expression, the queen saw a rare confused look on her face and immediately became happy, It's not a big deal, I'm just telling you in advance, someone will definitely use this matter to make a fool of you. , you might as well be prepared in your heart. However, from my point of view, you and your wife have not been married for a year, so you are not in a hurry to get married. However, His Majesty is afraid that someone will slander you.

Su Xinyi heard that the queen almost didn't say Concubine Li's name directly. She smiled at the queen and said, Thank you, mother, for reminding me. I will discuss it with Your Highness.

The queen waved her hand, There's nothing else to do. You can go back and rest.

Su Xinyi resigned.

She had almost forgotten about the draft. However, she had never heard of anything big happening in the draft in her previous life. However, by the middle of next year, His Majesty's health would have problems, and old illnesses would relapse, and then get worse.

That is to say, since His Majesty's health was not in good condition, King Rong danced even more violently in his previous life, and was very tit-for-tat with the Crown Prince.

In this life, King Rong has taken refuge with the prince, and Su Xinyi is very curious. This time, the person hiding behind King Rong should also reveal his true identity, right?

There is also no news about Suizhou, so we have to wait.

She breathed a sigh of relief. She was not in a hurry about the draft. She felt that His Highness had no intention of letting anyone enter the East Palace now. However, she did not want Concubine Li to dictate to her, so she still had to think about it.

Originally, he planned to discuss the matter with the prince at night, but his highness sent a message and refused to go back to the back hall to rest at night. Su Xinyi knew that something big might happen.

She didn't bother the prince. She had her dinner and read for a while before resting.

She woke up early the next morning, and there was one less person beside her, and she was suddenly not used to it.

Because she wanted to have a baby, she had stopped going to the martial arts field for a long time in the morning. It was rare that she wanted to move her hands and feet. After changing her clothes, she looked at her belly again, wondering how many days would be her monthly letter day, but still no go.

At this moment, I suddenly missed my biological mother. She was always smiling, as if she didn't care about anything.

The fact that the child has no father is not a big deal to her. She can be both a father and a mother.

Not marrying for the rest of her life is not a big deal to her. Anyway, she has a strong fist and no one dares to come and talk nonsense.

Ever since she could remember, I had never seen anything bothering her. In her previous life, when she was stuck in a quagmire, she would also wonder what she would do if it were her.

Later, I thought about it, even her father would not allow her to enter a high family as a concubine. Probably with her temperament, she would never let herself fall into such a situation.

The only time he saw her vulnerable was when she told her before she died that she didn't expect that she would die so early. She thought she could protect her for a few more years.

The only regret is that she died too early.

Su Xinyi thought of this, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

If she had to do it again, she thought that her biological mother would not be disappointed if she knew about her choice this time.

She subconsciously touched her belly. She had never longed for a little life more than at this moment. She could love her like her biological mother, and treat her like her legitimate mother. She also wanted to have a little life that she was willing to love and care for. .


Today’s update is for you, my little cuties.


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