465 – Parasites

The kingdom is a land with a small population compared to its vast territory. Furthermore, humans serve as livestock, providing blood. Since the administration, commerce, and military of the kingdom are all directly managed by vampires, humans rarely leave their places of residence, and if they do, it is under the supervision of the vampires.

If there is a human who walks alone without vampires? There are two possibilities. Either they are humans trusted by vampires, or they are fugitives with a device set to explode.

“Oh… so you’re returning from a night’s feast?”

The girl who was squeezing milk looked awkwardly at me and Hilde, glancing briefly. Upon seeing her, I gave a half-hearted smile. Even though I tried to tidy up as best as I could, there was a slyness that could be felt from us, who had wandered in the woods for several days, more than meets the eye.

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I desperately racked my brain to come up with an excuse.

“Oh, y-yes. I went to the castle because of the night feast and got caught in a flood. Many were injured, and there was a shortage of hospital beds, so the wounded were told to return on their own. Here, I even have a temporary pass issued by Count Erte.”

I showed her the fake temporary pass and boldly spoke, but unfortunately, the authority of the document didn’t resonate with the innocent country girl.

“W-wait a moment. I will… bring you something to eat.”

“She seems like she’s about to run away. I should go to the village and ask Elder Viltaire. He should know, right?”

The girl hurriedly went towards the village, leaving behind her unfinished work. Meanwhile, Hilde and I looked at each other and nodded.

“It doesn’t seem to be working, does it?”

“Look at how she’s running. She’s definitely going to report to the vampires~.”

“Let’s run!”

And just like that, we turned around and started running away. We grabbed her lunchbox and milk that she hadn’t managed to take care of.

I grumbled while stuffing a sandwich into my mouth.

“You’re too closed-minded! If a traveler on the road asks for help, you think it’s suspicious and report it? Even the militaristic country wasn’t like this!”

“The fewer people there are in a place, the more closed-minded it becomes~. Humans who come to deserted places are bound to be strange~.”

“Are we really that strange?”

“It’s obvious from spending several days on the road and not being able to properly bathe~.”

“Well, it’s because of Hilde.”


I felt a sharp shock on the back of my head. Hilde had flicked her finger. Barely managing to hold back from almost spitting out the sandwich I was eating, I regulated my breathing.

“Y-yeah, your hands have become a bit rough lately.”

“If I were alone, I could have become a part of that village and lived peacefully for about a month. Who caused ‘me’ to suffer like this?”

“Well, it’s me, but anyway, Hilde should have come from the kingdom, right? It’s not a big deal if she just gives me a ride on the way.”

“If you think that way, then shall I say goodbye here? My father will live peacefully here.”

“How am I supposed to survive in this harsh world without Hilde? I still need her.”

Matching Hilde’s mood as best I could, I felt a slight discomfort soften. Hilde feigned anger as she spoke.

“We’re getting closer to the border now. We really have to prepare for the final time. After today, we won’t even have time to catch our breath.”

“They say there are many humans in the southern part of the kingdom because it is sunny and fertile. Wouldn’t it be easier to hide there?”

“But there are so many Ain beings deployed there. Especially, Chesser, the ‘Iron Wall,’ who has been guarding the borders of the Empire for over 500 years. Well, no matter how strong he is, he’s just an Ain, so he can’t escape…”

Hillde sighed and spoke.

“…If Tirkanjakka wants to capture my father, he must have sent Elder near the border.”

“That’s right.”

Vampires are powerful. Even though they are just Ain, Hillde, who is a formidable warrior, cannot be sure of an easy victory. But their weakness is the small number of their kin. They have a maximum of thirteen members in their clan. Properly utilizing their power, only the Elder, Ain, and Yeiling are capable. Because of this clear limitation, although the vampires achieved victories locally, they eventually had to retreat.

So Elder must be guarding the border. Instead of wasting his strength aimlessly.

“If Elder exists on their side, then ‘we’ need my father’s prepared forces to appear near us to restore balance~.”

Hillde was subtly pressuring me to reveal the hidden plan. But what can I do if there is really no other suitable option? I tried my best to feign ignorance, feeling like I forgot an important gift on an important day.

“hahahaha. Well, it’s just a guess that Tir is after me. With all the rebellion going on, does he have the spirits to pursue such a trivial matter? He could have given up quickly.”

“Perhaps~? We’ll see when the time comes~.”

‘Did Elder deploy forces that prevent him from finding me? Even though it won’t be easy with the Hemophiles present~. We’ll see when the time comes.’

Maybe that time will never come. There really is none….

Hillde, who didn’t know my rough thoughts and anxious gaze, yawned contentedly and stretched out.

“Ah, today will be another homeless night. Wooong. Being homeless isn’t so bad, but I really want to take a bath~.”

“Just not homeless. Let’s stay in a parasite accommodation.”

“Parasite accommodation?”

There are no such hidden plans…. But at least Hillde’s condition management, which makes an effort for my sake, should be taken care of.


“Matilda, have they been found?”

“No, Chief Viltere. When I went back to check, there was already no one there.”

“Tsk tsk. So they were fugitives. Ugh, that’s why I told you not to show suspicion recklessly.”

“Why? My guess was correct. Shouldn’t we not let fugitives in the village?”

“Well, at times like that, it’s best to greet them warmly and treat them well.”

“Why? If they’re fugitives, shouldn’t we not let them into the village?”

“Now, calm down and think rationally, settling your excitement and fear.”

In other lands, vampires may be horrific and despised creatures like mosquitoes or bedbugs. But in the Empire, vampires were reliable elders, protectors who took care of them, and teachers who shared their wisdom. Among them, Chief Viltere, who was wiser and older than anyone else, calmly explained to the girl.

“If they are indeed thieves, for example. In that case, it would be reasonable to take care of them for a while and let them leave. We show them kindness, and they repay us.”

“But they looked like beggars. And there was a faint smell even from ten steps away!”

“I cannot smell it, so I don’t know, but those who work in the night trade receive compensation. If they really worked in the night trade as they claimed, they would have had enough money. If it’s difficult to pay regularly, I can collect a blood tax from them.”

Billytear Village Chief also collected taxes from nearby villages. Although not systematic, this method was more effective in the close-knit rural community. Emotionless and childless vampires like him were fairer in their judgments, without corruption or connections that often arose in closed environments.

“But they were fugitives, weren’t they?”

“In that case, they should have been guided to the village even more. We could have observed them, restrained them, or even provided them with enough to eat before capturing them.”

Although it seemed like a mild judgment unlike that of a cold-blooded vampire, taking good care of humans was also a similar trait among vampires. Humans needed to be well-fed and taken care of to provide better and longer-lasting blood. Billytear expressed this calculated mildness.

In contrast, the girl, who had not yet learned mildness, asked as if she didn’t understand.

“But they were human fugitives, right? What if they come to the village and steal or harm people?”

“I see. So you thought about the village and acted accordingly?”


It was a childish lie, but Billytear Chief had no way of knowing. Of course, whether it was true or false didn’t really matter.

Even if the mildness of the vampire stemmed from cold calculation, Eileen, the bloodline of the Head of the Vampire Family who had led the peace and prosperity of the village for almost 200 years, was truly respected by the people. Everyone relied on her, and she repaid them in return.

“In that case, I should have brought you to me, Matilda. If they were so human-like…I might have killed you the moment I sensed you.”

Speaking calmly, Billytear’s advice was the best choice calculated based on all conditions and possibilities. However, it was also a warm advice for the girl and everyone else.


“Yes. If you understand, don’t go alone next time. You were a scared fugitive, but what if you were a murderer or a starving beast?”

“I-I didn’t think about that….”

It is no coincidence that old folk tales are formulated to frighten children. It is the wisdom of adults to alert children who are easily distracted. Being afraid allows you to live longer and provide more blood.

While giving the girl a little fear, Billytear Chief asked with a calm expression.

Looking at Eileen, who was emitting a bitter smoke, the girl thought,

“If you keep your mouth shut, you only look like my friend…but…”

The girl looked at the chief, who only seemed to be her age due to their similar appearance. Although she felt a subtle familiarity due to their similar ages, when she saw his world-weary face, she felt the difference between herself and the vampire.

“But why did they run away? They’re so foolish. They must know that they become criminals if they run away recklessly.”

Billytear Chief responded from behind the bear skin curtain.

“Not all vampires are the same as our bloodline. Mr. Bakuta is a very peaceful person, and thanks to his power of temptation, he can also quench his thirst with animal blood, requiring less of your blood…I’m not slandering other bloodlines, but there are quite a few who waste blood on things they can’t even eat.”

While giving a textbook answer, Billytear Chief suddenly thought of something and muttered.

“…Being together with a man and a woman, huh? It may be something like that.”

“That’s what it is?”

“It could be. For some reason, couples who have or are going to have children cause an uproar in this country. The reason…even at my age, I don’t know.”

A sigh mixed with smoke floats through the air. The girl’s coughing can be heard as she is still not accustomed to the smoke.

“Is that so, Father?”

“I don’t know. For now, eat and take care of yourself.”

Underneath a vampire lighting a magic candle biting on a bear paw, in a dark and chilly basement.

Hilde, who had hidden here using earth magic, was storing various supplies and provisions in this place.

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