451 – Yeokcheon Trial – 14

The blood slowly sinks. Countess Erzébut, a historical elder who was compared to the progenitor only in terms of sheer strength, is leisurely approaching us. I spoke with a frustrated face as I faced the Elder.

“Madame Erzébut. “It’s our fate that we met here, shall we just say hello and part ways with a smile?”

“It’s impossible. “It seems like the progenitor really thinks of you as special.”

Tak. Erzé Butt, who had stopped contacting her, wrapped around her overflowing blood like clothes. Her enormous power, which would crush an ordinary human being with just a flick of her finger, feels light to her.

Even though she has that much power, she feels that she is not enough to deal with Tyr and is targeting me. This really sends a chill down my spine.

“First of all, you, my mistress, don’t think of your ancestors as special at all. hehehehe. Aiming for power and bewitching the progenitor… You are truly the beloved concubine of Gyeongguk. Still, the founder will still have regrets. “You will become an excellent shield to block the progenitor’s attacks.”

To use that as a hostage as well.

Well, I’m an open-minded person, so I don’t really have much aversion to being a hostage. Because it would be nice if the powerless could at least survive like that.

But in this case, a little bit. Tyr got his wish and ended up in this situation because of my intervention, but he becomes a hostage and misses his chance to get his wish?

This sounds absurd. That’s why I can’t go somewhere and say that my wish will be granted. I immediately spoke back.

“Not special? Who said that? “How much did I give to Tyr and how much did I receive?”

“Let the deception stop there, King of Men. Please don’t think that we don’t know anything. “Our founder may not know anything, but we are not that naive.”

“So what do you know about me? “What’s more special about you pretending to know what you’ve picked up?”

I think they are mind readers. Only I can pretend to know.

“If anyone hears this, they will think that there is no respect between humans. The founder, Tirkanjaka, came back from the dead with one ability and created a being called a vampire, killed tens of thousands of humans and took their blood, and led the vampires to establish a nation. And Tyr, who was pretty, pure, and had strong desires, seems less important than you?”

It would be the same for a human king. But I am the king of half men. In other words, it is a bit far from the king of beasts, which is a conceptual being.

I can only read the thoughts of the people around me. Other kings of beasts encompass species and have that concept, but I am ordinary and weak, and the only people around me can represent me. The limitations of my abilities give me priorities that are unbecoming of a human king.

So, you can’t help but feel more affection for people close to you.

“I am the king of humans and I will not become a hostage for you. “If I take Tyr’s side, I don’t want to help you because you’re old, ugly, and jealous of Tyr.”

“… Jealousy? Socheop, Sijo?”

“That’s right, right? There’s no way you can deny it, right? “Your actions are detailed in history books.”

Hilde is screaming with her eyes to please shut up. But well, it doesn’t look like they have any intention of just letting me go.

Are you curious? What will come out when you scratch a vampire that is said to have no emotions?

“Even when you were a human, you killed people and drank their blood in a cup, right? Because vampires drink blood, I want to become like them. That wasn’t enough, so I filled the bathtub with blood and took a bath. “Because I envy your smooth, blemish-free skin.”

“… “I guess.”

“Leverage guessing is also a science if historians have done it over hundreds of years. “Old people like you are so stuck in a rut that they are dismantled one by one.”

Erzébut makes a threatening statement and covers his mouth. This is a sign that you are suppressing your emotions right before they explode. It looks like it will explode soon.

So I decided to light it.

“You were jealous of Tyr, right? You wanted to be like the founder, beautiful, powerful and fearsome, right? Was it because the betrayal and the attempt to take Tyr’s blood was an opportunity to take the place where the progenitor disappeared? It’s so transparent it’s dark inside. “He is a completely stereotypical character, with immortality and a thirst for power.”

“hehehehe. Do you think I would be swayed by such a low-level provocation?”

“I already have Tyr, so why are you shaking me up so that I can get something from an old man like you? Dandruff?”

I achieved my intended goal through my speech. Erzsebut

“I will kill you.”

They say vampires have no emotions, but… In the first place, emotions are just an excuse for wanting to do something. The reason why vampires are known to have no emotions until now is because the founder, Tirkanjaka, controlled and oppressed their blood. If Tyr had power, he wouldn’t have even reacted no matter what he teased Erzébut. Tyr doesn’t feel bad for criticizing Erzébut.

But now?

“I was going to save him and take him to my ancestor, but I changed my mind. I will die here and offer up your head. Even if he is not alive, it will be enough to disturb the founder’s heart.”

From the beginning, Erzébut was planning to catch me. Whether to save or kill is a matter of preference. Each has its merits and demerits.

And because of my remarks a little while ago, Erzébut changed his ‘taste’ a little. Towards killing.

This is an emotional choice. What are feelings?

Blood spreads. It grows like a vine on the ground, walls, and all kinds of objects. The sight of the wriggling blood spreading out gave me goosebumps as it seemed like new blood vessels were sprouting.

Control by forcing the flow of blood. Erzébut, the embodiment of the desire for power, uses his blood to exert dominance, as if reflecting his own nature. Red-stained bricks, whitish streetlights, tables and chairs come trotting along.

One-man army. Erzébut held out his fan, wielding the power that nothing could compete with but the sun.

“Run away, King of Men. “In the world of blood vines.”

And the city tilted towards me.

It’s not a joke. Not only all the furniture on the market street, but even the walls of the buildings are trying to crush me. A torrent of pure power, devoid of any human tricks, rushes through. I turned to run away, but at that moment the wall folded and blocked my escape route.

It is difficult to deal with mysterious people like vampires. Psychological warfare? That’s only done when the cards you have are similar. Moreover, the stakes are completely different for immortal vampires. Even if I win a lot of points, the other person is just a penny.

Fortunately, it is not 1:1.

“Mr. You useless father! “I should have put it on my back and ran away!”

Hilde pulled my hand and at the same time kicked the wall hard with her energy. A bomb with explosive properties sent the bricks flying from the inside. In an instant, Hilde came out and threw her body through the gap that was revealed.

People running away, people screaming, people tilting their heads without knowing anything. The streets were still crowded with people. Even if you are a mind reader, it is difficult to get out of that group.

“Should I hide in the crowd?”

“If it were Erzsebut, I would kill them all and even use their blood! “To a place where there are no people possible!”

Hilde and I spun around, leaning on the wall. As I was running around the corner, something passed me as if biting my heel. I glanced back and saw bright red blood flowing like a torrent.

[This is the land of vampires. Even human kings are like livestock once they come here.]

Along with Erzébut’s cold voice, blood trickles down both walls. Even if it was Erzébut herself, her power was clearly faster than ours. Moreover, the medium of domination is blood. If it were anything else, it could be blocked or cut, but there is no way to deal with the blood seeping between the bricks.

“Holy sword, fast sword.”

Of course, this is my story.

‘The opponent is a vampire. If so, what action should I take?

Hilde pulled out a light from between her breasts. Her flickering light looked more like a thunderbolt than a sword. The shapeless holy sword gradually became compressed as Hilde drew an image in her mind.

”I’ am a paladin. A divine sword that cuts through evil light. Heavenly punishment to the accursed vampire.’

The form she created by refining her faith is a large two-handed sword. Hilde raised her large holy sword above her head and swung it loudly. Huh, a huge slash cut through the wind and cut through the wall where blood flowed.

The wall was fine. However, the blood flow along the wall did not. The blood scorched by the light discolored black and became marks. Blood flow was blocked and could not flow further.

[…] Paladin?]

“A strong faith cuts only evil. “Time to tan under the light, vampire.”

Hilde’s spirit changed. Standing firmly with her sword raised in both hands, she truly looked like a knight chosen by God.

She was wearing a nurse’s uniform, so she felt a bit out of place, but whatever.

[Bringing a Holy Knight to this land…. No, the Holy Knight was hiding his faith in this land?]

Hilde, who only becomes a paladin when she wants to, looks amazing even as a vampire who has lived for a thousand years. Erzébut, who had been assessing his opponent for a moment in this unexpected situation, soon resumed his attack.

[There is just one more thing to kill. I will tell you that both faith and paladins are nothing more than livestock in this land.]

The blood flow changed direction. Instead of following us, it swirled around us, devouring everything around us. The intention is to crush it with force and weight.

Hilde shouted, making the light brighter in response to the blood that was gradually approaching.

“Something like an evil vampire discussing faith. I’ll burn you with light! Heavenly God, please watch over me from the high heavens!”

‘Still, I feel rewarded for having once served in the Holy Sword. Ha, that doesn’t mean things have gotten any better.’

I’m glad there’s no god. If it actually existed, it would be no different from an old man with dementia who is deceived by good-sounding words and is showered with rewards.

Soon, a swirling vortex of blood came flying, containing all kinds of objects. Bricks, chairs, furniture, plates, and even daggers and cutlery from unknown sources flew in secretly, targeting Hilde. Hilde fought against the storm with even greater light. Every time the light hits the blood, a dark red trace splits apart and falls.

However, even if blood energy is prevented, it cannot offset all the physical power contained within it. Hilde had to use her body to catch several of the flying bricks, and although she blocked them with her Qigong and was not injured, she was gradually pushed backwards by the impact. Each time that happened, the area in which we could move gradually narrowed. Hilde, who was holding on firmly, said her last prayer while holding her sword tightly.

“God of Heaven…. That’s it, right? Hey. Hit me! Father, this is the limit to what you can tear away from God! “Can’t there be anything else?!”

“Wait a minute. “It’s being improved.”

“What improvement?”

“It’s a breed.”

Druidism is difficult to deal with. So I could hardly use it. Now some conditions have been met.

What I’m standing on is the ground. What to drink is blood. Instead of dim sunlight, it is filled with magical power in the blood.

In a land in the south, there is a plant that grows and eats animals. It catches animals with its tooth-like leaves and roots down on them to suck out their body fluids. It sprouts from a grass that has been drinking blood since before vampires existed.

Instead of standing alone, the lush vines have learned to grow by leaning on other grass. It covers the surface, steals sunlight, and grows using it as food. Branches extend from the vine.

Archdruid Nevida’s tree of origin, two fruits extending from different branches. Combine the two together.

There are two cards overlapping. Spades 10 and 9. Push the 9 of spades with your fingertips.

At the same time, a red vine filled with blood rose up.

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