Elder, Ein, Yaling, and Human – 1

Lirre Nightingale, the suspect in the Elder’s murder.

About 10 years ago, she became the Yaling of Luskinia. What made Li Le Yaling was her mother, Lily, who became a child at about the same time. It is said that there was an ‘experiment’ by Ruskinia that led to her mother and daughter becoming Ain and Yaling, respectively.

After that, Lily tried to flee the duchy with some citizens and she was executed. Citizens who fled together went to the press.

… Press?

I looked around for something, but there was no explanation. In the Foggy Principality, it seems like common sense that doesn’t even need an explanation. I passed the material, trying to ignore the ominous sound coming from the words. In the first chapter, there are only objective facts, and from the second chapter, subjective judgments and testimonies are mixed.

Then let’s read roughly from here. Subjective judgments or testimonies can be verified by myself.

My mind reading is many times more accurate than written words.

“Father, how is your stepmother this time? Do you like it?”

“It’s better than the self-proclaimed daughter-in-law who keeps thinking of selling it somewhere.”

Hilde, who smelled like a ghost and came to me, snooped around me.

“A. Your father is good too. Are you teasing yourself and eating two countries for free?”

“If Nara could really eat it, I would have loved it. I don’t like it because I can’t eat it.”

“You say it as if you are not interested. Do you really think you can find the Demon God without the help of the country?”

“As we have done so far, enough… I’d like to say that.”

It’s hard to deny.

Even if it was the bottomless pit, you had to risk your life to get to it. If things went wrong in the process, the plan would go awry or my body would be in danger.

The same goes for Golden Goblet of Nations and Claudia’s Lightning Thief. Not only is it difficult for me to go through this rough land alone and safely approach the center of the Demon God, but where is the guarantee that I can get out safely? I barely survived by relying on Tirna Regressor.

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“It would be difficult to approach the demons in the future from an individual point of view. I will review it positively.”

“Hee hee. I will expect!”

“Don’t expect too much. I didn’t show you anything, so I don’t know what to expect.”

“Well, isn’t your father the king of humans?”

“That was the story of when. The days when human kings were kings ended in the first year. I am a normal human being.”

Although he is the king of humans, he was once denied the king and was torn to pieces and lost all his power. It’s not me, but if the human king could really achieve peace and quiet, he wouldn’t have been betrayed. If the country went as it was in the first year, the country would be divided into quarters.

Actually, Hilde was more confident than me.

“Your father, the king of humans, can be ‘any human’ in the true sense of the word, right?”

… Maybe you know my mind reading. I read my mind, but fortunately not. It was just pure unfounded belief in me.

“For the sake of a perfect country, UL had no choice but to polish all humans like bricks. But your father doesn’t have to do that, right? Whether you’re a great man or a street bully, your father won’t mind. Father is the only one who can unite all kinds of people!”

“What… This guy’s eyes are weird….”

“You pretend not to know! Just having Shay and Tyrkanjaka in the same room is a feat close to a feat!”

Why? You two got along just fine. It’s a story from the previous episode where I wasn’t there.

“To return to the military, we must first investigate the murder in the Principality of the Mist. The sooner we find out the truth, the sooner the trial will end. Hilde, you treated the intelligence department of the military like a limb, didn’t you? Do you know anything?”

“‘I’ know the same thing as my father~. You know. Where did ‘my’ information come from?”

Hilde took the materials from my hand and quickly flipped through dozens of pages.

“The military has a system in place, so I got information to some extent independently, but I have no choice but to rely on ‘power’ to get information from outside the country. But the Mist Duchy cannot be seen by force.”

“For that matter, you put Tyrkanjaka when making Tantalus.”

“You were asleep outside the duchy, right? They say that if darkness spreads over a corner of the country, even UL is uncomfortable~.”

As a person who was the head of the information bureau, his ability to collect and analyze information was unparalleled. Hilde said that she read her material in an instant.

“No matter how you look at it, Lirre Nightingale looks suspicious? Even if this was a military country, I would have arrested you first. Anything else to investigate?”

“That’s the point. I don’t like that.”

“You have a rebellious temperament since birth. I can understand why they call it barbarism.”

Hilde, who covered her data with a thud, asked with a grin on her face.

“Then, who is your father most suspicious of?”

“Of course I am suspicious of this vampire. This vampire must have been deeply involved in the death of the late Ruskinia. But.”

She read it mind-reading, so I know it’s not the culprit. But her whole situation makes her the culprit. Unnatural.

In other words, someone… it was manipulated

“Did she really do all this alone?”

When I hinted at the topic, Hilde also responded as if she had been waiting.

“There is someone behind it~?”

“Isn’t that a questionable hypothesis?”

“On the contrary, I doubt your father’s guts~. Searching for the man behind the murder of the Elder in the Principality of Mist? If she’s good enough to harm the Elder and frame Yale Ling, then she’s at least the Elder, right? A madman who calmly lies in front of the founder?”

Pretty crazy. But.

I asked back with a grin.

“Aren’t you curious?”


Hilde also groaned as she patted her data, as if it were a bit itchy. She is

She is the one who dealt with deep and dark information even in the military. Hilde said she believed in facts rather than circumstances. It is said that Lire is at a disadvantage in the circumstances, but realistically, it is close to impossible for Yaling to kill Elder. Even if Lire is a genius who transcends the other limits of blood manipulation, the same is true.

It’s over.

“Let’s go ask the elder nearby first.”

“I have to investigate against Elder~. Even ten lives is not enough for her~.”

“Life is not enough. Just like money.”

That’s how the small investigation team consisting of me and Hilde moved in search of Elder.

The Mist Principality is adjacent to the sea.

One side of the country is the sea. Mountain range on the other side. A land where the humid air creates fog all year round.

It is not a good land to live in. A tiger appears in the mountains and a seahorse shakes in the sea. The starving tiger sometimes eats humans for dessert, as if he was fed up with the sheep, and once the sea lion stretches out, a storm rages all over the coast. Mountains and seas are treasure troves of resources, but the gatekeepers guarding them are so powerful that their survival is threatened. Farming on a small plot of land is now a problem with fog.

Because it was a land like this, vampires were able to establish a country, and humans were able to accept the rule of vampires. The vampires dug up the treasury with their power and presented the treasure to humans.

Thanks to that, the people of the duchy got their hands on pastures and tidal flats. In particular, the tidal flats flooded with the sea’s lost goods were the principality’s greatest resource.

About an hour’s drive east of Full Moon Castle. There is a vast muddy field. On this land full of salty water, there are seashells and seaweed that have washed up everywhere. Hundreds of humans were busy picking up clams and seaweed with colanders and rakes.

Does digging produce money? No, in the tidal flats, money is just out of reach. A land that realizes a miracle economy that makes money just by picking it up.

Managing this wide tidal flat….

“It’s not long before the high tide! Move quickly, you lazy people!!”

It was Kabila.

There are not many cases where Elder works directly. A nobleman and ruler of the Mist Duchy. As soon as she arrived at Manwol Castle, she faithfully stopped right here. She then put on a sullen look, and with her arms crossed, grabbed a human and stopped.

“You pick that up for us? It’s food for you guys to eat! Pick it up with all your heart! Only if you are so slow, even a clam without feet will run away from you!”

“No, Lady Kabila. There are still two hours left until the high tide….”

“Two hours? It’s time to blink! If you close your eyes for a moment and then open them, the placenta here will be sunk in the sea!”

“No. Difficult to see in vampire time….”

The bearded man was at a loss while dealing with the rampaging Kabila. At first glance, it looks like an immature aristocrat going out on an inspection tour at will. Actually as well.

However, the fact that a mere human spoke back to that great and cruel Elder showed how familiar Kabila was with humans.

Not to mention, Kabila wasn’t just a nobleman who was noisy about incompetence. Kabila suddenly narrowed her brows and looked towards the sea. Visibility is narrow because of the dense fog. Not even the horizon, nor the curves the waves draw on the sandy beach are visible. However… I feel an unusual air current in the pitch-black fog where the darkness has melted.

Kabila commanded her servants.

“Chasey. Bring me the screaming monkey.”

“Here, Colonel.”

Speaking of Ain, they are members of the Elder’s family. Even in the Mist Duchy, there are only about a hundred nobles of blood. It will be different depending on each field, but even the rulers of nations and the commanders of military nations are powerful beings to look down on… Even that child is nothing more than a chore to Elder.

The vampire named Chase immediately handed over a small doll made of monkey bones. Kabila picked up her doll without looking.

Blood weaver Kabila’s specialty is puppetry based on black magic. Infuse blood with hematology. The bones soaked in blood and began to move at Kabila’s will. Kabila whispered into her doll’s ear.

“Shout out, little monkey. Drive them all away with your loud voice.”

At Kabila’s command, her monkey-bone puppet grinned and turned her head away. After that. A monkey bone doll opened its jawbone. He shouted loudly in a bone-crushing voice.

“Oukiyyyyyyy–! Run away-! Escape-!”

An eardrum-shattering warning sound. The humans who were digging the clams reacted quickly. Everyone, young and old, tucked her colander around their sides and sprinted to the highest ground. Urgent footprints are left on the tidal flats.

“A tsunami is coming!”

“Everyone run away!”

It is a long way from here to the nearest seawater. No matter how big the waves come, it’s hard to imagine that they’ll cover this vast tidal flat and come crashing in.

But… Why is this land far away from the sea called tidal flat? The reason soon became apparent.

A huge presence ripples through the fog. A huge wave, more like a tsunami than a wave, was approaching. It has already passed the shore, and it strikes with terrifying momentum even turning over the land.

It is not a natural phenomenon. The Earth Mother, who creates earthquakes and tidal waves, was innocent this time around. This tsunami was purely a disaster caused by one sea beast.

It’s an act of evil. Kabila asked, feeling an unusual momentum.

“Chasey. Saw? Is it an island whale? Are you a cloud stingray?”

“… Sorry. She sent her familiar there, but it was blown away by a storm. Please do not forgive my incompetence.”

“Storm? If so, it will be a cloud stingray. Of course.”

Kabila frowned in annoyance.

A stingray, a sea evil. The legendary behemoth of the sea is said to flap its fins and a feather cloud rises from its tip… Once, the result of hitting the sea greatly affected the land.

The sea shattered by the rampage of stingrays bounced off like shards of glass. A spray of water pours over your head. Fainted fish mix and fall between the salty water droplets. Fortunately or not, a small child among the humans who ran away was hit by a fish and collapsed.

The child’s parent stops hastily and returns to the fallen child. Throwing out the colander, he picks up the child and puts him on his back. However, the tsunami did not wait and hit them. If it continues like this, one family will become food for the sea and disappear.


Seeing that, Kabila split the back of her doll and pulled out a bone needle as huge as an awl. Kabila grabbed it with both of her hands and drove it into her ground, using her blood craft to the limit. Sharp bone needles dug deep into the tidal flats and took root. It was like planting a seedling.

Kabila murmured.

“The keel wall.”

Quadd deuk. A huge spine sprouted from the place where the bone needle was planted.

Waves ripple across the spine on the wide tidal flat. The gigantic beast’s ribs were sticking out, half-embedded in the tidal flats. The keel, which grew as if bisecting the wide tidal flat, became a breakwater and blocked the tsunami. The tidal wave collides with the keel and breaks it.

Tsunami cannot be completely prevented. However, the water that was filtered once it hit the bone was noticeably weaker than before. The spray swept through the family, but thanks to its weakened power, they were able to hold on tightly to each other and hold on.

When the high tide comes, the low tide also comes. That’s the nature of it. The tsunami, which seemed to overturn the tidal flats, gradually subsided over time. Before I knew it, the tidal flats had returned to their original tidal flats. Except for the vertebrae of giant dragons that grew like splitting the tidal flats.

If you are afraid of the harm, what is Kabila that easily blocked the attack of the harm? The humans who were saved thanks to an elder looked at Kabila in awe.

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Kabila is towards her and those who revere her….

“What? Two hours left? I did this five hundred years longer than you guys. Speaking of livestock, I’ll follow you if you tell me to, but keep talking back to me!”

She shouted, stamping her feet like a child. Her awe that had risen in people’s hearts quickly faded.

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