The emperor has no way to stop the mother body, otherwise it will not get energy.

However, the prophet also had something to say about this.

For example, we are researching technology that can navigate the universe.

The Mechanical Emperor was very interested in this.

However, the mechanical octopuses patrolling the city did not find it in the transport machine.

Hidden one after another human beings.

They are hidden in the mechanical ship, which contains a large amount of living supplies. Although they appear to be patrolling guards.

But in fact it is a daily life boat.

The Mechanical Emperor exists in the Mechanical City.

With the flow of people, more than 3,000 people came to the edge of Sky City in three days.

Everyone practices the art of destruction.

Fire, light, destruction, death, space.

Priests with powerful destructive properties are ready for the final battle.

Morpheus is among them.

Seeing everyone getting ready, he took out his communicator and said inside: Prophet, you can take action! Cut off all energy supplies in five minutes.

············Please ask for flowers······

Yes! Lord Priest Morpheus...


Inside the Machinery City.

A giant machine arrived in the message stream.

The picture shows that due to an accident, a brand new life metal was created, and it can also transform.

This is undoubtedly what the current mechanical emperor needs most.

Bring it to me!

The Mechanical Emperor ordered the prophet.

The Prophet refused: must give me higher authority, or I won't give it to you!

You disobeyed my orders?

A pulse of energy attacks the mother body.

But in the end, the Machine Emperor did not dare to attack, but only made a small threat, because it saw those brand-new machines that had transformed.

... . . . . .

Can give other machines more life.

But at the moment it attacked, this mechanical life was killed.

Are you still going to attack?

Facing the prophet's question, the Machine Emperor was silent.

So cruel.

It’s really abominable to risk your life with the thought of being destroyed together! ! !

But it happened that there was no way.

In the end, the Machine Emperor had no choice but to compromise because he found that he could not contact his branch, which meant that the architect was killed!

Just when the permissions alternate.

A squid spaceship flew towards the place where the Mechanical Emperor was.

This move made it relax a lot.

But the Machine Emperor didn't know at all that all the city's orders had been modified.

And the believers of the divine religion came out in droves.

Keep destroying these guards.

Five minutes are up.

Squid was still thirty kilometers away from the Mechanical Emperor, but at this moment, all energy was cut off.

Then countless explosions and warnings appeared in the Machine Emperor's computer.

What on earth are you doing?

I just do what I have to do, you rotten idiot, go to hell forever!!!

Facing the prophet's ridicule, the Machine Emperor was shocked and angry.

But there is no way.

At this time, the squid had stopped in place.

Seeing that hope was only one step away, the Mechanical Emperor cruelly led his legions and all left the Mechanical City and flew towards Squid. people.

Chapter 823 Transformers: Frank Squidward, the Mechanical Emperor!

It needs to evolve.

Whether it is the mother body or other machines, they all need to be changed.

From a cold machine to a human being with emotions.

They last for countless years.

However, this kind of Transformers brings a different feeling to the Mechanical Emperor.

It turns out that mechanical life can have this form!

Once the huge body was revealed, it actually moved half of the mechanical city.

The already dark sky was covered by countless mechanical locks.

The Machine Emperor is the original artificial intelligence and the most powerful being. At the same time, its core is also a giant squid.

All machinery is modeled after its own production.

Morpheus and the others below looked at this behemoth and couldn't help but gasp.

This thing is so huge.

Fortunately, we are well prepared, otherwise we would have fought with them in the Mechanical City.

It is estimated that the damage is not as fast as the regeneration speed of others!

The Mechanical Emperor flew extremely fast and arrived in front of the spaceship in the blink of an eye.

Accompanied by an explosion.

The spaceship was smashed to pieces by the Mechanical Emperor.

Looking at the lively little guy, the Machine Emperor looked excited.

What a beautiful life, come here...I will give you great power!

The kitten transformed from the fire source stretched in mid-air, and then turned into a small robot. It rode on its tentacles and came to the Machine Emperor.

Suddenly, the Transformer said, Who are you?

Me? I am the Machine Emperor, the god of all mechanical life! are just a piece of junk. Only the eternal God is my faith, Fake Squid Maze!

This Transformer was made by Boomer.

There are a lot of runes engraved inside.

The purpose of its birth is to destroy the Mechanical Emperor!

The giant squid was startled.

Why is this mechanical life different from what I imagined?

The runes covering the sky shrouded it.

The next moment, terrifying frost swept over the consciousness of the Mechanical Emperor.

Then Morpheus and others started to take action. The Machine Emperor must be destroyed, otherwise once it regains control of the world.

Then their efforts are in vain.

Who knows if it controls some giant bomb or something.

Three thousand priests took action together, and explosions occurred one after another.

Countless metals fell from the sky, as terrifying as meteorites.

The Mechanical Emperor's mind has long been frozen, and it will take some time to recover.

Move quickly, cut off all its energy, and destroy various circuits!

Morpheus, follow me to the core!


While everyone was destroying their bodies, Neo led Morpheus towards the core of the Mechanical Emperor.

The metal here is very hard.

Even the use of thunder magic cannot destroy it.

Neo gritted his teeth and his palms turned into pitch black.

The flames of destruction.

This is something he learned specifically for this battle. It has super destructive power, but it cannot be used for a long time.

Because he is not strong enough, using it forcefully will cause his arm to break.

Silent and silent.

With a slap of the palm, the final door was broken.

Morpheus gritted his teeth and cursed: Without the support of God, even if human beings develop for a hundred years, they will not be able to deal with this big iron block!

Hmph... It has controlled resources for more than a hundred years. The earth was almost hollowed out...

Neo snorted and walked inside.

Finally I saw a magnificent crystal.

The other party has long escaped the category of computers, but uses crystals to become a more powerful existence.

Destroy it?

No! Seal it and we will dedicate it to the gods...

Neo took out the sealing device inside the universal capsule from his arms and put the one-meter-high crystal inside!

when he presses the button.

Countless divine patterns appeared from every corner, finally sealing it.

When the two came out, the squids, who were no longer controlled by the Machine Emperor, began to crash one after another.

When Morpheus saw this scene, he burst into tears and said: It's finally over...

Yes, what follows will be a happy life for mankind!

Five hours later, as hundreds of missiles took off, the earth finally saw the light of day.

Facing the dazzling sunlight.

Countless people burst into tears.

This is the most common thing in most of the world, but it is the most luxurious thing for them.

Prepare to withdraw part of the human nutrient solution and start the awakening mode...

The first batch of 100,000 people were resurrected. They were resurrected while sitting in a nutrient tank. They looked around in confusion, and when they saw themselves lying naked on the weird machine...

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