One by one fell into madness.

Great Eternal God, you are finally here...

Some of the churchgoers began to cry.

Xiongba looked at the vast starry sky and felt extremely excited.

God has come.

Sure enough, for the first sacrifice, all you need to do is prepare the sacrifices.

Sincerity leads to wisdom! ! !

He knelt on the ground, his forehead pressed against the cold stone surface.

He shouted loudly: The great eternal God, I am your believer, and I welcome the coming of God!!!

Welcome the coming of God...


Even Bu Jingyun, the god who does not cry death, was frightened by this terrifying scene, and then followed the others and shouted loudly.

Divine power is unstoppable.

Divine power is invincible.

The true spirit comes, the being that is transcendent of everything.

The charming fragrance comes from the nine heavens.

Along with the fragrance.

A bright but not dazzling light fell from the sky.

This light is nine colors.

But not dazzling.

It's scary, yet tender.

Gradually, all living beings fell into peace.

Because they understand that God will not harm them.

Thoughts affect all living beings in the fragmented world.

Liu Che slowly walked out of the light door with a faint smile on his face.

My mastery of the laws of love is getting deeper and deeper.

The way of love is not just about collecting emotions.

Joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

This is the power that all living beings have.

For example, when he releases his anger, the heaven and earth collapse, and everything will be destroyed.

Release kindness.

All beings fall into tranquility.

and thus feel His kindness.

Liu Che felt that after his cultivation of the way of love deepened, he would probably be able to influence other gods at will, which was more frightening than illusion.

It is even more unprepared than the methods of the Nightmare God.

At this time in the eyes of all living beings.

You cannot see the appearance of God, you can only see a long river of time flowing.

This is nothing but levels.

Similarly, Liu Che also came here with his consciousness.

The main body is still realizing that power in the long river of time.


The ethereal voice sounded deep in the other party's soul.

Yes, the believers are here.

Xiongba responded cautiously.

At the same time, he kowtowed with great piety.

Although you were involved in killing in the first half of your life, resulting in the death of countless people, I think you have good intentions, so I will spare your life.

Thank you for the gift of the gods.

Xiongba's body was covered in cold sweat.

The clothes were soaked in an instant.

God saw his life, how pitiful it was that he was so ignorant at that time that he did not know the existence of God.

If you understand, there will be gods three feet above your head.

Even if you force Xiong Ba, you won't dare to take action.

Liu Che said in a calm tone: You did a good job regarding Wushuang City. After all, they are my people and you did not continue to kill. Anyone in the world can obtain salvation as long as they believe in me.

This time you performed the sacrifice successfully, and I will grant you the status of a two-star divine envoy and five thousand years of cultivation.

Remember not to be arrogant and promote my religion.

Xiong Ba was relieved when he heard that there was no punishment.

Quickly kowtow and thank you.

Thank you for the gift from the gods. I, Xiongba, will do my best to spread the teachings, so that every land has your teachings, and your people...

Xiongba has also been studied.

After all, it is the existence that unifies the martial arts world.

The way he speaks is very organized.

Let's do this over there. By the way, this Ice Soul Divine Stone is very good. Remember to find the other stones as well.


Liu Che sent a message to Xiong Ba, and then slowly left this world.

Also leaving together was the fire unicorn.

This big guy has been scared to death since Liu Che appeared.

Both eyes kept weeping.

However, after being illuminated by the divine light, his body transformed into a truly auspicious beast that was a thousand meters tall.

The fire and poisonous energy from his body was pulled out.

Instead, there was an auspicious aura.

Especially during the ascension.

The old scales on the body are constantly peeling off.

Just like a butterfly chrysalis taking off its shell.

Colorful glow flashes.

Qilin raised his head in comfort and dragged Ming Yue happily towards the divine realm.

Xiongba sighed: Sure enough, there is something wrong with this unicorn. It is not a true auspiciousness, but a bloodline left behind in the mortal world.

Full of fire poison.

And that violent temper.

It's not an auspicious beast at all.

But a ferocious beast.

Now, after being baptized by divine light, I have returned to my roots.

Achieve a truly auspicious body.

As for the section of dragon vein, it turned into a five-clawed golden dragon thousands of miles long in the divine light, and disappeared into the sky along with the unicorn.

Congratulations to my God!!

Send my god off...

After the believers prayed devoutly, the sky finally returned to its original state.

At this time, people just woke up from a dream.

Xiongba is still the same as before, but now he has become more refined.

All momentum.

All converge within the body.

He turned around and laughed loudly: My name is brother. I am also the brother who is hidden in the crowd. After admiring the appearance of my god, are you willing to surrender?

Like thunder roaring.

It rang within a hundred miles.

Emperor Shitian felt bad, and twisted his body and used his skills to escape from this place.

Little did we know that he had just left.

A black vortex appeared in front of him.

A big hand stretched out from inside.

He quickly pushed him to the ground.

I see that your skill has surpassed everyone else. Tell me... What do you want to do after you have been spying for so long? And what is your name?

Hehe... I am just a nameless person. Why are you looking for me?

Emperor Shitian's eyes flashed.

Obviously he doesn't want to be a domineering dog.

Although the appearance of gods made him envious.

But if he surrenders, he will definitely become a dog. Xu Fu has done everything in the past thousand years.

I just don’t like being a dog.

Hmph... So you are going against God's will?

You cannot represent God. God just said that I am a people!!!

But do you understand? I am the chief priest, which is equivalent to the controller of this continent. I will give you another chance to tell your origins, otherwise... you will die.

What kind of character is Xiongba?

He would never listen to Emperor Shaktian's lies.

A martial arts master who surpassed ordinary people was watching beside him.

If there were no sacrifices to the gods, he would not be able to discover them.

This person is still wearing that pretense.

Di Shitian took a sip and tried to break free.

As a result, he found that his internal strength could not move at all.

Forget it...since you don't want to talk, then just die...

No...I said, I said...

Snap it.........

Xu Fu's head was trampled on.

A red mass emerged from his body.

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