Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 970: Haidongqing

Wu Yan is quite dare to test the ability of the basaltic system in animals. And it is still very bold when someone is present.

She inlaid spar in front of these people in the prince of Moh, in order to prevent people from being sensitive to spar on the forehead of the wild boar.

She is quite aware of how many gossips these old moms will have. It’s natural to catch a small wild boar as a pet. The small wild boar is inlaid with a spar on the forehead, and it will be the words spoken by them.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. The same is true of the small experiments that I have done myself. The thing that is done in front of everyone, the result is that no one will doubt. If you sneak a spar on the head of a small wild boar, it is easier to provoke the suspicion of others. It feels a bit mysterious in the forehead of the animal, and you want to explore it.

Simply, in the presence of aunty aunts, others will be treated as a little girl, as a joke rather than a mysterious move.

Wu Hao did this, but it really made the old mothers unimportant. Everyone in the heart said: Zhou girl was originally a very happy girl, how to defeat the spar and the wild boar? It can be seen that the dressing of the girl’s family is still very heart-warming, especially for pets.

The old mothers are secretly talking about the head. Wu Hao is surprised that the small wild boar has more than the expected fusion of the inlaid spar. He is surprised: "It is really inlaid."

[Unconnected control terminal found that some of the nervous system is not integrated, it is recommended to make corrections. 】

In the mind, a three-dimensional image similar to the nerve map appears. Wu Hao began to adjust the spar continuously, and even used the vital energy to assist the small wild boar's nervous system to enhance the vitality and increase the resonance between the nervous system and the spar.

With the help of the evolutionary body's control and vitality, the spar entered the forehead of the wild boar very safely. The spar releases magical control and begins to continually combine with the nerves in the brain of the wild boar, producing a resonance-like effect.

It's easier to combine than imagined.

This kind of easyness is naturally quite complicated for others, and it can even be said that it is harder than going to heaven.

For the alchemists and Xuanqi martial artists of Wuguo and Qiguo, when they set the spar to the Xuanwu soldiers, the soldiers actually took great risks.

Although the success rate is not low, there are failures after all. Most of the soldiers who failed to set up were on the spot to become walking dead. Because the brain's brain waves are completely destroyed, the nervous system has been hurt. The better situation is to become a waste person, and many parts of the body are just as bad as partiality.

[Unconnected control terminal confirmed, the nervous system is complete, can have complete control, is it connected? 】

Of course you have to connect. Just connected to the wild boar's nerves, will not affect yourself? Wu Hao holds doubts.

The evolutionary body quickly gave back the answer. It is impossible for the controlled terminal to trace its own control data, and it will not affect the soul.

Then needless to say, connection control! Wu Hao did not hesitate to make a decision.

[The connection is completed, and the controlled terminal has full control. The wild boar life confirmed that the strengthening of the vitality. 】 Evolution of the body to make a report.

Wu Hao is quite satisfied. I personally built a remote control wild boar.

Hey - in the mind to issue orders, Wu Hao called the little wild boar.

The little wild boar squatted under the hand of Wu Hao, and swayed back and forth as he moved slowly.

This kind of reaction does not use any verbal reminder, and it is directly manipulated in a manner similar to electrocardiographic induction.

Move your hands and feet.

The pig moved the front and rear hooves.

This small wild boar can become a remote control pig.

The spar is faintly glowing with brown light, which is the existence of an antenna plus control center.

"Well, it looks pretty good." Wu Hao bombed the spar on the good teeth of the small wild boar, confirming that it would not fall or that the nerves were in poor contact.

Wu Hao can even receive the nerve conduction of the small wild boar to feel the bomb.

It can be said that the little wild boar has formed something similar to Wu Hao's avatar to some extent.

Wu Hao can deprive the little wild boar of his physical mobility and completely control its nerve commands, such as the running of the limbs or the sound of the sound. If you concentrate, you can even control the autonomic nervous system of the wild boar, such as breathing, blood circulation, and even the beating of the heart.

This is like the effect of God's dominance. The wild boar is now Wu Yi's avatar robot. Although it still has its own will, it can be controlled by Wu Hao at any time.

Wu Hao tried to hold the wild boar on his shoulder, and as a result, he could form a picture-like effect in his mind.

The small picture shows the visual category of the little wild boar, and the direction is where Wu Hao can't see his own vision.

awesome! This way you can build your own Beast Fighting Legion! Can I also become the Beastmaster?

Wu Hao held back the excitement in his heart: "Okay, pack these up."

After letting people pack up and retreat, Wu Hao began feeding small wild boars to eat.

The small wild boar has its own consciousness. Of course, the intelligence is slightly improved by the spar fusion. But like the basalt soldiers of Qi State, they are not aware that they belong to the situation that they can be deprived of control at any time.

When Wu Hao controls his body, the nerves produce a natural feedback that makes them feel that the commands are made by themselves.

When the little wild boar eats, Wu Hao can feel the happy mood of the small wild boar diet as long as he thinks.

Xuanwu spar is really amazing! Wu Hao praised.

It turns out that the most powerful thing in the world is not Xuanqi, nor is it vitality, but basaltic spar. This kind of thing is beyond the existence of understanding.

Wu Hao’s evaluation is actually only effective for herself.

Because the rest of the world can't do it to her extent. The Xuanwu girl will control other people. It is just the original way in which words are ordered in the mind. How can we compare Wu Xun’s direct control of nerve conduction? Not to mention that Wu Hao has now completed the basal control of animals.

For example, in general, Xuanwu female will establish a wireless walkie-talkie in the forehead of everyone, and at the same time increase the physique of Xuanwu soldiers, it is also a transmission function.

But what about Wu Hao? The foreheart is not a walkie-talkie, but a wireless receiver of the nerve command.

Each of the basalt soldiers or basaltic animals at the control end will become part of the body of Wu Hao, and the nerves will be sent directly and wirelessly. In short, it is the existence of a avatar.

Wu Hao was very satisfied with his test results. After eating something, he gave the little wild boar an order to sleep for two hours.

The small wild boar was quite tired because of the mosaic of the nervous system. When he was completely unaware that he was under control, he fell into sleep.

The small wild boar, which was trimmed by Wu Hao, was shrunk into a round head around the yellow-skinned black-spotted head, and fell asleep in bed. The voice of snoring is loud.

If someone sees it at this time, it will be exclaimed: so cute!

Now the appearance of the small wild boar is as cute as the small p black pig in the chaotic horse, even compared with the peony pig in cland.

Wu Hao smiled and left. I don't know if I am satisfied with my own spoof works, or because of the girl's favorite for cute pets.

"I want to buy some pets." Wu Hao announced the door.

The prince of the ink prince immediately rioted, and the ten guards volunteered to escort.

The accountant master did not say anything, immediately took a large number of silver tickets to the squat, and ran on the shoulders and stood behind Wu Hao.

Some people said that at least three million were brought to the body. Where is the girl of Zhou, where is the money?

Because as long as it is the girl of Zhou, the ink prince is absolutely willing to spend money. The treasurer of the account room is absolutely full of heart, and even dare to bet: even if the girl of Zhou sold the money to the Prince of Murray, the ink prince would not feel bad.

Dozens of people go to the streets in a mighty manner, and Wu Hao does not mind, that is, to buy pets with high profile.

Concerned about her next person looking at her with a group of people away from the back, shouted: "Hey, Zhou girl has not passed the door, so go out in such a high-profile way?"

"We have a official position in Zhou. Now I can't do it?"

"Right, if there is no bodyguard and servant to follow, it seems that we are not worth enough."

This era is not the time when everyone's concept of equality is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The so-called enmity and enemies are at most germinated. Everyone feels that it is reasonable to be an official. What's more, the appearance of Zhou girl plus the ability to enjoy such treatment is even more natural.

"Where should I buy some pets?" Wu Hao asked the accountant master.

The accountant master smiled and introduced: "The east of the East, the city of the city, the fish market, the cat dog market is the most common pet, it is also the closest to here. Today is the day of the market, there should be weeks The girl you can see is good."

Wu Hao took the carriage and slowly took a large group of people to the East City.

The market is full of scales, there are many kinds of pets here, and there are many traders. Although Wu Hao seems to be quite mediocre in this market, it is already a rare big market at this Not good, the monkey tendon is broken! ”

"Ah, Haidongqing catches the child -!"

"Call the official!"

"Who has a bow and arrow!"

"Too fast! The aim is not accurate!"

Wu Hao heard the name of Haidongqing and immediately reflected in his mind a poem by Emperor Kangxi: [The feathers are three hundred and sixty, and the gods are the most Haidongqing. Sexual Bing Jin Ling contains fire, and the different materials are released. 】

Haidongqing is also called the spear, which is quite a medium-sized raptor. The speed and height of the flight are close to the peak of the eagle, and even the swan with few natural enemies dare to attack.

Wu Hao stared at it and saw a white big bird fluttering and flew away. R1152



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