Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 952: Emperor

The taste of the marrow is definitely the taste of the marrow.

When Wu Hao saw Zhuang’s kind of eyes, she knew that she liked the feeling of the previous fingers.

The use of two fingers, although not catching up with the common name of flying, but Zhuang Yi has a special preference.

The evolution of the body's vitality is steady and concise, and when the special parts of Zhuangzi are destroyed, it is as painful as the whip of the whip.

Qi Qi, for the sake of beauty, insisted that she should not endure it without any fuss. Although I couldn’t help but make a sound, people didn’t hide.

The human brain is very strange. When it is difficult to escape from the pain, it tries to comfort yourself in some way to accept the pain and avoid mental problems. Therefore, Zhuang Yi has a strange hobby, cough, yes, she feels that Wu Hao's treatment process is very enjoyable.

Wu Hao has this knowledge, it is easy to know that Qi Qi likes that feeling.

The owner of the piano did not think much. Although he noticed that Qi’s eyes were a little abnormal, it was impossible to contact the apprentice and her relationship that could not be rumored: “The conditions here are already very good. The emperor’s prince is here to rest, our division. Do you dare to leave? Thank you for your kindness."

Zhuang Yi did not say much, and after a few chats, he left to leave.

When I left, at the moment I stepped out of the threshold, I looked back at Wu Hao and waved my hand to express it.

Oops, it’s the meaning of looking back and smiling. Wu Hao suddenly understood such words in the song of long hate. Zhuang Yi is indeed a first-class beauty, except for the purity and age, not under the Mu Qingya and Qing Princess. Moreover, the identity of Zhuang Yu is very similar to that of Yang Guifei of another world, but it also has similar interests.

After half an hour, there was actually a palace lady who sent a thing: "The master of the piano, the girl of Zhou, Zhuang Yu sent a lunch box."

The lunch box opened, and it was Zhuang Yi who arranged the kitchen to make a longan longan soup. The thick yellow soup is filled with round longan longan and gives off a sweet scent.

"Trouble to bring Zhuang Yu to the Zhuang, thank you for her concern." Longan longan soup has a positive effect on the damage, the main hall of the piano will not refuse, and received it.

The owner of the piano prefers to be light, and does not eat such a thick soup, but let Wu Hao squat in the past to drink.

Wu Hao is also welcome, and now there is nothing to eat and eat, and there is no soup left.

After eating, Wu Hao couldn't help but think about it. This longan longan soup is very angry, contrary to the frosty tea that Zhuang Yi likes to drink. Although it replenishes the body, it will not only reduce the internal fire, but it will make it difficult for people to get inside. Wouldn't Zhuang Yi have a bad idea?

Could it be that you are implying yourself? Wu Hao began to think about it, and even greatly reminiscent of the slippery feel.

Recently, it seems that Wu Hao is thinking a lot. Perhaps it is because after Mu Qingya tasted the joy of fish and water, there has been no new opportunity to come again. And the princess and the princess can not produce a substantial detonation process, but also exacerbated Wu Hao's thoughts.

"Master, how is your interest rate adjustment?" Wu Hao asked.

The main hall of the piano: "At least three days of work, no matter how fast, but not speed. If so, how are you?"

Wu Yan smiled and said: "I have all recovered."

“Really?” The master of the piano was a little unbelievable. He reached out and touched Wu’s wrist and veins. He felt that the strength of the disciple was full and full, and he was completely recovered. He could not help but sigh: If you are only nine stars, you can recover so quickly, and you can see that talent and youth are the biggest capital."

She is paying attention to the look of the Xuanwu Emperor, and also thinks that her youth has passed away, so it is easy to feel emotional.

"Master is working hard and breaking the hard work, not like I just followed the treatment and repair." Wu Hao smiled and stood up, massaged the shoulders for the main hall: "Master, I read a lot of medical books. If you need it, I will help you massage it."

She swayed her words with her wolf tail.

The master of the piano couldn’t think of what was in Wu’s mind. He thought that he was a filial piety. He did not consider it and let her massage her shoulders.

Massage is actually very tired, but Wu Hao’s current cultivation is natural and the atmosphere does not have to breathe. Plus, who would feel tired for a beauty massage? Wu Hao is happy to do this job.

Gradually, Wu Hao began to massage the arms of the main hall. Then let the master of the piano lie on the couch, start to press the waist ribs, and then walk to the thigh.

The main face of the piano hall began to turn red, and unconsciously felt that there was a fire in the depths of the body that slowly burned up. All of them are soft, and they don’t want to move. They let the apprentice’s hand go upstream.

It’s a weird body reaction. The owner of the piano has both the feeling of this massage and some uneasy feelings.

She wants to open her mouth to drink Wu. But the voice has not yet been exported, and I feel that my voice is shaking. I am afraid that the voices that are spoken will change their tone, but let the apprentices detect their strangeness.

Fortunately, Wu Hao respected the white elders and did not start with the key parts of the piano master. Otherwise, you will succeed.

Of course, this also includes respect for the Lord's kindness, and Wu Hao is also afraid that the main hall of the piano will turn over. Perhaps the latter point is the most important reason why Wu Hao did not move the key techniques.

In fact, she is worried that she is over-extended. The main hall of the piano is a sincere person. It’s too late to be shy about this kind of thing, let alone how to force the blame to stop excessively.

After Wu Hao’s massage, the main hall of the piano was lying there for a long time.

The face was thin and I was embarrassed at the moment.

Until Wu Hao found this, and for a little while, she quickly got up and changed the clothes that the disciples sent by the Yuandian Temple sent.

After Wu Hao returned, it was as if everything had not happened. The master of the piano continued to recuperate.

Wu Hao was very honest at night, and had nothing to say overnight.

The next morning, the master of the piano drove Wu Hao away. The reason was: "Since your vitality has recovered, go to help the prince."

So Wu Hao was rushed by Master to fulfill the duty of an aide.

"Tian la is forgiven, people are lazy." Wu Hao went out to rest in the palace, and met Peng Da.

In fact, the general manager of Peng Da has long waited for a long time here. When he saw Wu Hao coming out, he immediately went forward and said: "We are happy, Zhou girl!"

Wu Haodao: "Oh? Is there any good thing? It must be the help of General Manager Peng, so that I can take advantage of what is cheap?"

The general manager of Peng Da and Wu Hao’s horse kungfu are all good at each other, and the mouth is sweet and greasy: "Where is the small ability to help? Naturally, Zhou’s own skill. Recently, Zhou’s girl is a big fan, and she has been getting the emperor’s care in recent days. Only yesterday’s treatment has been greatly appreciated by the emperor. Before an hour, the emperor had arranged for people to draft Zhou’s rewards in the Imperial Academy.”

When Wu Hao heard a moment, he said: "What do you reward?"

The general manager of Peng Da came over to report the news and quickly said: "The girl of Zhou Xuanwu will be the deputy commander, and together with the princess, will be in charge of the selection, training and operation of the Xuanwu female and the soldiers."

"Qing princess is the leader?"

"Exactly. This morning, the princess took the initiative to find the emperor's deliberation. After some conversation, the emperor arranged for the princess to take charge of the basaltic corps. The princess of the princess kissed you as the deputy of the girl, and the emperor allowed it." General Peng said.

"The emperor does not think that I am the identity of the prince of the ink prince. Does it make some people mind?"

"This is the consideration of the emperor." Peng Dajun unceremoniously smiled: "Maybe the emperor just wants to convey some kind of information."

"..." Wu Hao roughly thought of it.

Director Peng also said: "More importantly, there is the right to walk in the palace."

"Walking in the palace?" Wu Hao listened to this and seemed to be familiar. It seems that the official position of a new reformer is similar to this.

General Manager Peng explained: "The girl of Zhou, the right to walk in the palace sounds like it is free to enter and exit inside and outside the palace. In fact, it is the great trust of the emperor. Only three women have won this glory in the past 100 years."

"So powerful?" Wu Hao curious: "Which three?"

At the same time, her heart secretly confessed: it is certain that only women can obtain the glory of this right. If the man is not wearing a green hat for the emperor everywhere? No one wants to let a big man go out into the palace.

"The first is the sister of the founding Taizu. Because it is the best of the Xuanwu women, and the founding of Wu Xun outstanding, can have such glory. The second is the nephew of Emperor Taizong. At that time she has not yet become the emperor, but also A part of the Xuanwu female, the Emperor Taizong trusted her and gave the harem the right to walk."

"I am not a Xuanwu female." Wu Xiao smiled.

"Zhou girl is very and..." Peng Da, a mysterious smile: "When Zhou is officially appointed as the deputy commander, I may find that she can actually become a Xuanwu female."

"Can I also become a Xuanwu female?" Wu Hao was surprised.

She suddenly remembered Wei Ling’s betrayal. At that time, I felt that Wei Ling had any handle in the hands of the armed forces. Unfortunately, there was no adequate opportunity to ask. Leopard is also a little scrupulous about this aspect, knowing is not comprehensive, and the set of words can not be set. The most direct snake old man was pitted by himself, making this thing a headless case.

Could it be that the Wu State has any major secrets in it? Wu Hao was a little excited. Looking at the statement of Peng Da, it seems that after becoming a deputy commander, he has the opportunity to come into contact with this secret.

Wu Hao’s thinking is really justified, and only a thin piece of paper can break the secret.

Wu Guo has already researched a pharmacy that can make the qualification of a woman of Xuanwu female sergeant out of qualification. Just like Wei Ling at the beginning, it was cultivated with this medicine. Then tell the truth at the right time, in order to lose the basaltic woman's qualifications to order it. R1152

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