Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 924: 3,300,200 renovation

At the thought of the tragic experience of sleeping beauty, Wu Hao could not sleep.

Think about it, what is the prince? In a dead environment, a woman who can’t move can slap...

Wu Hao dare to pack the ticket. If the sleeping beauty does not wake up, he will definitely continue the following actions.

There is no doubt that the prince will have any action after the sleeping beauty is not awake. He would never have gone to pick a peach after he settled on the Seven Fairies like Sun Wukong.

Of course, many people do not know that Sun Wukong has a mother.

Anyway, the prince is definitely taking the sleeping beauty as an inflated girlfriend...

As the evolutionary body reminded the body's fatigue to gradually come to the top, Wu Hao can only force himself to sleep.

When he got up in the morning, Wu Hao suspected that he had slept in the wrong place.

Then she woke up and couldn't help but laugh, this is her room. It was just like a princess's boudoir decorated by the princess.

Lying down, Wu Hao is a bit used to it.

Who doesn't like a comfortable environment?

"Can the girl be up?" There was a very low voice coming out of the window.

A few maids who were waiting outside the room were whispering.

Wu Hao has excellent hearing, even if the sound outside the window can be depressed, it is also clear to the ear.

"Not yet, it has been up at this time in the past."

"This is blame, Zhou girl is very punctual in the past."

"Is it strange? Yesterday, Princess Qing Qing decorated the room so well. If I lived in it, I was afraid I couldn’t wait to sleep all day."

"I heard that I spent 33,000 silver!"

"Isn't it, listening to it scares people. A house actually spends so much white flowers. Think about it, 33,000 yuan of silver, can you pile up this room?"

rest assured. Absolutely placed, Wu Hao listened, the evolution of the body almost automatically calculated very quickly. The question is whether the wooden floor can withstand it.

The maids outside came a few more, whispering and talking non-stop.

"Although Zhou’s status is not ordinary, she can spend more than 30,000 yuan and two silvers at a time. When the ink prince comes back, isn’t it going to get angry?”

"Yes. The ink prince didn't come back overnight. I was afraid that I had already found another beauty outside. I want to see the girl's forehead in the guardian sand. Since she can't touch it, our ink prince is just as good as it will be a new love." ”

"So he came back, and when he heard the accountant, he told me that Zhou spent 30,000 yuan to decorate the house, and she would..."


"Right, angry!"

"Oh, no. He may reprimand Zhou."

"I heard that the temper of the ink prince was not so good. In the Jin Dynasty, it is even more murderous. Maybe he will beat us Zhou girl!"

"Quickly think of a way, Zhou girl is a good person on weekdays."

"Can there be a way to do this, unless we block the empty hole of the money, how can the accountant master conceal such a large sum of money?"

"Three thousand three thousand silver, let's make a few months?"

"I am a second-class maid, and the monthly money for one month is two or two."

"I am third-class, I have less money in a month. There are only one or two."

"That is to say, even if we have a few monthly expenses, we must earn..."

"Going to our grandchildren is not enough to make up for this hollow."

"God! I am worried that the girl of Zhou will be killed by the Prince of Mexico!"

"Would we like to go to the Qing Princess and ask her to help?"

"Good idea! Buying things are accompanied by the princess, it is said that she also decided to buy so many things."

"Yeah, I heard the next person who went with me. We are hardworking and we have been persuading the Princess of the Qing to not buy too much too expensive."

"So the princess will come out and explain that she bought it. Wouldn't it be difficult for the ink prince to marry us?"

"Oh, I suddenly thought, even if we want to go to the Princess of the Qing, but go to the palace?"

The women suddenly became dumb.

Wu Hao smiled and didn't take it seriously. Wash yourself up.

Her early morning wash never required a waitress to serve, nor was she going to help. The nobles of this era still have to help others to dress and bathe, but she is not used to it.

It’s just that if Qing Gong mainly helps her, she will not refuse. Beauty wants to help change clothes and take a bath, the visitors do not refuse!

When Wu Hao was finished washing and was preparing to leave the room, the outside was slightly noisy.

"Ink Prince is back." Someone reminded in the hospital.

The master came back, hula, and everyone was busy.

Wu Hao wouldn’t have heard the outside maid mentioned that the ink prince had not returned overnight and would not know about it.

Yesterday she completely left him behind her mind, and she was very happy with the Qing Princess. Those things that talked with the head of the palace in the palace, did not care.

Wu Hao quietly went out and followed the sound. It was just that Du Gumo had breakfast in the partial hall.

Walking down the gallery, I saw a large group of maids and people, surrounded by the side halls, one by one listening to the ear.

Wu Hao didn't want everyone to notice himself, and he didn't plan to get too close to let Duolmo and Leopard find out, and he wouldn't walk away and just stand in the distance and listen carefully.

At this time, Du Gu ink sat in the partial hall and was eating breakfast.

The leopard is old and he is sitting opposite to eat. This is the solitary ink that deliberately allows the leopard to dine together without the main servant.

But the Leopard is very aware of the relationship between the master and the servant, just sitting on a half-chair and eating.

Many rural people in this era do not eat breakfast, but the nobility still has the habit of eating breakfast. Many nobles even think that eating breakfast is a symbol of identity.

"The murder of the prince of the ink, the small account has to be false." The accountant master squatted, holding a ledger and an abacus outside the hall.

"Let's talk about it." Du Gu ink ordered a sentence.

"Yesterday, Zhou girl and Qing Princess purchased a lot of things, decorated the girl's boudoir." The accountant master carefully stepped to stable and Dangdang, opened the account book, slowly read: "Buy flowers three carriages, buy 12 glass bottles, buy twenty-eight strings of jade pendants..."

Du Gu ink listened quietly, and did not speak for a while.

In the end, the accountant master carefully slowed down the speed of speech: "The above items, the total cost of the library and the bank two ... thirty-three thousand eighty-eight eight!"

The chopsticks in the hands of Du Gu ink suddenly stopped, and the food in the mouth swallowed.

He glared at the accountant master, and his voice was dark for a long time: "You said that more than 33,000 two silvers, decorated the boudoir for the girl?"

Zhou girl is miserable!

Everyone who eavesdropped outside the hall, suddenly Zhou Guanruo, who had always been a good friend in the government, had a sweat.

Although she is not a lady, she is extremely favored, but this time the expenses are too big and too much! (To be continued...)



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