Night of apocalypse

Chapter 830 Good News (1st update)

Green City·The edge of the southeastern residential area.

Countless people were gathered here in a panic, dragging large and small bags of luggage.

Since the northwest area serves as the rear of the main battlefield, the southeast area becomes a refuge point. Although people began to move and evacuate half a month ago, many people still have not left.

At this time, in front of them were branches of roads leading to the sky.

Yinglv City is the most important production base of the entire Red League, responsible for nearly half of the material production of the Red League. A large amount of materials need to be transported back and forth, so its roads are built in all directions. Moreover, at the edge of the southeastern residential area is the world's most famous Baipanhuyue Highway. 126 highways can lead to all administrative districts of Hongmeng, and each highway is a multi-lane expressway.

By this time all the roads were already lined with long queues.

These vehicles come in different models, including military transport vehicles, private cars, and buses.

Most of the license plates they hang are from the Sixth and Seventh Administrative Districts.

Since the two administrative regions are close together, the organized rescue convoy arrived first.

As soon as these rescue vehicles stopped, a member of the public dragged his family into the vehicle quickly. As soon as each car was full, it drove away immediately, and the following cars immediately followed, with almost no gaps in between.

However, even so, there was no way to move the countless people at the scene, because the number was really so large that it was mind-numbing.

Therefore, many people crowded forward in panic, and the scene was somewhat turbulent.

Don't crowd us!

We got there first.

Many soldiers maintaining order kept shouting.

Don't worry, everyone. There are many rescue vehicles, and rescue teams from other regions of the Red League are here. They will arrive one after another, and they will definitely be able to send you all out safely.

Everyone, please calm down. Riots will only cause unnecessary injuries and will also affect the speed of transfer.

I know that everyone is worried about monsters right now, but you listen to us. The monster is still in the northwest of Green City, and the troops there are still trying to stop it! It will take a long time before they hit here. We have Enough time to move.”

Many soldiers maintaining order also used loudspeakers to calm the people.

Although these soldiers are telling the truth, Green City itself is very big, and it will take a long time for the monster to reach the southeast area from the northwest corner, not to mention that the troops are already blocking it.

But this could not calm the panic and uneasiness of the people. Everyone still crowded forward in fear.

Many people even chose to leave on foot when they saw that they could not be queued for a long time.

This scene was not only performed in this place, but also in various areas of Green City that were not affected by monsters.

At this moment, a man suddenly shouted with joy.

Good news, great news!

The people around him and the soldiers maintaining order all looked at the man in shock.

That monster was lured out of the city!!

What did you say? That monster was led out of the city? Is it true?

One of the captains who was present to maintain order couldn't hold himself any longer, so he quickly stepped forward and asked excitedly.

It's absolutely true! He was lured away by a master from the KPI department, and my brother was at the scene!

The man said excitedly.

If you say that, wouldn't our city be saved?

Then do we still want to escape?

Everyone present discussed this.

The crowd that was still crowded suddenly calmed down, and many people were shaken.

To be honest, no one is willing to leave their home unless they have no choice.

The rescuers from the Sixth Administrative District and the Seventh Administrative District also looked at each other, a little at a loss.

On the G745 highway.

Military off-road vehicles were speeding towards District 8, with the leader's off-road vehicle playing a powerful war song.

Lei Jing drove the car very boldly and said to his companions in the car.

Damn it, this time I go to District 8, I want to see how strong that damn monster is.

Don't be impulsive, captain. I heard that the monster is super scary. It is said that it is comparable to the one that attacked the City of Sunny Sky.

Qin Wan, a team member next to him, quickly persuaded him.

Lei Jing was not afraid when he heard this, and he spoke.

So what if you're strong? If those bastards like Chu Wuji dare to attack me, will I be afraid?

Captain, how can you be afraid?

Qin Wan squeezed out a forced smile.

However, at this moment, Qin Wan's bracelet suddenly vibrated. He glanced down and then said in disbelief.

I am not wrong, right?

What's wrong?

Lei Jing raised his eyebrows slightly and asked.

Captain, the latest news is coming from District 8. The monster was lured away. Now the troops are working hard to eliminate the monster.

Qin said in confusion.

What did you say?

Lei Jing was also startled, with a look of disbelief on his face. He thought for a moment that he had heard wrong, and instinctively stepped on the brakes!


A screeching brake sound sounded.

At the same time, countless rescue convoys received the latest news.

For a time, countless surprised voices sounded in the unified rescue wireless channel opened by the Red Alliance.

Oh my God, what's going on? Have you received the news?

I got it. The monster was lured away by KPI's top experts. Now the Eighth City is fully encircling and suppressing the monster that rushed in.

Who is so awesome?

I don't know, the details will have to wait for the follow-up!

Wait, now is not the time to focus on this issue, but is the Eighth City okay?

It seems so?

Then shall we go to the rescue?

You're already here, let's go take a look! Although the biggest crisis has been lifted, there are definitely still many places where we need help!

That makes sense.

Green City·West edge of the city.

A purple flash of light rushed out very quickly, followed by a roar from the sky.

The alien metal behemoth Hamilus rushed out savagely, like a bulldozer, flattening all the buildings in its path.

Wow, that monster Shen Qiu is catching up!

Angie screamed in shock.

As I expected, this monster is really eager for Yumtan's genetic module, and the effect is surprisingly good.

Shen Qiu said in a deep voice.

It's good, but the problem is that it's too good, and the monster is going crazy!

Anji shouted in horror, and at the same time, she shared the scene with Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu's eyes immediately saw the alien metal giant Hamilus opening its bloody mouth and accumulating countless red particles into its mouth. At the same time, its three snake heads and tails also opened their mouths crazily to accumulate power.

At this moment, Shen Qiu's nerves jumped suddenly.

Shen Qiu then unleashed all his strength, maximized the Instant Lightning Shadow, and jumped up suddenly.


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