Night of apocalypse

Chapter 826 General Mobilization (Second Update)


Long Yan shouted in a deep voice.

Everyone stopped when they heard Long Yan's words.

Long Yan took a deep breath and said to everyone in a deep voice.

The situation is very urgent now. Let me tell you briefly. First of all, General Lin Yin and the others cannot hold on for long. Because there is a very powerful unknown monster in the strange tide, the time left for us is very limited. We must use all the resources we can mobilize. To support the Green City, on the one hand, we can contain the invading strange tide and not allow them to massacre our people. On the other hand, we need to evacuate the people in the Green City. I know this is a difficult and seemingly difficult task. It is impossible to accomplish, after all, so many people have to be transferred in a very short time. But now we have reached the point where a miracle must be created! I hope that everyone present will use all their strength to support.

Yes, Lord Councilor.

The congressmen present responded solemnly.

Also, immediately mobilize all civil agencies and personnel to provide rescue efforts as much as possible!

Long Yan immediately issued the order.

No problem, I will take care of this matter. The question is, where will these 800 million people be resettled after they are relocated?

Vice Chairman Wang Heng said.

The previous arrangements remain as usual. The following people will be transported to the Seventh Administrative District first, and then evacuated to each administrative district.

Long Yan said in a deep voice.

Of course, he had no choice but to do this. After all, the population of Green City was too large.

Okay, let's do it.

Vice Chairman Wang Heng nodded in response.

Very good. Thank you for all the hard work. Now let's get moving.

Chairman Long Yan settled the matter directly.

For a moment, everyone in the council hall stood up and left. As they walked out, these congressmen raised their bracelets to make phone calls and arrange relevant matters immediately.

Inside the fourth branch building of KPI, City of Sinking Stars.

Wei Wuyan slammed the cup in his hand on the ground.


The whole cup fell apart.

All the team members present looked very heavy and said with some worry.

Captain, my condolences.

Wei Wuyan took a deep breath and continued to calm down.

At this time, the bracelets of Wei Wuyan and others vibrated, and an official group message popped up.

The defense line of Green City in the Eighth Administrative District has collapsed. All idle combatants, please go to the Eighth City to support as much as possible. All for the sake of our compatriots.

Wei Wuyan looked at this message and shouted in a deep voice.

Let's go! Go to the Eighth City to help!


Many subordinates responded one after another.

Brilliant City·Inside the City Lord's Mansion.

City Lord Wang Song was sitting on a chair, feeling great pain in his forehead when he touched his head.

Zeng Fu quickly asked the Lord Wang Song.

Lord City Lord, what should we do now?

What can be done? Haven't you heard the idiom that a rabbit dies and a fox is sad? What happened in the Eighth City today is a microcosm of our future. Give me my order! Assemble a hundred armed helicopters, a thousand transport vehicles, and another one The Lion Legion troops rush to the Green City immediately!

Yes! I'll do it right away.

Wait a minute, and immediately send someone to confirm the situation in the defense area we are responsible for, as well as the situation of Wang Hao and Wang Yanying.


Master Zeng nodded in response.

City of Clear Sky: Inside the City Lord's Mansion.

The Lord of Baishao kept wandering back and forth, and every official present was anxiously waiting for the Lord of Baishao's instructions.

Lord City Lord, the council has issued the mobilization order, what should we do now?

What else can we do? Immediately mobilize troops to support, and also send all transport vehicle formations there. We also need to quickly delineate a safe garrison area outside the city and urgently collect tents and basic supplies.


All the subordinates present responded.

This is the official news TV channel of the Red League.

A rather young female host announced the latest news in a heavy tone.

The latest news: The defense line of Yinglu City in the Eighth Administrative District has collapsed, and the strange tide has entered the city, causing serious casualties and panic. Now many troops in Yinglu City are desperately blocking it, but the situation is still not optimistic. Now Yinglu City The city has been abandoned.

The second important piece of information is that the Red League held an emergency meeting ten minutes ago and decided to send a large number of troops to the Green City to support it, and to send a large number of transport vehicles and rescue personnel to evacuate. At the same time, the Red League issued a call to all citizens The proposal hopes that capable people can voluntarily go to Yinglu City to rescue the affected people and transfer them to officially designated resettlement sites.

The latest news is that the Sixth Administrative District, City of Roses, and the Seventh Administrative District, City of Monger, have officially issued announcements. They have mobilized a large number of rescue teams to go to Yinglu City, and at the same time set up a large number of resettlement areas. They will do their best to accommodate the people of Yinglu City. Compatriots.”

At this time on the Haiyin Forum.

Posts pop up one after another.

Do you have any friends from Sunny Sky City? I have two cars and a driver. Let's go to the rescue together!

Is there anyone from Glory City who will go to the rescue together?

I am a doctor, and I have coordinates at the No. 4 resettlement site outside the City of Sinking Star. Have you ever gone to the City of Green to bring one?

At the same time, many rescuers were broadcasting live in the live broadcast room.

The semi-trailer has been arranged and will leave immediately!

An old man holding a cigarette shouted into the camera.


Uncle is brave.

Countless bullet screens flooded the screen.

At this moment, all areas of the Red Alliance were moved.

A large number of troops, KPI personnel and civilian experts were mobilized, and they rushed to the Green City.

Touching scenes can be seen on various highways at this moment.

A man carrying equipment and weapons stood on the side of the road and stretched out his hand to stop the cars along the way.

They took a ride and rushed to the Green City.

At the same time, countless private cars were swarming towards the Green City.

Green City residential area.

Shen Qiu climbed up from a collapsed house. He felt that his waist was about to break. It was better to find out early and run fast.

Chen Qiu, are you okay?

Angie asked with concern.

It's okay, but I'm in big trouble.

Shen Qiu raised his head and looked at the alien metal behemoth Hamilus.

I saw the alien metal giant Hamilus starting to move towards the front city. It was obvious that Shen Qiu and Zhang Chenyun had failed to contain it.

But at this time, Chu Wuji and others rushed over.

They jumped to Shen Qiu's side and asked.

How are you?

Not hung up yet.

Shen Qiu said mockingly.

General Lin Yin has announced that he will abandon the city, but it will take a long time for the people in the city to be evacuated, so we must contain it.

Chu Wuji explained to Shen Qiu.

When Shen Qiu heard Chu Wuji's words, he felt as if he was being weighed down by a boulder, but he still nodded in response.

I see.

You take a rest first, let's go and contain him first.

Chu Wuji and others said something to Shen Qiu, and then they spread out to surround the alien metal behemoth Hamilus from all directions, looking for an opportunity to take action.

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