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Facts have proved that there may be many people who are really difficult to have this thing of self-knowledge. For example, this Sheepman Shaman who claims to be “Collon” is a typical example.

When Punk was about to withdraw from the battlefield and throw the mess to Kane, the violent controller of Ancestral Spirit and the old Shaman of Kane battle changed their goals immediately without considering it. Under Punk ’s almost stunned attention, this Most of the battle strength relies on Ancestral Spirit’s Shaman, who actually threw Ancestral Spirit into Punk arcane magic.

“Low Liao Liao, you ignorant rubbish, now let you see the power that my great master rewards.”

no longer paid attention to losing control of Ancestral Spirit, who has fallen into an irrational violent state. Sheepman Shaman, whose facial muscles are extremely twisted, pulls a small clay pot from the belt while smiling.

Immediately afterwards, as the lid of the clay pot was pulled off by Sheepman Shaman’s paw, at the same time, a dense buzz began to pass from the location of the Shaman group battle.

In the hysterical laughter of Sheepman Shaman, large bloody mists began to diffuse out of the small jar, and they were not used for even a second. These terrifying “fogs” formed large groups of wriggling bright red clouds. At the same time, the endless chaotic buzzing has finally reached a peak. The extreme quarrel is as upsetting as countless flies hovering in the sky.

“This is Shaman’s … Shamanism Worms”?

After Sheepman Shaman released a group of “blood mist”, Punk quickly discovered the signs of mist, such as-these things that look like mist are actually a large number of a few millimeters of Flying Insect gathering As a result, thanks to the last strange experience left by Punk ’s cheap parents, Punk quickly recognized the witchcraft used by Sheepman Shaman, but ……… now aggressively rushing to these “Shamanism Worms” of Punk There are obviously quite a few different changes.

Generally speaking, Shaman’s “Shamanism Worms” are generally auxiliary quality combat methods. The main role of these mist-like insects should be to harass the enemy and consume the enemy’s protective spell or battle energy to create opportunities for their Ancestral Spirit.

But after being infested by Abyssal Energy, these insect swarms have obviously changed differently. They have become more violent and more brutal, as if they have become a group of hungry locusts. The monster even tried to bite into the space. In these places where the bloody “clouds” passed by, both flowers and grass were forcibly swallowed up a large piece, and many insects even burst their stomachs and refused to stop swallowing.

There is no doubt that these insect swarms have become downright “Demon Insect”. The kind of chaos that even their own kind and even their own flesh and blood are intended to eat. It makes Punk wonder whether finding a Sheepman Shaman can control it. Live these insects.

However, this question is destined to get no answer, because Sheepman Shaman seems to have never considered controlling this problem. He just released the insect from the pot, and then laughed heartily while driving the Demon Insect to Punk:

“Low, let’s run, cry, die! Let’s please the Supreme Demon God with mourning in despair, owl hahahaha.”

“Demon Insect impregnated by Abyssal Energy? Although it seems that the attack power has been greatly improved, but such a swarm of brainless brains are released ……… the damage they can cause is probably more than the ordinary” Shamanism Worms ” Right.

Facing the black pressure on a Demon Insect shot like a wave, Punk’s expression is still calm and cold as before. Before a Demon Insect flies to himself, Punk’s spell has been released.

“Master Level Advent spell-Improved Evil Protection”

Super Magic Skill-Double Cast.

“Master Level Conjuration Spell-Omnidirectional Magic Energy Barrier”.

With two white and blue magic flashes, a round azure energy shield completely enveloped Punk in an instant, and, on the surface of this azure shield, one layer after another was like white light. The energy thread also began to wrap up layer by layer.

Just one second after the completion of the two protection Magic, the wave of smoke screen formed by Demon Insect formed a fierce big hand fiercely and shot towards Punk.


Along with the shock of space, the giant hands that slapped on the Punk protection spell spilled out, and all the Demon Insects were aiming for them. This is Punk fast convergence. For a time, the Demon Insect around Punk even formed a vortex When the tornado was high-speed rotation, countless Demon Insect swarmed on the energy shield and began to bite desperately. The sharp teeth full of Abyssal Energy rubbed for a while, rustling, endlessly.

However ……… the two layers of complementary Magic protection are not so easy to break. Just when these Demon Insects with Abyss breath arrived, the white light on the “Magic Shield” began to wander in vain. After being exposed to the filaments made by these “Improved Evil Protection” spells, Abyssal Energy on Demon Insect began to surge like boiling water. In the fierce battle between evil Abyssal Energy and “Improved Evil Protection”, the fragile Demon Insect The body was torn into bloody dust with no difficulty.

“Fearless, fierce and unafraid of death, and in the state of intensive bite, these Demon Insect can actually consume only 10% of the” Magic Shield “in just a few seconds, which proves this group The attack power of Demon Insect is not bad, but compared to the true offensive spell, this level of attack power is still only average, and its weaknesses are too obvious. The pure Abyssal Energy is “protected from evil” series. The spell is severely restrained. When encountering the Wizard, the battle strength of this group of insects is bound to be greatly reduced. “

Watching groups of Demon Insect explode into contact with white light filaments, Punk’s expression is still as calm and composed as ever. With the extreme restraint of Abyssal Energy’s “Improved Evil Protection” spell, these attacks can only The Demon Insect, who is a general, doesn’t want to get closer to Punk at all. They can only be blocked strictly outside the shield, and then they are harvested by the dancing white filaments.

“Sure enough, a crazy man Shaman can’t make anything great, and the only annoying thing about these insects is the endless noise.”

Silently glanced at the dark clouds of the Demon Insect circling, Punk murmured casually in his mouth.

Soon I saw Sheepman Shaman’s witchcraft, and now, in Punk’s eyes, these seem to prove that terrifying insects are no longer a threat, but a “tool” that they can use! So at this moment … where can this group of “attacks” of ordinary attack power be used?

Don’t even think about it, the answer is ready!

Glancing at the far away Knight who seemed to be “evenly matched” with Ancestral Spirit, the next moment, Punk without the slightest hesitation was directed in the direction of Kane and released the spell that had just been prepared:

“Kane … Since you can play so well, then help me clean up the insect by the way!”

“Master Level Conjuration Spell-Kinetic Energy Hurricane”!

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