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After all, the eruption of the volcano was artificially caused. It continued to erupt continuously. After about ten minutes, the torrent of Fire Element at the mouth of the Sleeping Dragon Volcano began to gradually quiet. Although there are still a lot of lava being sprayed into the sky, compared with With the power of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth at first, Sleeping Dragon Volcano is now much quieter.

After the peak eruption of the volcano slowly ended, on the broken volcanic crater, which was already full of space fragments and fire element torrents, accompanied by a deafening roar, a giant claw covered with fiery-red cracks suddenly discovered a thick volcano Ashes, Sharp Edge’s dragon claws are full of cracks left after being eroded by the Fire Element, and large scales of dragon scales have even been burned and peeled off, but this giant claw still firmly grasps Sleeping Dragon, even if the space The storms stripped off flesh and flesh around it, and the giant claw and the owner of the giant claw did not even tremble with the slightest pain.

Miraculously, Owakin survived such a terrible disaster!

The pain of burning the soul did not destroy his will, and the flame of burning 10000 things did not destroy the body of the Black Dragon. Although Owakin was seriously injured, he did not scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in the eruption of the volcano.

But … at this moment, the lucky Owakin who survived did not have the slightest joy and happiness, what filled his heart … only endless pain and hatred!

After Owakin, who was burning with both pupils, dissipated the smoke, what he immediately felt … was a desperate sight.

The hot embers of the volcanic eruption have been completely diffused in the entire Hoss Mountains. Thanks to the high mountains surrounding the Hoss Mountains, these terrifying high temperatures have formed a terrifying steam furnace in the entire mountain range, and a lot of heat is accumulated in small In the Hoss Mountains, neither Dragon Roar Kingdom nor Maple Leaf Kingdom have escaped the burning end.

Covered by high-temperature volcanic ash, the ground was burnt into glaze, trees were burned into ashes, and dust and air even bacteria and viruses were hard to avoid calamity. The lively Hoss Mountains ten minutes ago had become It was a complete death, as for the ordinary person living in Dragon Roar Kingdom-no doubt, they may not be spared.

Immediately perceiving such a tragic scene, Owakin only felt that his soul must be crushed by pain and anger:

“Ahhhh, Saian! Punk Saian! I Owakin Acidmaw swears-even if I chase down to the end of Time and Space, even if I have to pay all the price, I will tear your skin, chew your bones, I will take your Soul burn to ashes, I want to throw the ashes of your soul into the bottomless Abyss, I want … I want ……… wu wu wu …… wu wu …… It ’s over, it ’s all over ……… “

Facing the completely dead Hoss Mountains, large drops of tears flowed from Owakin’s eyes. Even when the old sacrifice died, Owakin did not feel sad and desperate to cry, but now … facing Dragon Roar The destruction of Kingdom, Owakin cried, crying like a helpless baby …

There is no way, even if we know that crying wo n’t solve any problems, Owakin ca n’t stop his tears from gigantic longan. In the eruption of the volcano, he has operated the kingdom for thousands of years, carrying the kingdom of old sacrifice dreams, living him The Kingdom of Half-Dragonborn “clansman” recognized in the bottom of my heart is scattered ashes and dispersed smoke ………

But Owakin deserves to be Owakin, and his sorrow not at all overwhelms his reason, and the pain does not allow him to have no desire to improve. On the already fragmented volcanic crater, Owakin, who is still crying, does his best to fan the dragon wings to fly into the sky-tears It means sorrow, but it does not mean despair. Hatred can deepen memory but not wear off reason. Owakin has not been completely destroyed by the destruction of this time. He knows that it is not the time for hatred and sorrow. The danger is still approaching himself. In the face of the enemies who have been rushed over … The severely injured self can only choose to escape in embarrassment.

Finally, with a sorrowful glance at Dragon Roar Kingdom, which was ruined in the distance, Owakin began to fly to the south of the Hoss Mountains with all his strength. He had to escape, and then he had a broken injury Legend, when the time comes he could still be established The second Dragon Roar Kingdom can even avenge the Wizard already engraved in the soul.

“Punk Saian, my vows will always be valid, you … will pay for this”! ——–Dividing line——–

When he saw Owakin showing his body in the mist, Punk was almost stunned. According to his calculations, the horrifying power erupted with Sleeping Dragon Volcano, Owakin staying in the volcanic crater should die even if he had ten lives, but now This Black Dragon not only did not fall, but also had the strength to cry, how can this kind of situation that does not conform to “common sense” make Punk not shocked?

However, when seeing only one intact necklace around Owakin’s neck exuding a soft glow, Punk immediately understood the reason for Owakin’s luck and biochemistry-Legendary Equipment!

“Damn, is this guy endless? The Master Level Wizard has been so tricky this year? It is too ridiculous to have Legend Level Equipment at Master Level!”

Soon Punk responded from the shock, but now Punk is really extremely angry, the angry killing intent has begun to whisper in his eyes.

To be honest, Punk could n’t even imagine a normal-looking ten-nine 9 stable mission would now look like this. He did n’t even think that Owakin was so tricky to this extent, piles of piles of trump For the first time, the kind of enemies that Punk understands when facing enemies are painful.

“No, you can’t let him run, even if you have to trouble chase, you still have to chase it, otherwise I will be the one who runs next time I meet!”

Punk, whose eyes were getting colder, did not hesitate. While Owakin was still crying and cursing, he began to fly back to Sleeping Dragon Volcano. However, because he used too much magic power to resist the rapids of the Fire Element, now Punk ’s remaining magic Power is only barely enough to maintain Magic protection and “Master Flight” on your body, and you can’t do it if you want to be close to the volcanic crater in a short time.

In this way, the anxious Punk can only watch Owakin spread his wings again, watching the Black Dragon start to fly farther and farther-without Magic Haste, there is no doubt that the speed of Dragon is Punk. Half-Elf can’t catch up anyway.

“Owakin! Do you think you can run away as simple as that? Run, run, leave your kingdom, and escape like a funeral hound, but … your journey of escape has just begun”!

The ridiculous words are as ruthless as ever in Punk’s mouth, but … Owakin didn’t pay attention to Punk’s provocation at all, even though the anger bite the soul of Black Dragon just like the Fire Element just now, Owakin still bite the dragon teeth resentfully While continuing to desperately speed up.

In the case of Owakin’s head running away, after the provocation of the dead horse as a live horse doctor failed, Punk could only helplessly give up the idea of ​​continuing to pursue.

He knows very well that the provocative impossible of words has made you irrational, and with his own speed … I am afraid that today I can’t catch up with the Black Dragon flying farther and farther.

But Punk was never a man who gave up lightly. At the last moment, he decisively burst out three attached doors on the robe and pulled into the distance, and then ……… accompanied by the magic power in the pupils, rotating madly , Punk accurately released the spell to the back of Owakin, who was about to disappear on the horizon.

“Master Level comes to spell-Soul Mark”!

As Punk and Owakin said, this time the incident will never end like this, a journey to escape … just started!

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