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Punk has really few options for Owakin. Use spell? It is estimated that Sleeping Dragon Volcano will erupt when the spell model is completed. Wait for Dragon Breath? Owakin’s strongest attack method is still far from bursting!

In the last millisecond, no matter what Owakin’s anger and frustration, the only remaining options it can use are the path of using “Blink”.

And this road … happens to be the road that Punk has developed for Owakin.

“Never fight a Wizard on a Wizard’s site. As a Spellcaster, Owakin, I originally thought your IQ could be a little higher!”

Seeing that Black Dragon’s magical teeth covered with magic power had torn up the space to bite itself and the Fire Element crystal ball, but Punk’s expression from start to finish did not change a little.

Even in the hot volcanic crater, the cold eyes still exude a deep cold like falling in a ice hole. At the moment when he looked at Punk’s eyes, Owakin only felt an extremely ominous premonition like the same pot of ice water Pour in the head.

“Damn, this guy’s plan impossible didn’t consider my” Blink “trump card, what will happen next? How is he going to break through my 17 layers Magic protection”.

At this moment, Owakin felt for the first time that the layers of protective magic and solid dragon scales on his body could not give him any sense of security. In the face of Punk looking at the dead, Owakin knew that there must be a huge danger now that he was like himself Struck.

But … the crisis in front of me couldn’t allow Black Dragon to think too much. The Fire Element crystal ball is about to enter the Anywhere Door. No matter what trap Punk has arranged, Owakin can only prefer to bite fiercely and use his own. The teeth that can be shredded in space can destroy the Fire Element crystal ball and Anywhere Door. Only in this way can Owakin save Hoss Mountains and its Dragon Roar Kingdom in just one millisecond!

As for the dangers that have to be faced next … Owakin can only hope for the layers of protection on his body.

Dragon’s bite is extremely rapid, and the large space has been torn by the dragon’s teeth. The terrible cold glow is like an unstoppable storm splitting the Element. In a time that does not reach even a millisecond, Owakin’s giant mouth will have an afterimage The fiercely closing speed can’t be left. If he succeeds, both the Fire Element crystal ball and the Anywhere Door will inevitably turn into powder under the chewing of the dragon teeth!


“boom”! !

In Owakin’s blood-red double-eyed gaze, in Punk’s indifferent sight, under the witness of the sleeping Dragon volcano, a huge sound rang through the sky instantly-and most importantly, this sound was definitely not fire Element The sound of crystal ball breaking.

“No aaahhhh, bit me down, bite down Ahhhh”.

On the almost silent volcanic crater, all sounds were covered by Owakin ’s crazy roar. At this moment, Owakin ’s teeth had even touched the surface of the Fire Element crystal ball, as long as it broke through another one millimeter, The crystal sphere destined to bring disaster will burst under the impact of Dragon Tooth!

However, it is this trifling distance of one millimeter that is more difficult to cross than the highest heaven cut. In this life, Owakin, who has the vertical and horizontal sky, has never felt that the distance of one millimeter will be as far as this level, far away … people are desperate!

“No ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ah, Saian, with this, mean, shameless, brutal lunatic, I want to make you pay!”

In a Magic Array filled with purple light, every inch of muscle on Owakin’s huge body is contracted and pressurized with the force of a burst of shock waves, and a lot of Magic Guanghua even appeared a little azure on the dragon scales, “Extreme Speed ​​Blink” The magic power storm was constantly running around Owakin to provide him with power. The impact of the reaction force even caused a crack in a part of the mountain of the volcanic crater!

But it did n’t work, it did n’t work!

Let Owakin squeeze out the last magic power, the last physical strength, the last will in the body, and let the element’s torrent sway back and forth on the volcano, let the magic power burst again and again torn the space and destroy the Element, but the rage The Black Dragon is still imprisoned in the Magic Array flashing gorgeous purple. It can’t move. The teeth of Sharp Edge are only a distance away from the “Anywhere Door” Fire Element crystal ball, but that is This trifling distance of one millimeter, Owakin could not cross it anyway!

“Master Level Enchantment Spell-Peter Pan’s Ultra-High Pressure Kinetic Energy Imprisonment Array”!

On the side of Black Dragon, the kinetic energy that has been completely crushed into substance is like the strongest yoke. Owakin is tightly bound, and countless fine purple runes have been spread across every dragon scales of Black Dragon.

In front of Owakin, Punk is continuously injecting massive magic power into the array. A sentence like an ethereal singing incantation is echoing in Punk’s mouth.

Magical Language-Ancient Elven Language!

In order to restrain Owakin, Punk did not hesitate to inject most of the magic power into the Magic Array. In order to ensure the indestructibility of the array, Punk even spared no effort to use the Ancient Elven Language, which consumes magic power extremely, to enhance the spell effect.

Finally, under his efforts, Owakin was successfully trapped in the trap of lore.

While continuously supplying magic power to the array, Punk, who was gloomy at Owakin’s bloodshot and reddish longan, also showed a sneer. By now, his plan had been completed.

From the very beginning, Punk was avoiding falling into a long-range crossfire with Owakin. After all, as a Level 19 Dragon Spellcaster, Owakin is above Punk in terms of maneuverability and long-range attack ability. If you compete with spells, even if Black Dragon is injured In the state, Punk is not sure enough to win, so the core of his plan is to force Black Dragon to approach himself, or … close to the lore traps arranged around him.

The development of the situation was very smooth, and everything did not deviate from Punk’s plan. After the failure of the first Dragon Breath, in the face of Punk’s decisive detonation volcano, Owakin was forced to leave only the Fire Element crystal ball through “Blink” This is the only option. Even if he knows that he is waiting for the terrifying trap, Owakin can only choose to fight hard.

But … unfortunately, Owakin failed.

Above the red volcano at this temperature, in the shadow of the element cloud of the haze, facing the “Peter Pan’s Ultra-High Pressure Kinetic Energy Imprisonment Array” supported by Punk at almost no cost, Owakin could only watch that one bite. The crumbling fire Element crystal ball submerged into the “Anywhere Door” together with the lava master.

“Owakin, you lost”!

In Black Dragon’s ear, Punk’s cold voice came lightly.

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