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To make the “Sleeping Dragon” volcano eruption difficult, Punk needs to use the seal spell to block all the secondary lava pipes that connect the main pipeline, and then pressurize the fire element buried in the volcano’s underground through the previously arranged Element increase array, and finally use it. The big bomb “Fire Element Crystal Ball” ignites the Element which is extremely suppressed by fire.

At that time, the Fire Element that instantly transforms from a suppressed state to a burst state will have an extremely violent Element surge reaction, and the fire that has become a deflagration state from a quiet state will release extremely terrifying energy and continue to let the “Sleeping Dragon” volcano erupt. .

Now, Punk’s layout has been carried out to the 1st Step. A large number of runes spread on the volcano successfully suppressed the fire element’s spill. These elements that cannot escape from the fire will be pressed into the lava, and they will become the most terrifying of this volcano. Power and weapons.

In order to complete this process, Punk spent a full 3 days to lay out the Magic seal. The Sleeping Dragon Volcano is now covered with hidden energy circuits. It is also because these seals block a large number of lava sub-pipes, so although the volcanic crust The main pipeline here has accumulated a high temperature of 10000 degrees.

Affected by this huge and terrifying energy gathering, the entire volcanic mountain began to vibrate continuously, a large amount of fire Element spilled out along the small volcanic crater, was squeezed out, and there were a large number of glory channels The ore in here, these elements spilled out by the volcano have lit the sky above Charming Maple Leaf City, and a large number of burning meteorites have fallen like raindrops.

Punk knows that although the Sleeping Dragon Volcano scene now looks extremely scary, the destructive power caused is enough to destroy the nearest Charming Maple Leaf City, but the prelude to this disaster is only one hair from nine Oxen, in this huge volcano, the horrible disaster that is enough to destroy the entire Hoss Mountains has begun to brew, a grand doomsday performance can be started at any time, now, Punk is patiently waiting for the arrival of the only “spectator” .

“Owakin Acidmaw! You must be watching the element fluctuations in the entire Hoss Mountains of the watcher. You must also be aware of the extremely abrupt and abnormal Element silent phenomenon of the” Sleeping Dragon “volcano, then you … dare to drag the injured Come and find out what happened? “

All preparations have been completed. Now put the “Fire Element Crystal Ball” as a bomb into the lava supervisor to let disaster strike. The calm and composed Punk is squinting while looking towards the direction of Dragon Roar Kingdom. .

In the clear cloudless sky, the radiance of Mira and Chicasa returned to the calm earth as before. The mountains in the distance overlapped and covered with a layer of pure white snow. Like the turbulent white waves rolled up by the sea, Snow Mountain was long and long. It seems that there is still a trembling tremor, the silver peak under the sky is snowy and blue, the flannel glacier glass is transparent, and the towering Snow Mountain is inserted into the blue sky, which looks extraordinarily magnificent!

“It’s a beautiful scenery, are you right, Owakin?”

After glancing indifferently at the beauty of Snow Mountain, Punk turned his gaze slightly.

In the high altitude on Snow Mountain in the distance, an extremely powerful black shadow is flying toward the volcano at an incredible speed. Whenever the huge black wing passes the mountain, a large piece of snow is pushed into the air by the wind. .

“Saian, what did you do!”

Although the distance is still far away, Owakin can easily see the “scenery” on the “Sleeping Dragon” volcano thanks to the spell’s bonus and Master Level powerhouse’s super vision. Of course, it also has the first Time Lock Punk and that huge Fire Element crystal ball.

In the face of Owakin’s roaring through the sky, Punk’s expression was still as cold as ever. He just stared at Owakin’s silhouette to calculate the other’s flight speed. At the same time, his perception began to keenly observe the body state of Black Dragon. After all, the wound to horrible to see on Owakin’s body is now gone. From the surface, the breath of the Black Dragon has not weakened at all.

But after perception, Punk quickly reassured:

“Fortunately, it seems that this guy just repaired the physical injuries, but it is not so easy to recover from the damage of Dragon Breath to the soul, so it seems that Owakin’s power can not be used more than 50%.”

It was found that Owakin’s injury was still very serious, and Punk’s heart was also sighed in relief. If Owakin’s injury was all healed, Punk should consider that he should run away from time to time.

However, since Black Dragon’s state is very poor, Punk has nothing to worry about. After the silhouette of Black Dragon gets closer, the calm Punk even scornfully ridicules:

“It’s weird. Isn’t it very difficult to judge what I’m going to do, Owakin, such a conspicuous answer still needs me to explain to you?”

Face doesn’t change staring at Black Dragon’s tyrannical pupils, the killing intent in Punk’s eyes became more dignified.

Unlike Punk’s calmness and indifference, when Owakin focused his attention on the runes that were all over the volcano, the violent Black Dragon could finally no longer restrain his anger. What great disaster would the eruption of Sleeping Dragon Volcano bring to Owakin than anyone else Clearly, he could not accept that his kingdom was completely destroyed by a man-made disaster:

“Saian, you madman, you have to pay for it”!

The swift and decisive Owakin did not say a lot of nonsense like Brachel, pester and chirp, almost when the Fire Element crystal ball beside Punk just entered the range, Owakin, who was still in a far position, quickly aimed at the sphere and sprayed Exit Dragon Breath.

“Punk Saian, maybe my wound has not healed yet, but I am still the fearless Owakin Acidmaw, and you and your despicable tricks from the very beginning there is no place to stay”!

With the violent roar of the Black Dragon, the Dragon Breath of dark green was compressed into a thin beam of light and sprayed out of the dragon mouth. The light and space were torn into two and a half in front of this breath, even if there is still a long distance, but horror Dragon Breath came to Punk in a flash.

Black Dragon knows that since Punk has done this step, it is impossible to stop because of a few words of his own. Now there is only one way to stop Sleeping Dragon Volcano’s eruption-kill Punk! This battle from the very beginning must be irreconcilable.

However, before this, Owakin had to give priority to destroying the Fire Element crystal ball, because in its perception, the fluctuation of space has begun to become violent. If you do not do something and so on, the next big “Element” “The bomb” is probably going to enter the volcanic lava supervisor through Anywhere Door.

In the face of the sour Dragon Breath, Punk ’s expression did not change at all. Just behind him, the huge Fire Element crystal ball has nearly half of the part into the opened “Anywhere Door”, just wait for a In seconds, no one can stop the Sleeping Dragon Volcano eruption.

“Want to use a Dragon Breath to ruin my plan, Owakin, you are so whimsical.”

Seeing that Dark Green’s Dragon Breath was about to engulf himself and the Fire Element crystal, the brilliant blue brilliance in Punk’s pupils shone icy and cold, and in his hand, an unremarkable small box was already ready to go.

“Heitzita Magic Box Attached Spell-Master Level Conjuration Spell-Walker’s Improved Ruby Shield”!

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