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At night, in the territory of Maple Leaf Kingdom, in the temporary Royal Palace of Charming Maple Leaf City.

The clean and beautifully dressed Little Princess Livaci is sitting on the window sill teasing a bird in the cage.

The bird is very unusual. This bird is actually a burning low-temperature flame. After Brachel used the spell “Awaken Flame Spirit” to awaken life, it was transformed by a spell that shaped the body and limited the temperature. This little fledgling in the hands of Little Princess looks like a small flame but feels fluffy.

Gently rubbed the head of the little fire bird with one finger, watched the cute little creature roll in the palm of his hand, feeling that the part can still warm to the heart even if the cold wind of the Hoss Mountains blows Warm breath, Little Princess Livaci showed a childlike smile from the heart, and a pair of white and tender little feet also happily rumbled in the snow falling outside the temporary Imperial Palace.

But … the only regret for Little Princess now is … no one plays with me, usually those who have some arrogant and domineering but they are very modest to let themselves nobility child already do not know where to go, usually like to say something to themselves. The old King of unclear words has also left …

Thinking of this, Livaci became unhappy again.

Although she is just a little girl, she is actually more sensitive than Sir in observing the changes in things around her.

For example, Little Princess Livaci, although she did n’t know what happened in this country, she could feel the change of attitudes of people around her, although her name changed from the original “Little Her Highness the Princess” to the current “Lady” Queen ”, but … Livaci can feel that these nobles smiles when they are facing them are gone, replaced by a more weird emotion, as if … talking about a valuable goods, this feeling Livaci, who has always been naive and happy, also had a little fear …

“Little bird, little bird, what’s wrong with our country, how do I feel like I’m going to be sold, just like the little sally in the fairy tale is sold to the evil witch in a foreign land …”

Watching the flaming bird still jumping around in his palm, Little Princess Livaci couldn’t help but mutter to himself.

“What are you worried about? Our lovely little Her Highness the Princess, are the flowers not gorgeous enough? Or is the bird not obedient and disobedient”?

When Little Princess’s mood was a little low, Brachel, wearing a fiery-red Wizard robe, had quietly stood behind Little Princess.

Facing the slowly rising 3 rounds of the moon, Brachel carefully put a warm fur coat on Livaci’s thin shoulders. In the hazy moonlight, the thick coat completely blocked the cold wind, soft The feathers move slowly in the Breeze mixed with snow and ice …

“Nokan grandfather”?

The surprised Little Princess Livaci turned back, and she saw Brachel’s always kind face.

But in the past, Nokan grandfather, who would be happy to answer himself or bring some small gifts this time, just smiled and rubbed Livaci’s little head.

“Little Livaci … you know, you can see a very beautiful country after crossing the third main peak of the Hoss Mountains in the distance. That country is also one of the countries that have lived in this area of ​​the Hoss Mountains for generations. , They are very good at planting “winter white sugar cane” to adapt to the cold, so they always have a lot of soft candy to eat … little Livaci, you ……… “

“So … are you going to send me there?”

Before waiting for Brachel’s word, Livaci quickly interrupted the description of the fat old man.

In the cold moonlight, the beautiful little girl lowered her head, her fingers on the coat could not help but clenched a lot.

“Brachel grandfather, our country has perished, right? Even if those Uncle grandfather call me Lady Queen, but our country has perished, right?”

Holding the flaming bird lightly in his hand, Livaci slowly retracted his entire body into the coat.

“I know … I have read in the book that princesses of the dead country always have to leave the country to go abroad … Although those princesses can have the bravery to help the country recover, in reality … I am afraid the princess who left the country Never come back … “

As Little Princess Livaci’s voice became smaller and smaller, the room unconsciously fell into a deep silence, even Brachel could only touch the hair of Little Princess gently for a long time without saying a word.

“Livaci… life is helpless, although some are too early, but now you must understand that your loyal nobility will take you to another more beautiful and wealthy country, the property can be exchanged for the entire Maple Leaf Kingdom territory. Let you worry about food and clothing, as long as you are the queen of Maple Leaf Kingdom for one day, you will never have to worry about finding happiness. In a country with delicious fudge, you can find more friends … “

Carefully released a little flame around Livaci to disperse the cold, Brachel’s voice was filled with helplessness and sorrow, a little snowflake fell on the window sill with the wind, and the warm fire quickly melted the last piece of glacial slump.

Silently staring at the little Livaci sitting by the window for a while, Brachel slowly reluctantly turned around and left.

“Brachel grandfather, are you leaving me too?”

In the silent night, Livaci, who buried his smiling face in the down of the coat, murmured in an almost inaudible voice.

Brachel, who had walked to the door, stepped slightly, but in the end, he walked out of the door silently.

“Livaci, my Little Princess, you are a handful of sweet springs to moisturize my heart. I do n’t know how much old fogey ’s bad things have done. Did n’t expect in the old age, when I ’ve eaten and waited for death, I can really know my heart. ………… “

Walking through the temporarily built wooden stairs to the snow-drenched city streets, Brachel silently lifts the head looked towards the distance.

In the distance, the volcano that looks like the giant beast in the night is still as majestic as before. It stays there quietly, proclaiming its inviolable majesty with a huge body that seems to connect Heaven and Earth … …

Watching the moonlight slowly obscured by the overcast clouds, Brachel took a deep breath with a colder face, and then, with the rising flame, the figure of the fat old man flew to the distant volcano at a rapid speed under the impetus of the fire.

“Father is right … I am suitable for selling apples and not suitable for Wizards, but … even if it is an apple seller, at some point … I will do my best to protect my stubbornness …”!

The dazzling fire flashed away in the night sky, and soon, the cold night was once again silent …

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