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Owakin’s mouthful of Dragon Breath hit the vacant space, even for Magic Power’s deep Black Dragon, such waste is intolerable, not to mention this hasty movement also makes Black Dragon into a passive-because of the greed Kill, Owakin is too close to Gioni at this time!

In fact, except for Brachel, the guy who didn’t even have a bit of fighting thinking, both Punk and Gioni immediately responded-this is a great opportunity.

Without any pause, Gioni, who had just recovered his life from Dragon Breath in Owakin, immediately lifted the heavy sword and rushed to the Black Dragon again, although the instant acceleration of the spell “Extreme Speed ​​Blink” could indeed be as fast as naked eye and invisible level. But its moving distance is far worse than the “Kinetic Energy Rush” used by Punk, and the effect is even less obvious after landing on a huge body like Owakin.

The direct result of this reduction in moving distance is that Gioni only used a “Charge” to catch up with Owakin again. Gioni, who has rich combat experience, knows deeply that the most important battle between Warrior and Wizard is that they cannot be pulled. Open the distance, especially if the Wizard teammates on their side can’t beat the opponent at all.

At this moment, Gioni, whose upper body armor was torn by violent battle energy, looked more like a barbarian Berserker in the north. Order to pay attention to fiercely hacking Paladin of Owakin, and do not hesitate to chase “Battle Energy Wings” with battle energy. Black Dragon is about to take off.

“Master Level Battle Skill-Berserk Slashes”!

The full-strength Gioni used Battle Skill almost against Owakin’s head, and then at the next moment, Gioni’s heavy sword began to dance, and the high-speed wiping blade seemed to form a light curtain in front of Paladin. In this blade light In front of the formed Fengping, even the space was cut into dusty debris.

“Drink ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”!

“Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang !!!”

In the continuous great shout of Gioni, a deafening roar detonated once again set off a gust of wind, because with sufficient battle energy infusion, “Furious Slash” can cut a full 1 knives in 100% of seconds. The “hammer” that was hacked one after another on Owakin’s Magic defense, even though Gioni still had no way to break the strong defense of Black Dragon in one breath, but in front of his endless slash, Owakin The layers of protection Magic have also begun to dim, and the “Element fusion shield”, “2D space barrier” and “anti-Magic shield” on the outermost layer have been cut by Gioni in just a few seconds. Broken.

“Damn it, Gioni Zodas, you unreasonable lunatic, I should have killed you as early as the first battlefield!”

The angry Owakin snarled loudly, seeing that his protective spell had been forcibly taken down by as many as 3 layers for such a short while, and Black Dragon’s body once again ignited Magic’s glory.

There is no doubt that this Black Dragon will use his only spell that can quickly evade attacks. In any case, Owakin is also an out-and-out Spellcaster, although as a Dragon it also has a level 15 Master. Level Warrior’s melee ability, but obviously, close to Owakin’s almost unused melee combat technique and Gioni’s “cut master” close-range melee combat is still impossible, so for Owakin, hurry up and kill red eye Gioni’s distance is definitely a top priority.

But … there are 2 Master Level powerhouse glare like a tiger watching his prey beside him.

Seeing Owakin’s unconventional way of resisting Gioni’s blade, Punk immediately realized that this Black Dragon was not good at melee, and its huge body was very convenient for Gioni to get a knife.

Based on this information and the form of the current battlefield, Punk immediately came up with the best way to fight.

“Gioni, cut his head, don’t let Owakin’s mouth touch you, Brachel, Flame Rain’s release don’t stop …”

“Overestimate one’s capabilities! Do you think this will stop me?”

Due to the raging torrents of energy on the battlefield, the “information delivery” spell could not be used at all, and there was no tacit agreement between Punk and Brachel and Gioni Zodas. Therefore, in order to make Gioni this one stupid idiot and Brachel that fat old When man responded, Punk had to call out a loudspeaker immediately afterwards, so that Owakin would naturally understand Punk’s arrangement.

However, since Punk dared to shout out all the information, Owakin heard it.

Hearing Punk’s reminder, Brachel released “Flame Rain” more vigorously, Gioni continued to slash even more crazily, and Owakin’s “Extreme Speed ​​Blink” also completed at a faster speed …

But … just when the fearless Black Dragon just launched the spell, Punk’s “block” came one after another.

“Master Level Conjuration Spell-Kinetic Energy Separation”

Super Magic Skill-Magic Power Compression

Super Magic Skill-Double Cast

Master Level Conjuration Spell-Magic Haste.

As the so-called spell cannot be used twice in front of the same enemy, Owakin this move completely crazy and ridiculous’ “Dragon version of Extreme Speed ​​Blink” is almost instant kill when it is used for the first time. How could Punk think badly about how to deal with it? What.

With massive magic theory as the basis, Punk quickly thought of a targeted spell-“Kinetic Energy Separation”.

“Extreme Speed ​​Blink” strictly speaking is also a kinetic energy spell that uses kinetic energy to move the target, and the “Kinetic Energy Separation” spell can instantly deprive an object of all the kinetic energy. It just restrains “Kinetic Energy Rush” and “Extreme Speed ​​Blink” Kind of kinetic energy Haste Spell, used to block Owakin is really good.

With the super-fast speed provided by “Magic Haste”, “Kinetic Energy Separation” successfully hit the enemy before Owakin moved. Since the “anti-Magic shield” that Owakin had previously blessed had been broken by Gioni, this shot The effect of “Kinetic Energy Separation” has not been weakened.

I was just ready to move, and the huge driving force on my body disappeared instantly. After such a drastic change from extremely static to extreme motion and then from extreme motion to extreme extreme, Owakin’s body immediately lost its balance.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gioni, who had cold glow in his eyes, immediately used a flexible “Master Level Battle Skill-Rotary Step” to avoid Owakin’s Great Dragon Claw. Under the rampage of battle energy, he did not Owakin, who was blocked by sharp claw, was quickly torn apart by 3 layers of protective magic.

At this moment, Owakin has no more protective spells than Punk.

“No, you damn … scum …”

After reluctantly twisting his head to avoid Gioni’s blade light, the disdain in Owakin’s eyes finally disappeared completely, replaced by a cold glow of dignity and seriousness.

“I admit that you really can’t take a peek, but … don’t look down on me too much, I am an asylum of Dragon Roar Kingdom-Owakin Acidmaw”!

Seeing that the protective spell on his body had fallen below the safety line, Owakin, whose killing intent was more and more dense, once again roared. At the same time, among the storage gems on the neck of the Black Dragon, 5 were full of hidden magic power fluctuations Dainty and delicate scrolls came out one after another.

This deep and unmeasurable horror Black Dragon is about to use a trump card!

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