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Using the lines provided by Punk as a template, based on the efficient obedience of Zodas Family, and based on the instinct of survival of the creatures-under the effect of the three in one, the effect of war aid is unexpectedly excellent.

After the time of half a month passed, when the day of “Battle of Glory” came, the number of poor people who rushed to the frontline from the Maple Leaf Kingdom across the country to “voluntarily join the army, guard home, defend the country” had tasted 7,000,000 If it was n’t because too many malnourished poor people could not bear the torture of Ash Bone Virus and fell halfway, this number could be increased by eight-nine times!

In fact, because Zodas Family promotes the concept of “Doubtless death in the country”, Maple Leaf Kingdom almost all living people with powerful pneumatic bombs will desperately climb to the battlefield even if they use it.

A large number of hungry people stiffly moved their joints that were increasingly inflexible due to gray bone disease, holding a “lance” made of sharpened branches in their hands, chewing in the mouth the bodies of fallen people on the side of the road, full of hunger, a pair of turbid His eyes are full of desire for life.

The Priest of God of Justice closed the church and ignored this tragic scene. God ’s revelation made it clear that they were not allowed to participate in any war and politics, especially when the suffering refugees overwhelming majority were Devout Believer of God of Justice. Priest is not allowed to do any kind of rescue … Of course, I am afraid that people who are unaware can never think of it. The reason God sits on to observe various disasters and “sticks to principles” is precisely because the refugees always have too many beliefs, and they are too religious. …………

When the sun on the 31st day of the cold winter shines on the Hoss Mountains, these “volunteers”, mostly composed of old, weak and sick, finally formed a grandiose “big army” on the plain at the border of Maple Leaf Kingdom and Dragon Roar Kingdom. From the heights, the 7,000,000 refugees are like ants covering the plains. The black pressure crushes a large chaos and disorder, a wailing cry of sickness, gray faces, each and everyone’s hungry eyes … … If you do n’t know if people are good or not, you might think which Legendary Wizard launched Undead is not necessarily a natural disaster.

Of course, the destructive power of these hungry people is definitely not to be underestimated. Their position is not even a single wormwood, and all the edible parts of the plants are eaten by the refugees and hungry! And the breeding of Ash Bone Virus has spread to the skin of refugees. Their gray bodies are full of the raging Magic plague. Now these seemingly inflexible poor people can spread massive amounts of terrorist viruses just by breathing!

Opposite this group of “biochemical armies”, standing on the border of the Dragon Roar Kingdom is the “Legion” that is waiting to be lined up. This most elite Half-Dragonborn force has been alert here for one night, and they all understand their responsibilities ——Absolutely, never allow an Ash Bone Virus infected person to enter his own country.

Compared to a group of “volunteers” on the Maple Leaf Kingdom side that seemed to have crossed over from the siege of zombie, the army of Dragon Roar Kingdom at first glance was experienced elite soldiers (“100 battles” were sent by Gioni), standing At the forefront are a group of hard-working Half-Dragonborn. Their bodies as high as 3 meters are covered with exquisite iron armor doped with cold iron. Pieces of cold light flashing tightly fit the dark green scales of Half-Dragonborn. Every Half-Dragonborn has a big hammer of more than one person in his hand. Anyone will not doubt that the heavy solid hammer is enough to smash the hardest rock with one blow.

Behind Half-Dragonborn, there are a few echelons of Dragonified people Pikeman and Archer. These soldiers wrapped in light armor look firm, even if they have been stationed here for a long time, but each soldier has no hands holding the weapon. A little bit relaxed, it can be seen that these perseverance and endurance are the result of their hard training in peacetime.

Finally, on the flanking of the mad dragon army is Dragon Roar Kingdom’s trump card, the Class Holder army.

These Half-Dragonborn and Dragonified people Class Holders are basically the same as the Paladin army configuration of the Zodas Family. They are also composed of more than 100 Novice Level Class Holders led by a Formal Level powerhouse. The only difference is the Class Holder of Dragon Roar Kingdom The number is three times that of Zodas Family!

Of course, Maple Leaf Kingdom also has a huge advantage-the number of “biochemical army” is 70 times the number of mad dragon Legion! And for the “biochemical army”, as long as it crosses the defense line, it is considered successful. In other words, a normal mad dragon Legion soldier must theoretically block at least 70 people infected with Ash Bone Virus-this is obviously impossible.

“Gioni, we have some overwhelming advantages over ordinary troops, but can your Paladin army really block the other Class Holder army? If those Class Holders support ordinary troops, no more” volunteers “are enough. “!

Standing on a higher hill, Punk asked Gioni coldly.

“Don’t question the glorious Warrior, even if faced with more enemies, they will not retreat half a step, unless all Paladins fall on the battlefield, otherwise ……… no one can pass”!

Gioni didn’t look like Punk, he just clenched the heavy sword and watched the morning sun out of the horizon.

Seeing that Gioni is so eloquent, Punk is not much to say. Whether those infected with Ash Bone Virus can successfully invade Dragon Roar Kingdom was originally an insignificant thing to Punk. From the beginning to the end, his purpose is only to put Owakin as the head. Dragon was forced out of the “turtle shell”. Of course, it would be better if those ordinary person wars could distract Owakin.

Now, the time for the offensive has not yet arrived. Both Gioni and Punk are waiting for the arrival of the Black Dragon, which is to launch an offensive at that time to maximize the benefits.

But before Owakin debuted, Brachel finally came over, of course, this guy was late.

“Sorry, sorry, a little late, but there is a reason, haha.”

The fat old man who changed into a fiery-red robe still looked like a big meat ball. After extinguishing the flames from the sky, this guy who had not seen the silhouette finally landed on the hill where Punk was.

Seeing that Brachel had already touched the battle, “arrive slowly”, Punk frowned slightly:

“Nokan, what’s the matter, this is not the first time, you are often late for recent tactical discussions, what are you doing”

“Aiya, that seminar was useless again. Gioni only played with the Black Dragon a few hundred years ago. There was no intelligence ……… I just knew one thing, Gioni, did you pay attention?” .

Brachel evaded Punk’s doubts while avoiding it, and directly brought the topic to Gioni. As you can see, he did not intend to answer Punk’s doubts.

Considering that the war was about to start, Punk didn’t even think about the fact that this unregulated fat old man did, so after Brachel changed the subject, he didn’t ask anymore, anyway Brachel was able to show up, that’s enough!

It was Gioni. After hearing what Brachel said, the Paladin, who had been silent for a while, asked the fat old man a bit salty:

“What’s the matter, now is not the time to deal with small things.”

“Your His Majesty the King is seriously dying, is this a trivial matter?”

Generally speaking, things about King’s life are also impossible, but after hearing Brachel’s news, Gioni only showed a slight touch, and soon, he restored his stereotyped expression.

“… this matter will be said after the war is over, now … it is a moment of glory”!

Feeling the phantom limb pain that came from the broken arm again, Gioni had already flawlessly ignored everything except killing Owakin Acidmaw, watching the rigorous and neat “Legion Dragon” of his army of refugees and the enemy. The stark contrast, the humiliation that was taken away from the glory, the land and the arms once again rose in the mind. As the two suns in the morning slowly rose, the anger of revenge became even hotter in Gioni’s heart!

“Owakin Acidmaw ………… It’s time to make a break”!

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