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Just as Punk was about to completely eliminate Wyan’s consciousness, and then make the “new” Wyan a traitor and a puppet, accompanied by a thunderous roar, a solid barrier like Mind that traversed Wyan firmly protected Wyan The soul of Punk, and the spell energy from Punk was totally repelled.

In the Mind space where the soul energy burst into colorful light dots, a dragon head mark at the center of Wyan’s soul began to slowly emit a blooming golden light. I saw a huge faucet slowly lifted up, and then cross The mark of the dragon head appeared deep in Wyan’s consciousness.

“Wizard, you are involved in things you should not dabble in. The peace of Dragon Roar Kingdom is not something you can violate”!

On the huge dragon head, the dark golden pupil shone like the sun, Dragon’s majestic gaze swept across Punk with contempt, and the sound of terrifying words was as deep and magnificent as the waves of the sea.

“Master Level mind-affecting spell-Mental Projection”!

Punk recognized this spell on the first night, and in this case, the Black Dragon that can use the Master Level spell is definitely Owakin Acidmaw. This is always the case when Punk ’s spell is about to succeed. The Black Dragon, who was reluctant to retreat, finally moved as he couldn’t bear it.

There is no doubt that Owakin used to place Mind coordinates deep in Wyan ’s consciousness. Now, when Punk ’s spell wipes out Wyan ’s consciousness, Mind coordinates are activated, and Owakin Acidmaw can also use “Mental Projection” This spell brings a spiritual projection to Wyan’s Mind space.

Seeing the Black Dragon ’s projection strongly prevents the “Mental Obedience” spell from attacking, Punk not at all is annoyed or shows any mood swings, or the arrival of Owakin may be more valuable to Punk than controlling Wyan, after all, there is nothing The intelligence acquisition method can be more efficient than face-to-face communication with the enemy and you.

The spell Punk “Mental Projection” will also, without unnecessary hesitation, Punk also gave up the erosion of Wyan’s consciousness, he also used spell projection like Owakin to put a little Mental Power into Wyan’s Mind space.

Compared to the black dragon projection in Wyan Mind ’s hill-like shape, Punk ’s small size is almost insignificant, but in the face of the two huge pairs of golden eyes, Punk does not have any fear. Mental Power projection is There is no way to reflect the soul level of creatures. Who knows if this majestic Black Dragon looks restrained?

“Hello, Owakin Acidmaw, or … I should call you His Majesty the King of Dragon Roar Kingdom”?

Punk spoke first, but his words were full of sarcasm.

After hearing Punk’s sarcasm, Owakin unexpectedly did not show any anger or rage, he just gorgeously ignored Punk’s sarcasm, and then each minding their own business continued to use a serious and powerful tone:

“The Wizard of overestimate one’s capabilities, I just want to develop my kingdom peacefully, avoiding war and just protecting my subjects from disaster, but this does not mean that I am afraid of you, whether it is you or your companion , Or that stupid Gioni Zodas, you are all not worth mentioning crawlers in my opinion, follow my advice, and look back! Do n’t take my kindness as your rampant capital, this is me, Owakin Acidmaw-a kind Black Dragon’s final warning for the evil “!

Owakin’s voice was low but loud, and the sonorous common language was like a seemingly calm volcano, like an eruption would make all creatures tremble.

However, in the face of Owakin ’s “warning” of righteous words, Punk ’s eyes became colder and more gloomy. His giving tit for tat responded to Owakin ’s pupils with his eyes like a burning blue Nether Fire. :

“Dear” His Majesty “, I have to remind you of 3 facts:

First, your kingdom is just a joke to me!

Second, that Brachel fat old man is not my companion.

Third, I won’t look back until you take your skin off to make gloves! “

After talking, Punk calmly spread his hand and continued to provoke Owakin in his mouth:

“But if you are really afraid of fighting, I also have a solution to the problem. I came to slaughter the dragon just for wealth. You only need to tear off your dragon skin, dragon bone, and soul to me. Then my purpose I ’ve reached it. I ’ll definitely turn around and leave. What if you continue to play with your friends? ”

Although the mocking words spoken by Punk expressionless almost have no ups and downs in tone, but they sound very annoying, this is not discounted at all, not to mention that he is facing a violent Chromatic Dragon, even if he is facing Brachel Good old person, I am afraid that the other party will get angry on the spot.

Sure enough, after silently listening to Punk mentioning a bunch of insulting conditions, Owakin, which originally seemed calm and composed, also became angry. His eyes began to be filled with killing intent and anger, under the influence of Dragon’s anger. In the entire consciousness space, there was a violent Mental Power storm, and the kind of serene that stayed at Owakin at first was gone.

“Wizard, are you provoking? If this is your purpose, then there is no doubt that your success angered me”!

“Oh! Really? So what are you gonna do, climb out of your den? I’m at the foot of the Scotty peak in the Hoss Mountains. If you have the ability, come to me.”

Punk has no fear of this doomed enemy. In his opinion, if the enemy can lose his reason because of his anger, his victory will basically be stable.

However, Owakin really deserves the unusual Black Dragon. In fact, his rage and killing intent lasted only a few seconds and disappeared. The Black Dragon calmed down at an unimaginable speed and even disdainfully launched Punk. Anti-sarcasm:

“A ridiculous trick! Anger and impulse will only bring disaster. I knew this truth 1000 years ago … But since you asked me if I would dare to come … Then let me ask you-my dragon nest Just below Dragon Plaza, do you dare to come in? “

Well, this dry provocation is too low-level for the two Master Level powerhouses.

However, it was difficult to see the Black Dragon once. Naturally, I had to ask as much information as possible before starting the fight. Thinking of this, Punk asked Owakin in an absent-minded tone while secretly starting to build a spell model to prepare for battle.

“Suddenly I remembered that I met a crazy Storm Eagle on the road. If nothing unexpected happened-the madness of Montbe Windbeak is probably also a masterpiece of your” good Black Dragon “?”

“The madness of Montbe Windbeak is not my intention”!

Speaking of Montbe Windbeak, Owakin also showed some regretful expressions:

“That guy has been indulging his ethnic group to invade the herdsmen of Dragon Roar Kingdom for too long. Originally, I wanted to spend time to convince him to be kind, but now Gioni, the idiot, is going to start messing around. “Montbe has become kind! But my improved spell still not enough is mature, and Montbe’s soul has been damaged so much that he lost his mind. Originally I thought that letting it stay in its own nest could awaken the warmth of its heart, resulting in didn ‘t expect ………… “

Speaking of which, Owakin looked towards Punk’s eyes were even colder:

“Speaking of which Montbe Windbeak can be regarded as living in Dragon Roar Kingdom. You just came to the Hoss Mountains to kill people ……… This account should be counted if you have a chance!”

The conversation between 2 people ca n’t continue here anymore, as can be seen from the more and more with swords drawn and bows bent atmosphere, both Punk and Owakin have the idea of ​​trying to test each other, watching the language test has ended, Then … the next step is to explore the depths of your hands.

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