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Formal Level and Master Level, although the gap between the two great realm is not as unclimbable as the real realm like leap realm, but the most intuitive phenomenon at the soul level is the difference in reaction speed and thinking speed.

In fact, until the Warrior named Gru suddenly turned into a powder next to Wyan, another Level 14 Warrior standing on the left of Wyan had not reacted.

In other words, this Warrior also feels the sudden killing in the air, but his thinking still stays in the “warm” environment that he just missed. This kind of moment changes from the starry and calm environment to the moment of death and death. It was too sudden, too violent, this sudden and violent as it should be by rights made this Warrior a little stunned.

However, “combat” is a job that is absolutely not tolerant of mistakes. In the face of a sudden assassination, the time of one millisecond is often the distance between life and death.

In fact, it was the stunned god who didn’t arrive in this second that Warrior, who was on the left of Wyan, completely lost the last chance to sound an alarm.

Warrior, who just realized that the enemy was attacking, was worthy of the death of the Dragon Roar Kingdom. After stunned for less than 10% of seconds, he realized that he had made a big mistake. As a cost of making a mistake, he didn’t even have time to scream the alarm.

Therefore, in the end, Warrior who took all on one throw can only choose to burn life like Gru, and then launch Battle Skill with all his strength:

“Formal Level Battle Skill-Charge”!

The Charge speed of the Formal Level powerhouse is more than ten times faster than the speed of sound. Compared with full-strength shouting, the sudden loud noise caused by the sound barrier from instantaneous to breakthrough may be faster, at least this Warrior thinks so.

However, the bricks at the foot of Warrior immediately cracked into powder, and the azure light erupted in Wind Element battle energy impregnated every piece of his armor. It was exposed in this hard-working Warrior green bar, too fast While the explosive battle energy even tore his muscles, the Warrior, which had taken Charge’s 1st Step, was stuck in the air like a freeze.

“No! Move me, move fast Ahhhh”!

The cracking Warrior’s desperate explosive power, the surging battle energy even tore his skin to overflow, time and time again, the Charge Battle Skill, regardless of the cost, exploded and even shook the space on the verge of collapse ………… but! It’s useless.

“Master Level Conjuration Spell-Onidirectional Kinetic Energy Shackles”!

In just 10% of the time in this stunned Warrior, Gru’s Wizard has just been dropped using Double Cast instant kill and a brand new spell has been completed.

In the area enveloped by Onidirectional Kinetic Energy Shackles, whether it is compressed air due to the air waves formed by Warrior Charge, or the fragments of the ground fragmented at a speed that exceeds the speed of the sniper rifle bullets, the most important should be 20 5 The Warrior of Double Speed ​​Charge is transformed into a statue in the invisible energy rune cage. The sound noise and energy fluctuations that were originally enough to spread throughout the city have not even been emitted at all. At this moment, under the shining starlight The World outside the shackles is as peaceful and peaceful as ever. All the quiet nights and the “statues” of the shackles fixed in midair but still full of energy are a sarcastic contrast.

Without giving this Warrior the opportunity and time to break free of the shackles, he had not waited until the miserable green half-energy powder called “Gru” disappeared, and a rather dim but huge glowing light ball directly wrapped the Warrior still frozen in midair. Go in.

Finally, in a silent night, the Warrior also disappeared into ashes forever without leaving any sound.

“Tsk tsk tsk, the current youngster is paralyzed. The more calm and peaceful the environment is, the more likely it is to hide danger. So how can many Warriors who survived on the battlefield not understand?”

In the darkness of night, a playful and hoarse voice passed out.

“In fact, it’s because it’s too long on the battlefield that such a problem occurs. These Warrior always think that the rear of peace is a safe harbor … It’s foolish and ignorant! In this world, there is no place that is” safe “, even This Warrior, which does not understand the truth, is too easy to deal with. “

Under the dim light of the stars, a cold voice responded, but it was different from another person’s playful taunt. This voice is only cold and pale, and it seems to be simply telling a fact, there is no emotional color at all. .

Until now, two completely unexpected strange voices awakened Wyan from emotion, with the slow and poor reaction speed of Wyan Novice Level, until the pile of miserable green powder next to him was blown into his face madly. It reflects the fact that “the enemy is coming”.

In Wyan’s thinking, everything seemed to happen in the blink of an eye. Last second, he also lamented that the prosperous guard of the country suddenly became powder and fly ash completely disappeared.

Are you sad? Are you angry?

of course! Wyan always treats these two loyal guards as brother, sees that the person he is familiar with is still talking and laughing, and the next moment he suddenly abruptly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. At the same time, the two are obviously the initiators. The enemy is still laughing at the dead guard, Wyan only feels a huge rage as if he is going to ignite himself, instantly filling every drop of blood.

If it was Wyan when he was young, he might have drawn his sword and rushed up.

But he is not a young impulsive little devil anymore. Wyan, who has had an adventure, is also ready to die unexplained at any time, and now he is also the deputy governor of Dragon Roar Kingdom. Wyan quickly regains his consciousness immediately. The strong enemy who is coming is resisted by his own impossible. The best choice for this time is to save his life first, and then find a way to leave a useful clue for “His Majesty”.

That ’s right, Wyan knew he would die today, and he was not killed just now that the enemy wanted to obtain intelligence from himself, but he was more worried that the opposite enemy who concealed his breath could instantly kill himself 2 Level 2 The escort, this means that the enemy who is committed is definitely the same level as the “His Majesty” Master Level powerhouse.

“To delay the time as much as possible, His Majesty is proficient in the Destination spell. Maybe he perceives some Duan Rui, even if he can’t survive in the end, he must let” His Majesty “know that there are strong enemies, so he is alert.”

Thinking of this, Wyan forcibly calmed his mind. He confronted the dark raised high hands, and then calmly used the common language of a straight word and said:

“Please pay attention to the words of the two lords. The two kingdom guards you just killed-Gru and Rondo are all loyal warriors who have finally His Majesty the King. Their sacrifice is glorious and sacred. Respecting the enemy is also equivalent to respecting yourself, Your Excellency. Since it is Spellcaster, I still understand this point! “

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