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The cold wind screamed in my ears, and the clouds shone around me, penetrating a layer of a thin cloud screen. In Punk’s eyes, everything on the ground had shrunk incomparably exquisite, and only the Magic Tower beam of light was still radiating straight into the clouds. Bright, the original large area of ​​Gray Pond Swamp looks like a small handkerchief covering the green Mosaic plateau in the sky.

It is quite normal to see such a scene, because Punk is flying above the clouds at 1000 meters high in the sky at this time, but this time he did not simply rely on the spell “out of the wind”, and he was riding a light azure Great Griffin of feathers.

After sorting out Griffin’s feathers, Punk dissatisfied Griffin’s restless soul.

Looking at this Summoned Creature Griffin with a virtual soul, showing his irritated eyes, Punk shook the head helplessly:

“Sure enough, I’m still not good at riding these Summoned Creatures. They seem to be more suitable as war tools than vehicles.”

“The people who invented spell just do n’t know how to enjoy it. Let ’s see what models they like to add to the virtual soul. In addition to all kinds of violent and slaughter instincts, it is a brain of fierce and unafraid of death and perish together. Let me say this spell. Is n’t it fun, is it bad for everyone to develop a spell that can be used for enjoyment? “

The person who took over Punk’s words was no doubt that it was Brachel who flew side by side with Punk.

This guy is currently riding a Griffin, but the Griffin under his butt is not Summoned Creature, but a genuine golden pupil Moyu Griffin.

This Griffin feather looks warm and soft, and the down with a little ink color is more artistic than the pure white. Its flight is neither fast nor slow, 4 flat and 8 stable, so that Brachel can sit on its back. Eat roasted chicken legs while drinking.

According to Brachel, this Griffin’s Bloodline is the purest “ink feather”, and his character is notoriously docile. He spent 30 trade points on the auction to buy this Griffin.

However, no matter how Brachel emphasizes the so-called enjoyment, Punk only feels that this kind of “enjoyment” is simply a waste of time and resources. It took 30 trade points to buy a Griffin with no strength but Novice Level! Only ignorant guys like Brachel can do this kind of thing.

As for Brachel ’s “no one invented to enjoy” spell … Punk would like to tell him that the spells went away during the Netheril period, but they generally have no practical use and no technical content, but they are still engaged in The spell model is very complicated, so it ’s not just the “motivated Spellcaster” including Vedrasia that they disdain as beneath contempt. Even the current Punk is not willing to waste time to learn and use it. Not good at riding!).

Punk very much agrees with Netheril Era ’s Great Arcanist “Far-Space Fire” Hassan ’s sentence: “Only the spell that makes the Wizard stronger is a good spell. all! “

However, Punk didn’t have the intention to argue these things with this fat old man who likes to enjoy. After completely ignoring Brachel’s answer, Punk just injected magic power to strengthen the control of Summoned Griffin.

While not pleased with Griffin’s slow “turtle speed” of only about 3 times the speed of sound, while feeling the instinct of Summoned Griffin’s virtual soul eager to fight, Punk also occasionally watched the tender green fields under the sky as the Small Accomplishment fluffed The velvety cloth slowly faded away, and when the wind blew, he could still smell Brachel’s spicy taste of chicken thighs ……… At this time, Punk couldn’t help but have a helpless question: “How to say it well Has adventure become like this? “

This matter also starts with Punk and Brachel’s cooperation in the mission hall.

In fact, when Brachel made a request to participate in this Dragon Slaying mission without the slightest hesitation at the time, it was at this time that Punk learned that Brachel, the fat old man, was worse than his loss in the black market crash of this time, at least Punk is not a loss or a profit, but Brachel is really accommodating all the family properties.

Brachel, who was poorer than Punk and even owed a foreign debt, had to do the task, but he guessed that 80% of Punk would also choose to use the task to earn trade points, so the fat old man who was afraid of risk came to the task lobby early Waiting for Punk.

It was quite hesitant to “invite” Punk to Brachel’s team.

According to the information leaked by Brachel, the Black Dragon named Owakin Acidmaw is stronger than expected, and since the mission-issued Gioni Zodas has not clearly written out these interests, it shows that he is not the kind of naive and silly Paladin If you think of him as a novice pit of one-brain belief, in the end it may not necessarily be who dies.

To sum up, this Dragon Slaying mission is not the kind of work that goes out and fights and gets paid for work no matter how it looks. Whether it is the goal of the mission, Owakin Acidmaw, or the mission principal, Gioni Zodas, represents an independent kingdom in the Hoss Mountains. There are huge forces and intelligence networks in the region, and a person hastily used to be regarded as a hired thug.

However, if Brachel and Punk team up, the situation is different. After all, whether it is Gioni Zodas or Owakin Acidmaw is only a single Master Level. In the face of 2 Master Level Wizards that both belong to Truth’s Thinking, they will not have the upper hand. .

Already had Punk silently glanced at this smiling fat old man. Although he was very disdain as beneath contempt towards Brachel ’s life, he had to admit that Brachel is now a Level 17 Evocation Specialization Wizard, single comment The arcane magic level is even higher than Punk, so I am afraid that the strength is not a small one!

The most important thing is that Brachel ’s powerful intelligence network that can inquire about the 8 hexagrams of Kirkwellen ’s old lover is what Punk lacks most and needs now. Dry rack!

So after careful consideration, Punk slightly hesitated to agree with Brachel’s invitation to cooperate, and agreed on the spot, trade points and spoils of war adopted the “old method” of 5 to 5, but Brachel’s information must be provided to Punk for free. This point exists as compensation for Brachel ’s last unilateral breach of contract!

That’s what happened with the cooperation. As for why 2 people now ride Griffin to the port city ……… This is because Brachel can’t fly spell.

Do n’t get me wrong, he just does n’t know how to fly a special spell like “Fast Speed”, it ’s not that he ca n’t fly. In fact, Brachel can release “Flame Jet” behind him to achieve the purpose of super high speed flight like Astro, If you look at it from the ground, the “blaze of flame” is absolutely comparable to the Chicasa (sun) of the magnification. The high temperature will burn all flammable items along the way, causing widespread panic and so on is basically inevitable.

No way, in order to take care of Brachel, a strange guy who specializes in Evocation and other spells basically can’t, Punk can only accompany him to sit in Griffin.

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