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The rune drawn by Punk played a role as expected. Although the influence of negative emotions still caused Anya to deeply tight knit in a deep coma, it was always called the negative emotion energy explosion of this time.

The gray black fog technique at first momentum is very violent, they are like a dragon-like whirling dragon swimming continuously on Anya’s body and even Punk’s side, looking for a breakthrough mouth.

But for the success of this time’s “hosting plan”, Punk spent a lot of blood on the laboratory level to arrange several Netheril Era’s powerful Magic. These gray negative emotional energy mists that have no source are finally weak.

In the end, they didn’t all defend against the Magic Breaker method, and they could only collide in vain on the glittering rune chain.

Looking at these gray “fog” wandering snakes, which have only a little power and can consume half the energy of Magic Tower Elemental Pool in a few collisions, Punk unable to bear once again sighed:

“Legend’s power is really incredible. The qualitative leap based on Rule can no longer be compensated by quantity. Even Netheril Era’s Master Level spell, which is specifically used to block energy, is difficult to resist Legend’s trace of energy. Random breakthrough! “

With exclamation, the work in Punk’s hands didn’t stop.

After all, the storage of the negative emotional energy of the strange eyeball is very limited. The negative emotional energy released by its eruption is not too much, but … There is no good way to deal with these negative emotional energy Punk. With the Master Level spell Neither the seal nor the imprisonment can be done. In the end, he can only direct the gray mist into the souls of the Iron-Toothed Black Crow, and then let these negative emotional energies be based on their own “influence on other creatures” characteristics It transforms itself into the most essential ordinary emotions.

The price is-those 5 Iron-Toothed Black Crow oh mad, um, unsaved kind, their soul nature has been directly changed.

“Ai, if these energies can explode in one go, just transfer them to other creatures and save the trouble.”

Watching the Iron-Toothed Black Crow who became silly or violent, Punk sighed heartily.

Of course, such good things are definitely not there.

This burst of negative emotions also consumed a lot of energy stored in strange eyes, but Punk also found out. There are always about ten units of negative emotional energy surrounding the Rule Fragment in the deep of the eye and refuse to leave. These are almost like “attached” the energy on Rule Fragment impossible is directly stripped by Punk. In the face of them, Punk really only has full helpless him.

Anyway, Punk’s current strength is not strong enough. With his Master Level, there is really no other way than using the Anya host or more hosts like Anya to grind by water milling.

The helpless Punk can only obscure the surveillance array obscurely on the strange eye technique, and then carefully “register” it in Anya’s eye socket:

“Little girl, you must live happily and live vigorously, striving for more Annihilation to lose some negative emotional energy before going crazy.”

After glancing at Anya, who was still asleep, with the same eyes as the germinated barley, Punk whispered to himself.

I don’t know when the Alchemy tool in his hand has closed Anya’s head wound. Next a Master Level Evocation spell-“Improved Healing” is released, and Anya’s face will never leave a little scar.

The power level of the weird eyeball itself can circumvent the investigation of the Master Level Divination spell of overwhelming majority, and Punk’s Heitzita Magic Box protects Punk’s “secret mastermind”.

In this way, unless someone grabs Anya to Dissection, otherwise in this world, except Punk, anyone including Anya will not know that her seemingly ordinary right eyeball is no longer “ordinary”.

——–Dividing line—–

A morning has passed and Mira and Chicasa two suns have risen to mid-air.

With the passage of time, the potion effect that Anya took finally finally faded. After Punk used Alchemy spell to extract the last potion left by her within the body, Anya finally opened her eyes confusedly.

“I am … where is it, hiss! It’s so cold”!

Because of the “swirl of smoke” potion, Anya’s consciousness was still a little hazy at this time, and she didn’t remember the fact that she was in Punk’s laboratory.

“Are you awake? Put on your clothes when you are awake. Let’s talk about your next Magic path.”

Just when Anya just felt like she was naked and wanted to exclaim, Punk’s cold tone without a touch of emotion was like cold water pouring down the head to make Anya wake up.

Because the strange eyeball just broke out a round of negative emotional energy and was still dormant, Anya did not feel anything abnormal. After hearing Punk’s order, she sat up and replied almost conditioned reflex:

“I see, Sir Tutor.”

But … Anya apparently forgot that she was not wearing clothes, and her figure that jumped up was really a “spring” ………

Of course, Punk was not interested in Anya’s beauty and figure and the “boring” spring light. After the red-faced Anya was re-dressed, Punk said to Anya at a moderate pace:

“There are Eight Schools in the Wizard. They are Evocation, Conjuration, Enchantment, Alchemy, Divination, Mind, Summoning, Advent, Generally Speaking, Talent. General Wizards will choose to major in one faction, minor in one faction, although your talent is excellent , But I suggest that you still do n’t care about it. It ’s reasonable to choose 2 factions to move forward steadily. ”

Punk’s words at a moderate pace, the words of admonishment also sounded reasonable, but … the tone he used was indeed a command tone, and at least Anya didn’t feel that Punk was consulting himself.

Looking at Punk’s almost unequivocal expression, the wise Anya had to bow her head and replied with respect:

“I see, Sir Tutor.”

“Well, very good, I also found that you have a very good talent in Evocation, I think Evocation is a very good choice, so I suggest you choose Evocation as the major.”

“I see, Sir Tutor.”

“As for minors … an excellent auxiliary faction can give you a lot of help, but your talent is really bad in Divination, and the resources you need for Alchemy are too unbearable, so I suggest you choose Conjuration as a minor.” !

“I see, Sir Tutor.”

“Truth’s thinking’s spell resources are generally very expensive, and … Evocation’s spell is not much fine, I think you better specialize in an element type spell, considering that your physique is too bad ……… Well! Life Element is a good choice. “

“……… Understood, Sir Tutor”!

In this way, Punk blushed and heartlessly described her “destruction” of Anya as her own defect, and at the same time used a serious tone to make the girl obediently walk to the most unsuitable but most convenient for Punk Control and monitor the path of “strange eyeballs”.

Anya, who is just a small Apprentice, is of course impossible to refute Punk’s “suggestions (commands). For Punk’s” Chief-In-Charge “Tutor’s” suggestions, “she can only silently bow her head in agreement.

Thus, the future path of Anya was determined by such unequal questions and answers.

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