You can search for “Netheril’s Glory” ( in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Pa, slap, slap”!

After Punk used the recovery spell to fix his eardrums, the first thing he got into his ear was the unique “oral applause” of projection.

This projection in a large robe is still mechanically applauding while congratulating with a monotonous voice without sincerity:

“Congratulations, successor, you have passed a difficult level again.”

“Don’t say your congratulations, it sounds like there is a strong sense of sarcasm”!

The dust that did not exist on Punk pats stood up. Just now, the clothes on his body changed back to his original equipment in a blink of an eye. The ragged burlap robe was automatically disappeared, and a black pocket with dark red energy rune Hat robe has quietly returned.

The way of changing clothes is still so unpredictable and sudden, but Punk is now mentally prepared for these various “unexpected”, he did not try to make a fuss about nothing to complain, but calm down Organized the edges of his hood to make sure that his pointed ears were completely blocked.

“Out of the curiosity necessary for the successor, I would like to ask, is this thing cultivated by Great Arcanist, I originally thought he was Summoned Creature”!

Punk kicked Soul Shepherd’s body lying on the ground with his delicate leather boots, as if kicking a tattered doll.

This large corpse has lost all its energy support and has turned into a pile of fragile bones. Punk kicked up and even made the sound of “oh la la”.

I have to say that as a relatively rare magical creature, Soul Shepherd has many precious magic materials on her body. For example, these bone powders can be used to refine many advanced Alchemy Potion, and his semi-energetic eye pupil is also a useful magic material. If it were n’t for Punk ’s storage ring, he would definitely collect the corpses on the ground immediately.

But since Soul Shepherd can still leave a body after death, it proves that it is not Summoned Creature from summoned, but a truly complete lifeform.

“Of course this creature is not Summoned Creature, it was transmitted from an Undead Half Plane attached to this ruin.”

The projection’s answer is very as it should be by rights, and every word is full of self-feeling.

But projection’s self-feeling is indeed very good. After all, it was not him who played on the stage. Punk as a party felt bad at the time:

“Damn it … well I got a ghost … I’ll ask first, what is this Undead creature in Half Plane Master Level?”

“Of course, although there is no Legendary Powerhouse in an affiliated Half Plane, there is still a few hundred thousand in Undead of Master Level.”

“… then your Summoning guy must have been carefully selected, right, I can think you are sure that this guy doesn’t have any powerful trump card? Have you considered some unusual situations of battle strength?”

“… It doesn’t matter, I believe you, successor, the help provided in the trial space” theoretically “can deal with all the creatures below Legend”!

“God, 10000. This guy’s strength is higher than your estimate. What if I broke out and was killed by instant kill if I could not hide?”

“Then die, what else can I do?”

“………… what you said make sense I was speechless …”

Punk was able to resist the urge to give Kinetic Energy Cone to this projection. This guy’s test is rigorous. Sure enough, the Great Arcanist was built here to pit people, right?

But now it does n’t mean anything to say that, on the one hand Punk has passed, on the other hand …

“Can the designer of the Great Labyrinth not swell if he doesn’t follow the rules? I am also helpless.”

Looking at the 10000-year-old dead fish face of the projection, Punk was too lazy to argue with this guy. He knew that no matter how ridiculous this damn trial was, he had to go on. Who made this a place for others? That is to say, the generous reward is worthy of comfort!

“It’s very good. Now that I’m recovering, I think we can have the last trial as soon as possible. To be honest, I already miss some delicious fruit pies.”

Punk spread his hands in a irresistible way.

Speaking of the fruit pie, Punk really likes it. As a Half-Ancient Elf, he likes food like fruit. In order to facilitate the snacks, the fruit pie is only one of him spent an hour to learn. “Entertainment project”, now his storage ring still contains several pieces of delicious fruit pie that was released a week ago.

However, the unlucky, Punk’s slightly anticipated fruit pie may be doomed to be far away.

“I don’t know whether the lucky or unfortunate successor, the next trial is a little different from what you think”!

“Not the same? Are you sure it’s just a little bit?”

Hearing the projection ’s answer, Punk could n’t help but eyebrow raised. He did n’t have a hunch about the pit father ’s degree of this Netheril Civilization ruin and so on. Punk could just ascertain this sentence by projection—the next trial Hardship is not difficult to know, but the degree of exoticism is definitely high enough.

The facts gave Punk a calm response-you guessed it right, and there was no reward.

“The next trial is Trial of Will, and you will enter directly into a learned Great Arcanist memory, and then meticulously experience the life course from his birth to fall on the battlefield for a total of 20000 4000 years in the first person state.

But don’t worry, because of the Time Acceleration in memory, the lifespan you actually consume only takes 460 years!

During this period, the knowledge of Great Arcanist “Far-Space Scholar”-Vedrasia Zakas will also be learned by you. At the same time, this knowledge is the inheritance of 1st Stage. “

“That is to say, Trial of Will is included.”

Punk asked.

“Yes, what you have experienced is not just the learning process of a Great Arcanist, but also all the memories, all emotions, through childhood, meticulousness, and everything in this powerhouse’s long life, if you can experience it If an economy that is exactly similar to real life is not lost, it can prove that your will is qualified. “

“So that’s how it is, this is really … difficult test”!

Punk solemnly whispered to himself.

You know, humans are actually fickle creatures. On Earth, they often experience more than ten years of changes in different environments, and a person will become unrecognizable. Those who have dreamed and ended up lost in the mediocrity Where a few.

But now, in the face of a high-level life complete, meticulous, and a life as long as 20000 4000 years, if a creature can still maintain itself, then he can no longer be described by genius, should be called monster Thoroughly monster!

The current situation is that as long as Netheril Civilization is “monster”, the general geniuses are not looked upon by those Great Arcanist. Compared with the last trial, the previous trial is not difficult at all, it can only be said to be “genius” Entry.

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