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Guanghua’s circulation is extremely rapid. At least in Punk’s view, he only experienced less than a second from the beginning of the transmission to being down to earth again. During this period, Punk can be sure that even with the help of system analysis, he still does not perceive Any space fluctuation, it can be seen how high this transmission capability level is.

The light curtain in front of him soon dissipated, and Punk immediately began to collect information about the surrounding environment.

This is a big room, bigger than the football field on Earth. The walls around all are naturally mysterious Legend Alchemy Creation. The room is still quite empty, there is no gas and no water. In addition to the four worn-out lanterns in the four corners of the wall, there are only a few large stones with a metallic luster on the site.

However, because the Alchemy walls in the room shone with a shimmering light, the large “trial field” was not too dim, and a light golden luster could barely illuminate most of the trial field.

While quickly collecting environmental information, Punk also found that his clothes were changed unconsciously. Now the Master Level robe on him, including the storage ring, has disappeared from the Green Staff.

Although Punk was not surprised that the remains of Netheril Civilization could change his clothes under unconsciously, he still hated this harsh and rigid “anti-cheating” method. Know that his Master Level robe even You can’t activate any Attached Spell, and the material is also somewhat tenacious to resist rocket artillery.

“The damn burlap robe has no hood, it’s really cloth saving!”

Punk secretly complained in the heart that his blue hair and pointed ears were rarely covered, which made Punk feel a little unaccustomed.

But now, on the eve of the battle, all the above things were thought over by Punk in a few seconds. Now he is silently looking at his enemy, the tall and thin silhouette standing in the center of the field.

A tall and thin silhouette is floating in the air in a dark and cloaked cloak that looks tattered. His fingers are only three, and each one is a pale skeleton. The face completely covered by a shadow cannot see the face. With expressions, there are only three spooky ghostly eyes staring coldly at the opposite Punk.

Obviously, the enemy that Punk is facing is not human, Punk also knows this kind of creature, it is Undead outright-Soul Shepherd!

This half-soul half-entity monster wanders in the undead Plane all year round. They are usually very good at manipulating Wraith, and can also devour the souls of other creatures to quickly replenish consumption. The name “Soul Shepherd” is therefore derived from it.

These monsters will not have any human wisdom after reaching Formal Level. They all train magic power, but most Soul Shepherd do not use magic power to cast Magic, but choose to concentrate on developing their own Innate Spell. Therefore, overwhelming majority Soul Shepherd is taking the Talent Warlock route (Warlock specializing in Talent skills).

Combining the results of environmental exploration and analysis of biological data such as Soul Shepherd, Punk got a lot of information in less than a second:

“Well, to sum up, I still have 3 advantages.

First: This is not Undead Plane, and there are no undead creatures, so Soul Shepherd’s “Returning Blood to Demon Skill-Soul Devouring” cannot be used.

Second: Soul Shepherd Summoning’s Wraith is generally not flexible enough, so a wide field is suitable for roaming attack tactics.

In the end: as a “learned” Spellcaster, I have a lot of knowledge about Soul Shepherd’s Innate Spell, but he understands what spell I am good at. “

“It looks like the advantage is still great …… big ass! People are a Master Level Soul Shepherd, let your advantage go to hell!”

Punk almost spoke out, just now he got the auxiliary perception result of the system. Standing opposite is a Level 15 Master Level powerhouse who has just stepped into the threshold of Master Level, although Punk ’s Level 14 and Level 15 are only There is a gap in the first level, but this level is a great realm leap. If Punk escapes, he is still a little bit sure, but he wants to use the Magic item to assist the other party ……… This is courting death.

Punk didn’t even have time to swear, he could only sprint away from the side in one side, because he saw a slight glimmer of light on Soul Shepherd’s fingers.

Punk, who has been vigilant for a long time, quickly evaded without thinking. The escape method of “Kinetic Energy Ejection” + “Magic Power Compression” Punk is more and more convenient.

It turns out that Punk’s response was too correct.

Behind him, a dark rays of light almost wiped his back and swept past, and the kinetic energy wrapped around Punk was instantly wiped out by a large chunk.

The silent black rays of light struck out in the air, and the Alchemy floor would of course not be damaged by the attack of trifling Master Level, but the pure negative energy that spilled out had terrifying aura, that The temperature of one piece instantly fell to minus 100 degrees, and Punk, who was still moving at high speed, fought a chill involuntarily.

“Master Level Evocation spell-Negative Energy Finger (Innate Spell version) ………… It must not be hit, as long as you get hit, you will die”!

Punk feels anxiously feeling the bursts of negative energy fluctuations behind him and anxiously came to this conclusion-this is a thorough Master Level spell, which has not been weakened at all, if he accidentally encounters it, it does n’t seem like skeleton does n’t The end of exist!

In the process of running at full speed, Punk also tried to send an ordinary “Kinetic Energy Cone” to Soul Shepherd who had been standing in the center of the “trial field”, but unfortunately, Soul Shepherd had a contemptuous look Instantly Innate Spell blocked Kinetic Energy Cone’s attack.

“Master Level Evocation spell-Negative Energy Protection (Innate Spell version)”.

“Damn it! Ok, I did see the ghost ……… Now how to fight this ghost, if you encounter it, you will die, and the attack is still undefeated. Do you want me to fight with a Master Level Warlock? I bet that one thing Ten me die for energy consumption! “

Even though the calm Punk is also anxious at this time, just now a “Negative Energy Finger” wiped Punk and skipped it. If it wasn’t for the Punk mechanism to lift the “Kinetic Energy Ejection”, his head is now gone!

“How to play this kind of boss, it’s completely open with wood!”

Punk can only deliberately express flustered and exasperated and panic at the moment, as far as possible to confuse Soul Shepherd who doesn’t know whether his scheming is high or not, it is best to keep the contempt of the other party.

Punk has calmed down in his heart, a little anxiety will not affect Punk’s thinking!

“There is definitely a way, Netheril Civilization will not let the successor die unfathomable mystery, the theoretical victory absolutely exists”!

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