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Even in a deep desperate situation, calmness and reason are essential, and Punk has always believed in this.

It has been 5 minutes since Punk entered a mysterious room. Since Magic item is unavailable, he can only give up the idea of ​​trying to use the space channel function of “Anywhere Door” to pass through the wall barrier.

After careful observation, Punk can determine that at least this room has no hidden doors or exits that he can detect and use, and of course there is no material supply.

As for the sturdiness of this room … that was simply crazy and ridiculous.

Punk has gone through many experiments, and even using “Kinetic Energy Cone” + “Magic Power Compression” on a part of the Alchemy wall to carry out a full-strength attack is completely impossible, leaving even a little trace on the wall!

Facts have proved that-using the formal “Sine Kinetic Energy Cone” to destroy the Alchemy wall at the Legend level, it is as ridiculous as the little child trying to pour out the sun with a water gun.

For this Legend-level defense Punk is really lose his temper, people simply stand where they are, and allowing themselves to attack with full force is also impossible to cause a little damage.

“Sure enough, brute force cracking is impossible, although it has been expected …”!

Punk approached a wall while talking to himself. Looking at it from a distance, the four Alchemy walls were all in one piece. The material of the wall radiated a dark gold color. There were no gaps or openings on the smooth and flat wall.

But after approaching the distance, the Punk using “Microscopic Vision” can vaguely see the densely packed energy rune engraved on the wall at the “molecule” level, one after another is slender to the molecular chain level of energy runoff. Flowing, the pale blue rays of light are blooming with a kind of beauty that goes straight to people’s hearts!

These analyzable and non-interfering energies flow along the rune at a completely consistent speed, without any energy spillover, and even the energy fluctuations that Punk can perceive do not exist.

“Energy? Flow?”

Punk is a little strange about the flow of these energies. In fact, he is very puzzled about the room itself. It is certainly purposeful to make such a room by himself, but Punk can’t see any use for this room for the time being.

“Detain the prisoner? Not like it! Store item? Too small”!

Punk finally gave up thinking about the use of this room. Legendary Spellcaster is never short of lunatics and mental illness. They may not need any purpose to build a house. Of course, it is more likely that the magic level of this room is too high. Punk can’t even guess.

I couldn’t think of anything. Punk could only gritt his teeth and cautiously touched a wall with his finger.

According to the analysis of the system, these runes inscribed on the walls are not like defense Enchantment, because the Alchemy wall is not at all converging signs of energy when it is attacked, its defense is almost entirely dependent on the mysterious materials that constitute the wall, of course , Such defensive power is powerful enough.

In Punk’s view, most of these cumbersome and complex runes are more like a highly confidential password. If you want to access the core of the deep password, for Punk, apart from connecting your magic power into it There is no other way.

It is precisely because of this speculation that Punk can only extend the magic power into the rune of the Alchemy wall with the mentality of a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Although this behavior is extremely dangerous, this is the only way Punk can choose at this time. Too.

Anyway, Punk could not accept himself to sit in this small room and wait for his death, otherwise he would become a Level 14 Spellcaster starved to death in the back room ……… even Trelinka’s body just prolonged the process of starvation. Just dozens of times!

Under the control of Punk concentrate attention completely, a trace of magic power stretched out at his white fingertips, and then slowly, cautiously connected to the Alchemy wall.

At the moment when the magic power filament touched the Alchemy wall, the 4 Alchemy walls, as well as the Alchemy ceiling above Punk ’s head and the Alchemy floor under the feet, all lit up instantly. Each and everyone ’s colored light spots appeared on the wall, Punk knew, This is where some Enchantment rune nodes are lit up.

The energy operation on the Alchemy walls is still so methodical, at a moderate pace, but Punk can perceive that under the cover of massive and cumbersome runes, the “cores” that are really hidden within these runes are slowly activated.

Finally, with the rhythm of magical energy, everything in the small room returned to calm again, all the energy nodes each and everyone directly Annihilation was lost, and the magic power connection between Punk and Alchemy walls was silently disconnected.

This mysterious room has once again recovered its silence and indifference, at least on the surface it seems so.

But the gloom on Punk’s face was already disappeared, because he got the result he wanted-now in front of him, a light blue human figure floating quietly in midair.

This light and shadow is just a projection. Its long Wizard robe carries a peculiar mark on the chest, hands are usually inserted in the pockets of the robe, and the face under the hood is faintly discernible.

Although Punk’s strength at this time cannot be traced back to its energy and operating principles, it is still clear about the optical impact of a virtual body on Punk.

But this will never let Punk relax the slightest vigilance, and all the signs can indicate that this projection in front of Punk is not simple, or that everything that appears in this mysterious room will not be simple.

Punk looked at the projection quietly. The translucent pale blue human figure did not seem to have any illusory feeling, but instead had a peculiar texture facing the entity.

Without waiting for Punk to speak first, the projection started to sound.

This is not a sound transmitted by vibration, but a “language” that is directly transmitted to the soul. It is just that Punk sounds like someone talking in the mind because of the habitual factors. Careful judgment will find that this “language” is almost It is appear out of thin air in the soul.

The sound of projection is very cold and monotonous, with neither a tone change nor any emotional component. It sounds like a mechanical sound.

Fortunately, the language is a very standard common language!

“Hello, the successor of Lucky or Unlucky, welcome you to No. 57864128748 Netheril Civilization Inheritance Vestige, I am the manager of this Inheritance Vestige, and it is also the virtual consciousness of computing and processing Inheritance Vestige information.”

“Inheritance Vestige? Netheril Civilization?”?

Punk sharply captured the two most important words in the projection discourse, the inheritance of Netheril Civilization! It sounds like an incredible opportunity, but Punk is not blinded.

He knows that the other party is here to represent this inheritance. It will not be placed in a quiet place. Any creature that comes in can take it away. 80% need to pass some tests and so on to determine whether the inheritance is not the only one that will be leaked to the Gods. Precious inheritance rice bucket.

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